13,291 research outputs found

    Perceived risk and sensitive data on mobile devices

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    This paper reports on a survey to investigate the behaviour and assumptions of smartphone users, with reference to the security practices adopted by such users. The primary objective was to shed light on the level of information security awareness in smartphone users and determine the extent of sensitive information such users typically hold on these mobile devices

    Development of reclaimed potable water quality criteria

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    In order to minimize launch requirements necessary to meet the demands of long-term spaceflight, NASA will reuse water reclaimed from various on-board sources including urine, feces, wash water and humidity condensate. Development of reclamation systems requires the promulgation of water quality standards for potable reuse of the reclaimed water. Existing standards for domestic U.S. potable water consumption were developed, but do not consider the peculiar problems associated with the potable reuse of recycled water. An effort was made to: (1) define a protocol by which comprehensive reclaimed water potability/palatability criteria can be established and updated; and (2) continue the effort to characterize the organic content of reclaimed water in the Regenerative Life Support Evaluation

    Temporal and spectral features of an intense auroral zone X-ray event in the 4-5 second period range

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    Temporal and spectral features of intense auroral zone X-ray event in 4 to 5 second period range - electron precipitatio

    Pilot dynamic response to sudden flight control system failures and implications for design

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    Pilot dynamic response to sudden flight control system failure

    Mobile Gamma Spectrometry Survey of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, 17th-19th August 2009

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    <p>Environmental radioactivity arises from natural geological sources, the redistribution of natural activity through industrial processes, the nuclear industry including routine and accidental discharges into the environment, and various medical or industrial uses of radioisotopes. Mobile gamma spectrometry provides a powerful means of measuring the distribution of radioactivity in the environment. Data collected by such methods provide measures of environmental quality, references for public health assurance, means to assess environmental change, and other uses. Airborne Gamma Spectrometry (AGS) has been developed at SUERC for environmental purposes since 1988, and provides a capability for very rapid and cost effective surveys of large areas, and provides for visualisation and classification of enhanced features of radioactivity within the context of natural variations. Ground based approaches, with equipment mounted on vehicles or backpacks, provide more detailed spatial resolution for smaller areas at significantly reduced area coverage rates.</p> <p>A portable gamma spectrometry system has been developed at SUERC, consisting of a 3x3ā€ NaI(Tl) detector with a digital spectrometer and GPS receiver using a netbook computer for data acquisition. This system can be carried as a backpack and used to conduct surveys of environmental radioactivity in urban areas, where people spend their time.</p> <p>Detector backgrounds and stripping matrices have been measured. A survey of approximately 50,000 m2 of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park (SETP) has been conducted with two detector systems. The SETP is on the site of the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) established in East Kilbride in 1948, and acquired by Scottish Enterprise in 1994. In recent years there has been an ongoing programme of renovation on the site, including demolition of old buildings and new construction along with landscaping operations.</p> This report presents the results of initial detector characterisation and the survey of part of the SETP site. Detector stripping matrices were determined from measurements made on the 18th August 2009, with background measurements on Loch Lomond collected on the 28th. The site survey was conducted between 17th and 19th August 2009, with over 4600 spectra with 10s integration time collected. Maps of the distribution of 137Cs, 40K, 214Bi, 208Tl and gamma dose rate were produced. The 137Cs activity clearly shows areas undisturbed since 1986, with fallout from the Chernobyl accident still present on the grass. The footprint of the demolished research reactor at SUERC is evident as a negative feature in the 137Cs map. The natural series activities and gamma dose rate show the range of materials used for building and road construction, including one small area of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM), and the local geology and soils. This demonstrates the capability of the SUERC portable gamma spectrometry system to collect high quality data of an area with a complex history, land use and range of buildings. Further application of the technique to other urban areas, and the rest of the SETP site, would allow similar assessments of the radiation environments of a range of different locations

    Examining the importance of Aberdeenshire (UK) coastal waters for North Sea bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates)

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    Using land- and vessel-based surveys, data on the relative abundance, distribution and habitat use of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Aberdeenshire waters were collected between 1999 and 2001. Bottlenose dolphins were present throughout the year, with peak abundance during the months of March to May. The occurrence of calves was seasonal, With the proportion of calves highest during the spring months. Foraging behaviour was recorded mainly in the vicinity of Aberdeen harbour. Dolphins photographed in Aberdeenshire waters were successfully matched and confirmed as Moray Firth animals. The results of the present study suggest that Moray Firth bottlenose dolphins utilize Aberdeenshire waters more frequently than previously reported. Aberdeen harbour is apparently an important feeding area, and Aberdeenshire waters are regularly used by another-calf pairs. This has important management implications since this area of coastline does not currently form part of the designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for this population

    Metatheoretic Results for a Non-Transitive Logic

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    This is a companion to ā€˜A Robustly Non-Transitive Logicā€™, Topoi 2013, which focuses mainly on the details of the metatheory for the logic advocated there; it can be read independently of that article

    Evolution and diversity of secretome genes in the apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata

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    <b>BACKGROUND</b>: Little is known about how apicomplexan parasites have evolved to infect different host species and cell types. Theileria annulata and Theileria parva invade and transform bovine leukocytes but each species favours a different host cell lineage. Parasite-encoded proteins secreted from the intracellular macroschizont stage within the leukocyte represent a critical interface between host and pathogen systems. Genome sequencing has revealed that several Theileria-specific gene families encoding secreted proteins are positively selected at the inter-species level, indicating diversification between the species. We extend this analysis to the intra-species level, focusing on allelic diversity of two major secretome families. These families represent a well-characterised group of genes implicated in control of the host cell phenotype and a gene family of unknown function. To gain further insight into their evolution and function, this study investigates whether representative genes of these two families are diversifying or constrained within the T. annulata population. <b>RESULTS</b>: Strong evidence is provided that the sub-telomerically encoded SVSP family and the host-nucleus targeted TashAT family have evolved under contrasting pressures within natural T. annulata populations. SVSP genes were found to possess atypical codon usage and be evolving neutrally, with high levels of nucleotide substitutions and multiple indels. No evidence of geographical sub-structuring of allelic sequences was found. In contrast, TashAT family genes, implicated in control of host cell gene expression, are strongly conserved at the protein level and geographically sub-structured allelic sequences were identified among Tunisian and Turkish isolates. Although different copy numbers of DNA binding motifs were identified in alleles of TashAT proteins, motif periodicity was strongly maintained, implying conserved functional activity of these sites. <b>CONCLUSIONS</b>: This analysis provides evidence that two distinct secretome genes families have evolved under contrasting selective pressures. The data supports current hypotheses regarding the biological role of TashAT family proteins in the management of host cell phenotype that may have evolved to allow adaptation of T. annulata to a specific host cell lineage. We provide new evidence of extensive allelic diversity in representative members of the enigmatic SVSP gene family, which supports a putative role for the encoded products in subversion of the host immune response

    Empirical relationships between health literacy and treatment decision making : A scoping review of the literature

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    Copyright Ā© 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements This research was supported by a Joseph Armand Bombardier Doctoral Scholarship awarded to Leslie J. Malloy-Weir by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The authors would like to thank Maureen Rice for her help with the literature search strategy and Dr. Malcolm Weir for his help with the relevance screening.Peer reviewedPostprin
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