613 research outputs found

    Curie law, entropy excess, and superconductivity in heavy fermion metals and other strongly interacting Fermi liquids

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    Low-temperature thermodynamic properties of strongly interacting Fermi liquids with fermion condensate are investigated. We demonstrate that the spin susceptibility of these systems exhibits the Curie-Weiss law, and the entropy contains a temperature-independent term. The excessive entropy is released at the superconducting transition, enhancing the specific heat jump Delta C and rendering it proportional to the effective Curie constant. The theoretical results are favorably compared with the experimental data on the heavy fermion metal CeCoIn5, as well as He-3 films.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. V.2: a reference added; minor changes as in the published versio

    Ward Identities and chiral anomalies for coupled fermionic chains

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    Coupled fermionic chains are usually described by an effective model written in terms of bonding and anti-bonding spinless fields with linear dispersion in the vicinities of the respective Fermi points. We derive for the first time exact Ward Identities (WI) for this model, proving the existence of chiral anomalies which verify the Adler-Bardeen non-renormalization property. Such WI are expected to play a crucial role in the understanding of the thermodynamic properties of the system. Our results are non-perturbative and are obtained analyzing Grassmann functional integrals by means of Constructive Quantum Field Theory methods.Comment: TeX file, 26 pages, 7 figures. Published version, new section added to answer referee remarks and derive the Ward Identites, no modifications in the main resul

    Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior from the Fermi-Liquid Approach

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    Non-Fermi liquid behavior of strongly correlated Fermi systems is derived within the Landau approach. We attribute this behavior to a phase transition associated with a rearrangement of the Landau state that leads to flattening of a portion of the single-particle spectrum ϵ(p)\epsilon({\bf p}) in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. We demonstrate that the quasiparticle subsystem responsible for the flat spectrum possesses the same thermodynamic properties as a gas of localized spins. Theoretical results compare favorably with available experimental data. While departing radically from prevalent views on the origin of non-Fermi-liquid behavior, the theory advanced here is nevertheless a conservative one of in continuing to operate within the general framework of Landau theory.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, corrected list of author

    Dispersion Instability in Strongly Interacting Electron Liquids

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    We show that the low-density strongly interacting electron liquid, interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction, could develop a dispersion instability at a critical density associated with the approximate flattening of the quasiparticle energy dispersion. At the critical density the quasiparticle effective mass diverges at the Fermi surface, but the signature of this Fermi surface instability manifests itself away from the Fermi momentum at higher densities. For densities below the critical density the system is unstable since the quasiparticle velocity becomes negative. We show that one physical mechanism underlying the dispersion instability is the emission of soft plasmons by the quasiparticles. The dispersion instability occurs both in two and three dimensional electron liquids. We discuss the implications of the dispersion instability for experiments at low electron densities.Comment: Accepted version for publicatio

    Conversion of terahertz wave polarization at the boundary of a layered superconductor due to the resonance excitation of oblique surface waves

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    We predict a complete TM-TE transformation of the polarization of terahertz electromagnetic waves reflected from a strongly anisotropic boundary of a layered superconductor. We consider the case when the wave is incident on the superconductor from a dielectric prism separated from the sample by a thin vacuum gap. The physical origin of the predicted phenomenon is similar to the Wood anomalies known in optics, and is related to the resonance excitation of the oblique surface waves. We also discuss the dispersion relation for these waves, propagating along the boundary of the superconductor at some angle with respect to the anisotropy axis, as well as their excitation by the attenuated-total-reflection method.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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