643 research outputs found

    A Resource Framework for Quantum Shannon Theory

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    Quantum Shannon theory is loosely defined as a collection of coding theorems, such as classical and quantum source compression, noisy channel coding theorems, entanglement distillation, etc., which characterize asymptotic properties of quantum and classical channels and states. In this paper we advocate a unified approach to an important class of problems in quantum Shannon theory, consisting of those that are bipartite, unidirectional and memoryless. We formalize two principles that have long been tacitly understood. First, we describe how the Church of the larger Hilbert space allows us to move flexibly between states, channels, ensembles and their purifications. Second, we introduce finite and asymptotic (quantum) information processing resources as the basic objects of quantum Shannon theory and recast the protocols used in direct coding theorems as inequalities between resources. We develop the rules of a resource calculus which allows us to manipulate and combine resource inequalities. This framework simplifies many coding theorem proofs and provides structural insights into the logical dependencies among coding theorems. We review the above-mentioned basic coding results and show how a subset of them can be unified into a family of related resource inequalities. Finally, we use this family to find optimal trade-off curves for all protocols involving one noisy quantum resource and two noiseless ones.Comment: 60 page

    A family of quantum protocols

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    We introduce two dual, purely quantum protocols: for entanglement distillation assisted by quantum communication (``mother'' protocol) and for entanglement assisted quantum communication (``father'' protocol). We show how a large class of ``children'' protocols (including many previously known ones) can be derived from the two by direct application of teleportation or super-dense coding. Furthermore, the parent may be recovered from most of the children protocols by making them ``coherent''. We also summarize the various resource trade-offs these protocols give rise to.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    How robust is a quantum gate in the presence of noise?

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    We define several quantitative measures of the robustness of a quantum gate against noise. Exact analytic expressions for the robustness against depolarizing noise are obtained for all unitary quantum gates, and it is found that the controlled-not is the most robust two-qubit quantum gate, in the sense that it is the quantum gate which can tolerate the most depolarizing noise and still generate entanglement. Our results enable us to place several analytic upper bounds on the value of the threshold for quantum computation, with the best bound in the most pessimistic error model being 0.5.Comment: 14 page

    On the capacities of bipartite Hamiltonians and unitary gates

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    We consider interactions as bidirectional channels. We investigate the capacities for interaction Hamiltonians and nonlocal unitary gates to generate entanglement and transmit classical information. We give analytic expressions for the entanglement generating capacity and entanglement-assisted one-way classical communication capacity of interactions, and show that these quantities are additive, so that the asymptotic capacities equal the corresponding 1-shot capacities. We give general bounds on other capacities, discuss some examples, and conclude with some open questions.Comment: V3: extensively rewritten. V4: a mistaken reference to a conjecture by Kraus and Cirac [quant-ph/0011050] removed and a mistake in the order of authors in Ref. [53] correcte

    Random and free observables saturate the Tsirelson bound for CHSH inequality

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    Maximal violation of the CHSH-Bell inequality is usually said to be a feature of anticommuting observables. In this work we show that even random observables exhibit near-maximal violations of the CHSH-Bell inequality. To do this, we use the tools of free probability theory to analyze the commutators of large random matrices. Along the way, we introduce the notion of "free observables" which can be thought of as infinite-dimensional operators that reproduce the statistics of random matrices as their dimension tends towards infinity. We also study the fine-grained uncertainty of a sequence of free or random observables, and use this to construct a steering inequality with a large violation

    Property testing of unitary operators

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    In this paper, we systematically study property testing of unitary operators. We first introduce a distance measure that reflects the average difference between unitary operators. Then we show that, with respect to this distance measure, the orthogonal group, quantum juntas (i.e. unitary operators that only nontrivially act on a few qubits of the system) and Clifford group can be all efficiently tested. In fact, their testing algorithms have query complexities independent of the system's size and have only one-sided error. Then we give an algorithm that tests any finite subset of the unitary group, and demonstrate an application of this algorithm to the permutation group. This algorithm also has one-sided error and polynomial query complexity, but it is unknown whether it can be efficiently implemented in general

    Two-way quantum communication channels

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    We consider communication between two parties using a bipartite quantum operation, which constitutes the most general quantum mechanical model of two-party communication. We primarily focus on the simultaneous forward and backward communication of classical messages. For the case in which the two parties share unlimited prior entanglement, we give inner and outer bounds on the achievable rate region that generalize classical results due to Shannon. In particular, using a protocol of Bennett, Harrow, Leung, and Smolin, we give a one-shot expression in terms of the Holevo information for the entanglement-assisted one-way capacity of a two-way quantum channel. As applications, we rederive two known additivity results for one-way channel capacities: the entanglement-assisted capacity of a general one-way channel, and the unassisted capacity of an entanglement-breaking one-way channel.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure