3 research outputs found
Numerical simulation of flow within a storage area of HDPE modular pavement
The development of stromwater management usually promote to provide the safe passage of stromwater. However physical modelling need expensive laboratory experiments. Due to that this numerical study is performed to study the flow within storage area of HDPE modular pavement. This paper studied and compared the infiltration rate of diagonal modular and conventional pavement (control), determined the velocity magnitude and pressure of modular pavement at various rainfall intensities. FLOW-3D was used to run a simulation on a porous media flow model using the Navier-Stokes equation. Real rainfall data of Malaysia was used as the model inputs to get better analysis of pavement design. The present findings showed that storage area modular pavement has lower fraction of fluid than control, which means that it has greater holding capacity and capable to capture all the rainfall volume from 5mm/h to 85mm/h. Besides, rainfall intensity has a strong influence on velocity magnitude and pressure. The HDPE diagonal modular pavement strong enough to sustain with an increasing of velocity magnitude and pressure during extreme rainfall. Therefore, HDPE modular pavement indicates a better water interception capacity than conventional pavement. FLOW-3D helps the critical analysis of pavement design process and useful as supplementary tool
Development of rainfall-runoff modelling using the HEC-HMS at the catchment of Kelantan River, Malaysia
The simulation of rainfall-runoff is important to be analysed at the Kelantan River catchment as flood is one of the common natural disasters in Kelantan. Sustainable water management in this region is only feasible following the availability of reliable information on the rainfall-runoff and other hydrological determinants that affect the water system. This study aims to evaluate the effects of extreme rainfall on the runoff at the catchment of the Kelantan River where recurrent floods have been occurring since 1988 to 2019. The study employs the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) integrated with the Hydrologic Engineering Center-Hydrologic Modelling Systems (HEC-HMS) to delineate the catchment line and simulate the river discharge. The observed discharge is used during the calibration and validation process to evaluate the performance of the integrated model. The model performed satisfactorily by obtained R2 with the range of 0.80-0.97 and 0.64-0.93 in each sub-catchment during the calibration and validation period. The finding indicates that the developed HEC-HMS model has the ability to simulate event-based runoff
Relationship between WQI, heavy metal and sedimentation in Sg Kenau, Kuantan, Pahang using WQ-HeMeS Model
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between water quality of river with heavy metal and sediment content in Sungai Kenau at Pahang using new developed model named WQ-HeMeS. Through this study, water quality has been analysed by using Water Quality Index (WQI) & National Water Quality Standard for Malaysia (NWQS). Water quality of river in Sungai Kenau have been observed by several test which are Dissolve Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Total Suspended Solid, Phosphorus and Nitrogen as Nitrate. Meanwhile, the sedimentation rate was determine using Schoklistch method and Duboy method. There are 2 condition for heavy metal considered in the analysis which are heavy metal in water and heavy metal in sediment. Heavy metal in water was tested using laboratory tools named as Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) while heavy metal in sediment have been determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The classification of heavy metal in water have been done based on NWQS meanwhile heavy metal in sediment were observed based on Index of Geo-Accumulation and Metal Contamination Factor. After collecting all result from lab testing, the the relationship of water quality, sedimentation rate and heavy metal rate both in water and sediment was determine using generated model. Based on Malaysia WQI Standard, the result shown that water in Sungai Kenau is classified as Class I which means as for water supply, there are no treatment is necessary