8 research outputs found

    Исследование способов склонения при формировании облика беспилотного летательного аппарата с вертикальным стартом

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    The problem of choosing a rational declination system from alternative variants at the stage of forming the appearance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a vertical launch is considered. Currently, the vertical launch is becoming more widely used for surface-to-air unmanned aerial vehicles, which are considered in this paper. A characteristic initial part of the trajectory of such unmanned aerial vehicles is the declination to the required angular position over a short period of time. The UAV declination process requires the generation of relatively large control moments. Declination of surface-to-air UAVs is implemented by means of moment gas-dynamic control with two main methods – by using the thrust vector control system of the UAV main jet engine or by using special additional gas-dynamic devices. The alternative variants of declination systems for solving the problem under consideration are:– a thrust vector control system with gas rudders installed in the UAV engine nozzle or just behind its cut-off on special pylons;– a pulse propulsion system that creates the UAV declination moment by means of jets of micro-thrusters, which are activated by a special algorithm.In the comparative analysis of declination systems, the criterion for choosing the correct method of declination was the actual near border of the affected zone. The mass minimum of the projected UAV is accepted as the criterion for choosing a rational variant of the declination system. The main relations for calculating the main design parameters of the considered declination systems are given. The appearance parameters of the hypothetical surface-to-air UAV of medium range with alternative declination systems were calculated. A comparative analysis of the results obtained was carried out.Рассмотрена задача выбора рациональной системы склонения из числа альтернативных вариантов на этапе формирования облика беспилотного летательного аппарата (БЛА) с вертикальным стартом. В настоящее время вертикальный старт находит все более широкое применение для беспилотных летательных аппаратов класса «поверхность – воздух», рассматриваемых в настоящей работе. Характерным начальным участком траектории таких беспилотных летательных аппаратов является склонение до требуемого углового положения за короткий промежуток времени. Для осуществления процесса склонения БЛА требуется создание относительно больших управляющих моментов. Склонение БЛА класса «поверхность – воздух» реализуется посредством моментного газодинамического управления двумя основными способами – в применении системы управления вектором тяги основного реактивного двигателя БЛА или использовании специальных дополнительных газодинамических устройств. Альтернативными вариантами систем склонения при решении рассматриваемой задачи являются: система управления вектором тяги с газовыми рулями, размещаемыми в сопле двигателя БЛА или сразу за его срезом на специальных пилонах; импульсная двигательная установка, создающая момент склонения БЛА посредством реактивных струй микродвигателей, включаемых по специальному алгоритму. При сравнительном анализе систем склонения критерием правильности выбора способа склонения являлась реализуемая ближняя граница зоны поражения. В качестве критерия выбора рационального варианта системы склонения принят минимум массы проектируемого БЛА. Приведены основные соотношения для расчета главных проектных параметров рассматриваемых систем склонения. Выполнен расчет параметров облика гипотетического БЛА класса «поверхность – воздух» средней дальности с альтернативными системами склонения. Проведен сравнительный анализ полученных результатов


