31 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Konflik Kognitif terhadap Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa pada Materi Gerak Parabola

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    The purpose of this research is investigate the effect of cognitive conflict learning strategy on the improvement understanding concept of the students on grade XI SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak. Method of this research was a quasy-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design draft. The research sample by using intact group which class XI MIA 1 as an experimental class and XI MIA 3 as a comparison class. The improvement understanding concept of the students measured by the essay test before and after treatment were seven items. The improvement understanding of the concept could be viewed using the test gain normalized (). The average of understanding the concept of an experimental class students was 0.63 with moderate category while comparison class was 0.27 with a lower category. Based on t-test results obtained tcount (9.842) > ttable (1.665) for a significance level of α = 5%. It showed that there are significant differences in the improvement understanding concept of the students taught by using cognitive conflict learning strategies with the students taught by using conventional learning

    Pengaruh Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to analyze how much influence the use CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and composition) toward essay writing narrative skill of fifth grade students Elementary School 03 Kubu Raya. This research uses experimental methods Quasy type experiment. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of Elementary School 03 Kubu Raya that consists of two classes, namely VB and VC. Samples were students of class VB (experimental class) accounted for 29 students and VC (grade control) accounted for 27 students. Based on the analysis of data obtained by the average post-test control class average of 75,72 and post-test experimental classroom 83.17. The results of hypothesis testing using t-test (polled variant) for the obtained t = 2,95 df = 54 and α = 5% was obtained t_tabel of 1.67 which means t_hitung> t_tabel (2,95>1.67), the Ha received. Thus, it can be concluded that there are influence the use CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and composition) toward essay writing narrative skill of fifth grade students Elementary School 03 Kubu Raya

    Bulk Viscosity of Interacting Hadrons

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    We show that first approximations to the bulk viscosity ηv\eta_v are expressible in terms of factors that depend on the sound speed vsv_s, the enthalpy, and the interaction (elastic and inelastic) cross section. The explicit dependence of ηv\eta_v on the factor (13−vs2)(\frac 13 - v_s^2) is demonstrated in the Chapman-Enskog approximation as well as the variational and relaxation time approaches. The interesting feature of bulk viscosity is that the dominant contributions at a given temperature arise from particles which are neither extremely nonrelativistic nor extremely relativistic. Numerical results for a model binary mixture are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Contribution to Quark Matter 2009, Knoxville, Tennessee, US

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Bandara Ngurah Rai

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan yang diukur berdasarkan bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan, dan empati terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dari Bandara Ngurah Rai yang diukur berdasarkan directly reported satisfaction. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai sumber seperti jurnal, buku. Data primer diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden. Menggunakan teknik convennience sampling, diperoleh jumlah sampel 200 responden. Baik statistik dan analisis deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan, dan empati berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan baik secara individu maupun secara simultan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Bandara Ngurah Rai harus memberikan layanan yang lebih baik khususnya yang terkait dengan keamanan bagi para konsumen, dan memberikan klarifikasi serta menindak lanjuti fenomena keluhan pelanggan yang ada

    Shear Viscosities from the Chapman-Enskog and the Relaxation Time Approaches

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    The interpretation of the measured elliptic and higher order collective flows in heavy-ion collisions in terms of viscous hydrodynamics depends sensitively on the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density. Here we perform a quantitative comparison between the results of shear viscosities from the Chapman-Enskog and relaxation time methods for selected test cases with specified elastic differential cross sections: (i) The non-relativistic, relativistic and ultra-relativistic hard sphere gas with angle and energy independent differential cross section (ii) The Maxwell gas, (iii) chiral pions and (iv) massive pions for which the differential elastic cross section is taken from experiments. Our quantitative results reveal that (i) the extent of agreement (or disagreement) depends sensitively on the energy dependence of the differential cross sections employed, and (ii) stress the need to perform quantum molecular dynamical (URQMD) simulations that employ Green-Kubo techniques with similar cross sections to validate the codes employed and to test the accuracy of other methods.Comment: To be submitted to PR

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Terintegrasi dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran pada Smk Jurusan Bangunan di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    The purposes of this research are to (1) identify the character values which are developed and integratedin the learning process, (2) reveal teachers' learning strategy and its evaluation in integrating character values inthe learning process, and (3) identify the obstacels among vocational high school teachers of Building departmentin integrating character values.This study belongs to descriptive-evaluative research which was conducted through 8 state vocational highschools of Building department in Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research was under the umbrella theme from3 studies of the students of Civil Engineering Education and Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering UNY.The research participants were the teachers who taught the subjects of normative skills, vocational theory, andvocational practicum in Building Department of Vocational High Schools. Data collection techniques were usingquestionnaire, interview and documentation. Instrument validation was conducted by content validation. Dataanalysis technique was using descriptive analysis for both quantitative and qualitative method.The result of the research showed that (1) character values was developed differently through integrationthe learning process in the subjects of normative skills, vocational theory, and vocational practicum but most ofthem were not written in syllabus or lesson plan, (2) most of the learning strategies were generally conventionalones, which were not not written in syllabus or lesson plan as well as in the learning scenario, (3) the evaluationof character education was the weakest aspect from the implementation of integrated character education onlearning process because it had not conducted appropriately yet with the integrated character values, and (4) theteacher obstacles in implementing integrated character values were especially related to the teachers' low abilityin designing, implementing, and evaluating the learning process of developed cha

    Eco Splash-tank, Penyiram Pupuk Cair Dengan Sumber Solar Cell Sebagai Solusi Pemupukan Tanaman Melon

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    The process of exhausting long melon cultivation is one of the rarity factor farmers grow the The long and exhausting process in melon cultivation is one of factor the farmer rarity to grow up the fruit. The liquid fertilization is done once per 2/3 days. And the spraying can reach up to 23 time until the harvesting. Not maximum liquid fertilization will take longer time and more draining. Thats way, it needs a technology which can solve both these problems in one tool. This tool is called eco splash tank. This tank can also used in remote area without electricity because it is equipped by solar panels for energy source. the one wheel using for design makes the eco splash tank has capacity 30 L and strong. The result for a single full charge can be turned on and pump for 8 hrs. and the charging time for solar panels to accu until full is 9,5 hrs. in a pilot watering can be done up to 30 plants/minute and spray up to 27 plants/minute. It increases from 20 plants/minute(watering) and 17 plants/minute (spraying). In addition the functional benefits are felt by farmers. Because they don\u27t need to hold, pump, and by the fuel. furthermore the design of eco splash tank will be developped for agricultural crops and then RAMP Technopreneurship, patent, and a list of 107 Innovation