177 research outputs found
Optical Absorption and Raman Spectroscopy Study of the Fluorinated Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Double-wall carbon nanotube (DWNT) samples have been fluorinated at room temperature with varied concentration of a fluorinating agent BrF3. Content of the products estimated from X-ray photoelectron data was equal to CF0.20 and CF0.29 in the case of deficit and excess of BrF3. Raman spectroscopy showed considerable decrease of carbon nanotube amount in the fluorinated samples. Analysis of optical absorption spectra measured for pristine and fluorinated DWNT samples revealed a selectivity of carbon nanotube fluorination. Nanotubes with large chiral angle are more inert to the fluorinating agent used
A new mechanism for electron spin echo envelope modulation
Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) has been observed for the
first time from a coupled hetero-spin pair of electron and nucleus in liquid
solution. Previously, modulation effects in spin echo experiments have only
been described in liquid solutions for a coupled pair of homonuclear spins in
NMR or a pair of resonant electron spins in EPR. We observe low-frequency ESEEM
(26 and 52 kHz) due to a new mechanism present for any electron spin with S>1/2
that is hyperfine coupled to a nuclear spin. In our case these are electron
spin (S=3/2) and nuclear spin (I=1) in the endohedral fullerene N@C60. The
modulation is shown to arise from second order effects in the isotropic
hyperfine coupling of an electron and 14N nucleus.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia from 2004 to 2018 amounted to 0.63 per 100 000 people per year. The prevalence of chronic myeloid leukemia over the past 15 years has increased from 1.88 to 7.02 case per 100 000 people. We have analyzed the therapy outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia of patients, received imatinib treatment for more than 12 month (165 patients). Complete hematologic response is attained in 88.5 % cases (146 patients), complete cytogenetic response (CCR) (ph+<0 %) – in 72.1 % cases (119 patients), major molecular response (MMR) – in 50.3 % cases (83 patients). The primary resistance to imatinib is observed in 21.8 % cases (36 patients), secondary – in 6.1 % cases (10 patients – 7 patients have lost the complete hematologic response and CCR and 3 patients have lost the CCR and MMR). The thirteen patients of those, who have primary or secondary resistance to imatinib have been treated with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (nilotinib, dasatinib) and in 93,3 % cases (14 patients) CCR have been obtained, 10 patients (66.7 %) have attained the CCR and 9 patients (60 %) have achieved MMR. Among all those patients treated with I and II generations tyrosine kinase inhibitors, we have carried out the overall survival (OS) analysis and obtained following results: the median of OS have not been achieved, 5-year OS rate is estimated as 90 %, 10-year OS rate – more than 77 %, calculated 15-year OS – more than 60 %
Влияние отжига на недиагональный магнитоимпеданс в аморфных проводах
Magnetoimpedance (MI) effect in amorphous ferromagnetic microwires represents is the ideal base for sensing technology and is currently used to develop high sensitive sensors of weak magnetic fields with a resolution up to few micro−Oersteds. The effect of heat treatment on off−diagonal MI in glass coated ferromagnetic amorphous microwires has been studied in order to improve MI sensitivity and temperature stability. We have shown the dependence of sensor signal on temperature. The wires had Co−based composition and internal stress induced helical or circumferential anisotropy. We have demonstrated that annealing of the entire sensing element including the electric contacts and the detection coil may improve the sensitivity of the output signal to an external magnetic field by about 25% and decrease its temperature sensitivity almost twofold in the −30…+80 °C range. These improvements require strict control of the annealing parameters. The best results are obtained for annealing at 160 °C for 2−3 minutes. The experimentally observed changes are related with stress relaxation during annealing; in particular; relaxation of the stresses occurring during solidification due to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of the metal core and the glass sheet.Магнитоимпедансный эффект в ферромагнитных аморфных микропроводах является идеальной основой для разработки высокочувствительных сенсоров слабых магнитных полей с разрешением до нескольких микроэрстед. Приведены результаты исследования температурной зависимости сигнала датчиков с магниточувствительным элементом на основе аморфных кобальт−содержащих микропроводов с геликоидальной магнитной анизотропией. Также рассмотрено и влияние температурной обработки на недиагональный магнитоимпеданс (МИ) в них. Установлено; что определенные режимы отжига МИ−датчиков; включающих микро-провод с электрическими контактами и детектирующую катушку; увеличивают чувствительность выходного сигнала к осевому внешнему магнитному полю и уменьшают его зависимость от температуры. В процессе изучения данного явления была разработана методика термической обработки датчиков на основе аморфных микропроводов и проведено исследование влияния режимов отжига на чувствительность и температурную стабильность недиагонального магнитоимпеданса в микропроводах. После проведения термообработки при температуре отжига 160 °С в течение 2—3 мин наблюдали увеличение чувствительности датчиков к осевому внешнему полю на 25 % и снижение зависимости сигнала от температуры почти в 2 раза. Эти изменения связаны с релаксацией внутренних напряжений; которые определяют эффективную магнитную анизотропию аморфного МИ−провода
The aim of the study was to analyze the early and late outcomes of pediatric liver transplantation (LTx) program in the Novosibirsk region. Material and Methods. The retrospective study included 24 patients aged 72 ± 74.8 months (from 4 to 212 months, median – 20 months) with a body weight of 21.7 ± 18.1 kg (from 4.5 to 55 kg, median – 12.5 kg). Two (8.3 %) cadaveric whole liver grafts, 19 (79.2 %) living donor liver grafts, and 3 (12.5 %) cadaveric liver fragments (reduced-size or split-liver) were transplanted. Results. The features of vascular and biliary reconstruction in different types of LTx are discussed. The incidence of vascular and biliary complications was 8.3 and 20.8%, respectively. The patients stayed in the intensive care unit for 9 ± 5.1 days (from 4 to 22 days, median 8 days) and total length of hospital stay was for 40 ± 25.4 days (from 19 to 136 days, median 32 days). Two (8.3 %) recipients had early graft dysfunction. Perioperative mortality (up to 90 days) was absent. The overall 5-year patient and graft survival rates were 95 and 88 %, respectively. Conclusion. The Novosibirsk region has a pediatric LTx program with outcomes comparable to the data of the leading world and Russian centers
Ferromagnetic resonance study of thin film antidot arrays: Experiment and micromagnetic simulations
The dynamic magnetic properties of two-dimensional periodic Co antidot arrays were studied by X-band ferromagnetic resonance. The experimental results on geometrically scaled antidot arrays reveal a strong attenuation of the uniform ferromagnetic resonance mode in comparison to a continuous film, but an excitation of nonuniform in-plane spin-wave modes. Micromagnetic finite-element simulations show that the static magnetic structure in an antidot array depends on the direction of the external field with respect to the symmetry axes of the antidot lattice, even if the external field is strong enough to enforce a technically saturated magnetization state. The analysis gives evidence that characteristic inhomogeneities in the magnetization distribution around the antidots give rise to the changes of the resonance modes with the in-plane direction of the magnetization
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