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    A choice of material and external geometry for gas rudder of the declination system of unmanned aerial vehicle are considered. When selecting material the main criterion is the quantity of the ablative material from the gas rudder surface in a unit of time. That is, the material should be chosen in such a way that when exposed to a gas jet the gas rudder is not burnt immediately, and ensures its efficiency during the entire time allotted to its work. The main material loss occurs at the leading edge of the gas rudder. The thermoerosion-resistant material (graphite, molybdenum, etc.) is chosen to reduce this harmful effect. Characteristics of the gas flow around the rudder affect the selection of geometric parameters of the gas rudder. Obtaining the reliable results is hampered by uneven gas flow from the nozzle, the presence of unburned particles of the fuel, a blunt profile of the rudder; influence of its side edges on the flow around and interference with the nozzle walls. The configuration of the rudder shall be chosen to provide the desired value of the force at the completion of the work of the rudder with the expected burnout of its leading edge. The final decision on the choice of parameters of the gas rudder is based on the analysis of a large number of model and full-scale tests of the rudders-analogues.The technique of the structural material choice and the external geometry of the gas rudder of the unmanned aerial vehicle declination system is proposed. The technique is based on the relations obtained on the basis of experimental data processing of gas jets impact on the rudders, made of different structural materials. An example of solving the problem of structural material and the external geometry choice of the gas rudder is given.Рассмотрены проблемы выбора материала и внешней геометрии газовых рулей системы склонения беспилотного летательного аппарата. При выборе материала основным критерием является количество уносимого материала с поверхности газового руля в единицу времени. Следует выбрать материал таким образом, чтобы при воздействии газовой струи на руль он не выгорал сразу, а обеспечивал свою работоспособность в течение всего времени, отведенного на его работу. Основные потери материала происходят на передней кромке газового руля. С целью уменьшения этого вредного эффекта выбирают термоэрозионностойкий материал (графит, молибден и др.).На выбор геометрических параметров газового руля влияют характеристики газового потока, обтекающего руль. Получение при этом достоверных результатов затрудняется неравномерностью газового потока из сопла, наличием в нем несгоревших частиц топлива, затупленным профилем руля, влиянием на его обтекание боковых кромок и интерференции со стенками сопла. Конфигурация руля выбирается таким образом, чтобы обеспечить требуемое значение управляющей силы в конце работы руля с учетом ожидаемого выгорания передней кромки. Окончательное же решение по выбору параметров газового руля принимается на основе анализа большого количества модельных и натурных испытаний рулей-аналогов.Предложена методика выбора конструкционного материала и внешней геометрии газового руля системы склонения беспилотного летательного аппарата. Методика базируется на соотношениях, полученных на основании обработки экспериментальных данных воздействия газовых струй на рули, выполненные из разных конструкционных материалов. Приведен пример решения задачи выбора конструкционного материала и внешней геометрии газового руля

    Soil- and biodiversity of the former peat mines in Shaturskaya Meshchera in the context of their anthropogenic transformation

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    The problem of pedo- and biodiversity of mire ecosystems under the long-term multiple anthropogenic impact was studied in one of the most intensively technogenically transformed areas of Shaturskaya Meshchera, adjacent to power station Shaturskaya in the north and stretching along the route Kerva – Dolgusha – Severnaya Griva. For more than a hundred years, mires in the Shatura area have been under the influence of drainage, peat extraction, fires, attempts to create agricultural land, secondary watering and pollution, resulting from the power station, transport, and settlements wastewaters. Currently, the bio- and soil diversity of secondary ecosystems has increased significantly compared to undisturbed mires. Instead of bog, in some cases there appeared secondary meadow, grass-shrub communities, small-leaved forests, and dry sparse areas. The remaining bogs experience stable eutrophication, which leads to the formation of mesotrophic and eutrophic phytocenoses and, accordingly, peat mesotrophic and oligotrophic secondary eutrophic soils. In addition, the proportion of eutrophic mires is slightly increased by the peat formation in shallow lakes, which at the initial stage of peat extraction were used for storing wood waste. The phenomenon of secondary oligotrophization of the disturbed bogs of Meshchera, noted in the literature, is not observed in the area under consideration due to a significant anthropogenic load. To preserve the local flora of oligotrophic bogs, marginal areas of flooded quarries and cofferdams with undeveloped peat deposits are of great importance. The increase in pedodiversity was facilitated by the agricultural development of drained peatlands for the cultivation of perennial grasses, which resulted in the formation of torfozems and agrotorfyano-gleyzems

    Оптимизм и страх заражения как предикторы следования рекомендациям оставаться дома во время пандемии Covid-19

