179 research outputs found

    dimer paramagnetic centers in lead germanate crystals doped with iron and halogen (Cl-, Br-, F-) ions

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    The dimer complexes Fe3+-Cl-, Fe3+-Br-, and Fe3+-O2- in ferroelectric lead germanate crystals doped with iron and annealed in chlorine-, bromine-, and fluorine-containing atmospheres have been studied using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. These complexes are formed by Fe3+ ions in the trigonal position of lead and their associated anions located in the interstitial channel of the structure. The positions of the charge-compensating anions in the channel have been discussed based on the analysis of the parameters of the spin Hamiltonian and their temperature dependence. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd3+ ions in Ca1-x-yYxGdyF2+x+y crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance of Ca1-x-yYxGdyF2+x+y single crystals has revealed spectra that are not typical of gadolinium-doped CaF2 crystals. These spectra have a nearly tetragonal symmetry and are most probably caused by Gd3+ ions localized in yttrium clusters. Weak spectra of tetragonal Gd3+ centers, whose parameters are close to those of a cubic gadolinium center caused by an isolated Gd3+ ion, have been also detected. These centers are attributed to isolated Gd3+ ions localized near octahedral rare-earth clusters or their associations. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Photosensitive bismuth ions in lead tungstate

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals of Bi2+ ions have been detected in the EPR spectrum of manganese-, bismuth-, and tin-doped PbWO4 single-crystals irradiated by xenon and mercury lamps at 100 K. The parameters of the Zeeman, hyperfine, and superhyperfine interactions and the localization of Bi2+ ions have been determined. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Paramagnetic defects in manganese-doped lead tungstate

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    In manganese-doped PbWO4 crystals, low-intensity signals of triclinic clusters Mn4+-VO and Fe3+-VPb have been revealed in addition to signals of Mn2+ tetragonal centers. The Mn4+-VO cluster is formed by a Mn4+ ion in the W6+ position, which is associated with a vacancy of the nearest neighbor O2-ion, and the Fe3+-VPb cluster consists of a Fe3+ ion substituting for Pb2+ with a local compensation of by a lead vacancy. It has been shown that, in PbWO4: Mn, there is also a small amount of Mn4+ tetragonal centers located in the Pb2+ position with a nonlocal compensation of an excess charge. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Insufficiency of timeliness and efficiency of diagnosis of malignant tumors of visual localization in the female reproductive system

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    Reproductive system cancer is the most common female malignancy, accounting for 36.1 to 37.6 % of all gynecological cancers. The incidence rate of female reproductive system cancer continues to increase. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2018 by interviewing 391 patients with breast cancer, 273 patients with cervical cancer, 30 patients with cancer of the vulva and 11 patients with vaginal cancer were interviewed. Results. The time period for making diagnosis lasted no longer than a week in 2.0 % of respondents with breast cancer, 5.9 % with vaginal tumor and 11.3 % with cervical cancer. A long period of cancer detection was the cause of advanced cancer (56.5 and 47.0 % of cases of breast and cervical cancer, 40.0 % of vulva and 11.6 % of vaginal cancer). Discussion. The majority of district oncologists and other allied healthcare professionals are not able to identify abnormalities caused by cancer. Physicians of municipal health care facilities are either completely unaware of the procedure for routing patients with suspected malignant neoplasm or simply cannot explain it to patients. Conclusions. Oncologists working in outpatient health care facilities and other allied healthcare professionals need a special methodical literature on cancer screening. It is necessary to optimize the routing scheme of patients with suspected malignant tumors with mandatory training of oncologists and other allied healthcare professionals on the routing of such patients

    Specific features of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in the vicinity of the convergence of the transitions of gadolinium centers in Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11

