32 research outputs found

    Late Devonian (Frasnian) Asteropygine trilobites from the Frasnes area, southern border of Dinant synclinorium, Belgium

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    The Frasnian representatives of Asteropyginae in the Frasnes area (south Belgium) have long been relatively well-documented when compared to other trilobites in the Devonian of the Ardennes (Belgium, northern France). However, examination of the type material and new collecting by the authors indicate that a taxonomic review has become necessary. Two new species of Bradocryphaeus are recorded, B. vanherlei sp. nov. and B. neptuni sp. nov.; one additional species, B. sp. 20, is known from the pygidium alone. New material is recorded of Bradocryphaeus maillieuxi (Richter & Richter), which has hitherto been scantily illustrated in the literature. The cephalon of Heliopyge helios (Richter & Richter) is redescribed on the basis of new specimens and its holotype pygidium refigured

    Acute and delayed mild coagulopathy are related to outcome in patients with isolated traumatic brain injury

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    INTRODUCTION: The relationship between isolated traumatic brain injury (TBI) associated coagulopathy and patient prognosis frequently lacks information regarding the time course of coagulation disorders throughout the post-traumatic period. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence and time course of post-traumatic coagulopathy in patients with isolated TBI and the relationship of these hemostatic disorders with outcome. METHODS: The local Human Subjects Committee approved the study. We retrospectively studied the medical records of computed tomography (CT)-confirmed isolated TBI patients with an extracranial abbreviated injury scale (AIS) <3 who were primarily referred to a Level 1 trauma centre in Amsterdam (n = 107). Hemostatic parameters including activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin time (PT), platelet count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, glucose, pH and lactate levels were recorded throughout a 72-hour period as part of a routine standardized follow-up of TBI. Coagulopathy was defined as a aPPT >40 seconds and/or a PTT in International Normalized Ratio (INR) >1.2 and/or a platelet count <120*10(9)/l. RESULTS: Patients were mostly male, aged 48 ± 20 years with a median injury severity score of 25 (range 20 to 25). Early coagulopathy as diagnosed in the emergency department (ED) occurred in 24% of all patients. The occurrence of TBI-related coagulopathy increased to 54% in the first 24 hours post-trauma. In addition to an increased age and disturbed pupillary reflex, both coagulopathy upon ED arrival and during the first 24 hours post-trauma provided an independent prognostic factor for unfavorable outcome (odds ratio (OR) 3.75 (95% CI 1.07 to 12.51; P = 0.04) and OR 11.61 (2.79 to 48.34); P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms a high prevalence of early and delayed coagulopathy in patients with isolated TBI, which is strongly associated with an unfavorable outcome. These data support close monitoring of hemostasis after TBI and indicate that correction of coagulation disturbances might need to be considered

    New data on occurrences of the Devonian rugose coral Calceola in Belgium

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    Opercula and corallites of Calceola sandalina from the late Eifelian and early Givetian (Middle Devonian) Hanonet Formation of Belgium are illustrated. The few previous illustrations of calceoloid corals from the Devonian of Belgium did not include opercula showing the generically diagnostic morphological features, so for the first time the presence of the genus and species in Belgium is confirmed. One important corallite shows the alar septum and insertion of septa on the external surface of the counter face adjacent to the alar septum

    Archeologische en bouwhistorische waarneming Kasteel de Keverberg in Kessel, gemeente Peel en Maas

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    Naar aanleiding van graafwerkzaamheden op kasteel de Keverberg in Kessel, gemeente Peel en Maas, is hier in opdracht van Stichting Behoud de Keverberg op 18 april 2019 een archeologische en bouwhistorische waarneming verricht. Deze onderzoeken hadden als doel om de datering en functie van in het kasteel aangetroffen muurwerk te duiden. Uit het bouwhistorisch onderzoek bleek dat de kuil in een gemetselde ‘bak’ was uitgegraven, en dat de ligging van deze ‘bak’ werd aangegeven in de keldervloer met de bakstenen die hier op z’n plat waren gelegd, zie verder. Tijdens de archeologische waarneming zijn beide bodemprofielen aan de kopse zijden van de kuil gedocumenteerd. De in de kelder aangetroffen gemetselde bak (doorsnede 100 cm x 75 cm, 85 cm diep) is niet eenduidig te interpreteren. De bak is in ieder geval ten dele voorzien van een bakstenen vloer. Mogelijk heeft deze een functie gehad voor opslag van etenswaren of steenkolen

    Reanimatie na trauma

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    - Recent literature shows increased survival for patients with traumatic cardiac arrest.- An early and aggressive approach to underlying causes and good integrated trauma care are probably responsible for this.- The new resuscitation guideline of the European Resuscitation Council emphasises that treatment of the underlying cause deserves more priority than performing chest compressions.- In addition to a structured approach with interventions focused on the causes of the arrest, standard operating procedures and protocols, regular scenario training and clinical governance are vital to improve survival chances for these patient