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    According to COVID-19 research, the introduction of a self-isolation and quarantine regime is an effective measure to contain the pandemic. The article examines the problem of psychological factors of observing stay-at-home recommendations, among which the main attention is paid to two types of optimism in a pandemic situation: constructive optimism and defensive optimism. It was assumed that they would have the opposite effect on adherence to the self-isolation regime, and the negative effect of defensive optimism would be mediated by a decrease in illness anxiety or fear of infection. To test this hypothesis, a longitudinal study (with an interval of six weeks) was carried out in a sample of 306 students (89% of women) using a life orientation test, the scales of constructive and defensive optimism by Gordeeva et al., and anxiety in a pandemic situation questionnaire by Tkhostov and Rasskazova. The results confirm our hypotheses: people who adhere to the stay-at-home recommendations are characterized by a higher level of constructive optimism, i.e. they believe that their efforts will help prevent infection and spread of the virus. In contrast, people who demonstrate unrealistic or defensive optimism, that is, who believe that the issue of coronavirus is exaggerated, fear infection less and admit that they do not strictly adhere to the requirements of self-isolation. These results indicate that, in addition to dispositional optimism, situation specific constructive and defensive optimism are essential in explaining health behavior, with the latter type of optimism serving as a response to anxiety associated with fear of the disease and its consequences. © 2021 Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. All Rights Reserved.Funding. The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 20-04-60174


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    A choice of material and external geometry for gas rudder of the declination system of unmanned aerial vehicle are considered. When selecting material the main criterion is the quantity of the ablative material from the gas rudder surface in a unit of time. That is, the material should be chosen in such a way that when exposed to a gas jet the gas rudder is not burnt immediately, and ensures its efficiency during the entire time allotted to its work. The main material loss occurs at the leading edge of the gas rudder. The thermoerosion-resistant material (graphite, molybdenum, etc.) is chosen to reduce this harmful effect. Characteristics of the gas flow around the rudder affect the selection of geometric parameters of the gas rudder. Obtaining the reliable results is hampered by uneven gas flow from the nozzle, the presence of unburned particles of the fuel, a blunt profile of the rudder; influence of its side edges on the flow around and interference with the nozzle walls. The configuration of the rudder shall be chosen to provide the desired value of the force at the completion of the work of the rudder with the expected burnout of its leading edge. The final decision on the choice of parameters of the gas rudder is based on the analysis of a large number of model and full-scale tests of the rudders-analogues.The technique of the structural material choice and the external geometry of the gas rudder of the unmanned aerial vehicle declination system is proposed. The technique is based on the relations obtained on the basis of experimental data processing of gas jets impact on the rudders, made of different structural materials. An example of solving the problem of structural material and the external geometry choice of the gas rudder is given

    Spectral reflectance of atmospheric dust as an indirect indicator of its soil origin

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    Atmospheric dust affects both human health and climate change. Therefore, the study of atmospheric dust is one of the important tasks of many scientific fields. The aim of our research was to indirectly assess the relation of atmospheric dust over arable lands of two test sites in Tver and Tula regions of Russia with soils. Dust was analyzed on aspirator filters after pumping specified volumes of air at the level of 20–30 cm above the arable surface. Its spectral reflectance was used as a criterion of soil origin of dust, which was compared with the reflectance of the size fraction (50–200 nm) of soils isolated by dry sieving of a sample of arable soil horizon. The spectral reflectance of dust was calculated based on approaches of linear separation of spectral mixture, taking into account the projective coverage of dust particles on filters, which was determined by analyzing microscope photographs of the filters in GIS. As a result, it was found that the recovered dust spectra on the filters correlate well with the spectra of the same size soil fraction separated by dry sieving, which indirectly confirms the predominance of specifically soil dust on the filters. Spearman correlation coefficient is within the range of 0.84–0.90, Kendall's Tau correlation coefficient varies within 0.70–0.79 (at significance level p < 0.05). Under the conditions of insignificant atmospheric dust load and when collecting a sufficient amount of dust for direct analysis is time and labour consuming, the approach used may serve as an alternative for indirect confirmation of the soil origin of dust in the near ground layer of the atmosphere. In the future, this approach can be used as a basis for monitoring of arable soils deflation