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    An anomalous electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the transitions -1/2 ↔ +1/2 of four Gd3+-Si dimer clusters in the Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11 crystals doped with gadolinium has been found in the vicinity of the orientation of the magnetic field along the optic axis of the crystal. It has been assumed that this spectrum is caused by rapid transitions between the spin packets of the initial resonances due to the crossrelaxation. A computer simulation of the spectrum has been carried out. The results obtained adequately describe the experiment. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Iodine-125 brachytherapy and robotic stereotactic radiotherapy — treatment options for patients with localized prostate cancer

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    Introduction. Modern radiological treatment options for patients with localized prostate cancer (PCa) have several advantages and allow achieving high rates of biochemical control.Purpose of the study. To compare immediate, proximate, and long-term results of low-dose Iodine-125 brachytherapy (I-125 BT) and robotic stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) in patients with localized low- and intermediate-risk PCa.Materials and methods. The study included 296 patients with localized low- and intermediate-risk PCa. I-125 BT and SBRT were performed in 208 and 88 patients, respectively. All patients with an intermediate-risk PCa were prescribed neoadjuvant androgen-deprivation therapy (NADT) with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogues (LHRH) for 4-6 months. Only radiation treatment was used for low-risk PCa. As a result, two groups and four subgroups of patients were formed depending on the treatment method. The immediate, proximate, and long-term results of radiation treatment methods were studied in groups and subgroups.Results. No complications were recorded during brachytherapy I-125. Radiation cystitis grade 1 and radiation rectitis grade 1 were diagnosed after SBRT in 16.6% and 4.0% of cases, respectively. In the only I-125 BT subgroup, the PSA level during the year decreased from 8.3 to 1.1 ng/ml, in the SBRT subgroup — from 7.5 to 0.8 ng/ml. In the case of combined treatment, PSA decreased from 1.2 to 0.93 ng/ml and from 4.5 to 0.5 ng/ml, respectively. Changes in prostate volume, residual volume, and urinary quality (I-PSS) were comparable in all subgroups. Five-year cancer-specific survival and overall survival in the group of patients after SBRT was 100%, after I-125 BT — more than 90%.Conclusion. Radiation treatment options for patients with localized PCa are safe. Conducting NADT does not significantly reduce the prostate volume and does not affect the indicators of urodynamics. High rates of cancer-specific five-year survival rate testify to the effectiveness of the evaluated treatment options

    The detection of lengthened objects by pulse altimeter

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    The algorithm of lengthened objects detection is based on statistical processing of reflected pulse altimeter signal. We use method of maximum posteriori probability to make a decision. Minimum of maximum posteriori probability accorded with lengthened objects position. We use this fact to detect their position. This algorithm allows to realize autonomic navigation. In this paper it is shown two cases of the algorithm realization. The first method is based on the typical regime of radar altimeter and the second is based on the application of the Doppler’s filtration. The results of flight experiments are introduced in this article, which approved the correctness of the created algorithm.Алгоритм обнаружения протяженных объектов основан на статистической обработке отраженного сигнала импульсного радиовысотомера. Для принятия решения используется метод максимума апостериорной вероятности. Минимум максимума апостериорной вероятности определяет положение границ протяженного объекта. В статье показаны два режима, реализующие разработанный алгоритм: типовой режим работы РВС и режим доплеровской фильтрации. Приведены результаты натурных испытаний, подтвердившие правильность разработанного алгоритма

    Conversion of radar signal when seminatural modeling of multipath propagation

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    The report examines the features of transformation of the emitted signal in hardware in the loop simulations for radar systems when simulating the reflection from extended surfaces. The methods used to implement instrument testing radio altimeters with chirp modulation frequency and other radar systems with continuous or long-emitted signal with the ability to change parameters of all signals in real-time.В докладе рассматриваются особенности преобразования излученного сигнала в аппаратуре полунатурного моделирования для радиолокационных систем при имитации отражения от протяженных поверхностей. Приведенные методы используются для реализации аппаратуры испытаний радиовысотомеров с ЛЧМ-модуляцией частоты и других радиолокационных систем с непрерывным или длительно излучаемым сигналом с возможностью изменения параметров всех сигналов в режиме реального времени