    Age Features of Self-Actualization and Hardiness Among Women

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 21.12.2017 г.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу самоактуализации и жизнестойкости у женщин в разные возрастные периоды. В качестве групп сравнения определены женщины в период ранней и поздней взрослости (средний возраст 20,6 ± 0,63 и 63,2 ± 7,4 года соответственно; n = 55). Обнаружено, что уровень психометрической самоактуализации и жизнестойкости у девушек достоверно выше. Более высокие показатели жизнестойкости у девушек связаны преимущественно с выраженным принятием риска в данной группе испытуемых. Независимо от возраста показатели жизнестойкости тесно коррелируют с самоактуализацией. Выявлены особенности этой взаимосвязи у женщин в периоды ранней и поздней взрослости. Делается вывод о возможности существования общих (стабильных) и специфических (вариативных) коррелятов у женщин в периоды ранней и поздней взрослости.The article is devoted to comparative analysis of self-actualization and hardiness of women in different age periods. Young and orderly women are defi ned as the comparison groups (mean age 20,6 ± 0,63 and 63,2 ± 7,4 years, respectively, n = 55). It was found out that the level of psychometric self-actualization and hardiness referring to young women is signifi cantly higher. The young women’s hardiness is associated primarily with challenge. Regardless of age, indices of hardiness correlate with self-actualization. The features of this correlation regarding young and orderly women are identifi ed. The conclusion was made about the possibility of the existence of common (stable) and specifi c (variative) correlators referring to young and elderly women

    Young students: from educational failure to educational success : scientific monograph

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    В коллективной монографии отражены результаты проведенного в 2019–2021 гг. междисциплинарного исследования трансфера человеческого капитала образовательных общностей на пути от неуспешности к успешности. Рассмотрены ключевые проблемы концепции, а также вопросы методологии и методики междисциплинарного исследования образовательных общностей школьников, студентов СПО и вузов. Выявлена специфика социологического, психологического, педагогического, экономического подходов к преодолению образовательной неуспешности. Осуществлена концептуализация трансфера человеческого капитала образовательных общностей учащейся молодежи на пути от неуспешности к успешности. Проанализированы проблемы мотивации, социализации, экономические, социокультурные факторы и педагогические условия преодоления образовательной неуспешности школьников и студентов, рассмотрена модель трансфера их человеческого капитала. Осуществлена типология образовательных общностей, дана характеристика их поведенческих стратегий. Книга предназначена для социологов, психологов, педагогов, экономистов – исследователей и практиков образования, научно-педагогических и управленческих работников школ, колледжей, вузов, учащейся молодежи, всех интересующихся современными проблемами развития образования.The collective monograph reflects the results of an interdisciplinary study of the transfer of human capital of educational communities on the way from failure to success conducted in 2019-2021. The key problems of the conception, as well as issues of methodology of interdisciplinary research of educational communities of schoolchildren, students of secondary vocational schools and universities are considered. The specificity of sociological, psychological, pedagogical, and economic approaches to overcoming educational failure is revealed. The conceptualization of the transfer of human capital of educational communities of young students on the way from failure to success is carried out. The problems of motivation, socialization, economic, socio-cultural factors and pedagogical conditions for overcoming the educational failure of schoolchildren and students are analyzed, the model of the transfer of their human capital is considered. The typology of educational communities is carried out, the characteristic of their behavioral strategies is given. The book is intended for sociologists, psychologists, pedagogics, economists – researchers and practitioners of education, scientific, pedagogical specialists and managers of schools, colleges, universities, students, all those interested in modern problems of education development.Издание подготовлено при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, проект № 19-29-07016 «Трансфер человеческого капитала образовательных общностей: от неуспешности к успешности».The monograph was prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 19-29-07016 «Transfer of human capital of educational communities: from failure to success»