1,132 research outputs found

    Screening and finite size corrections to the octupole and Schiff moments

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    Parity (P) and time reversal (T) violating nuclear forces create P, T -odd moments in expansion of the nuclear electrostatic potential. We derive expression for the nuclear electric octupole field which includes the electron screening correction (similar to the screening term in the Schiff moment). Then we calculate the Z alpha corrections to the Schiff moment which appear due to the finite nuclear size. Such corrections are important in heavy atoms with nuclear charge Z > 50. The Schiff and octupole moments induce atomic electric dipole moments (EDM) and P, T -odd interactions in molecules which are measured in numerous experiments to test CP-violation theories

    Extension of the Schiff theorem to ions and molecules

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    According to the Schiff theorem the nuclear electric dipole moment (EDM) is screened in neutral atoms. In ions this screening is incomplete. We extend a derivation of the Schiff theorem to ions and molecules. The finite nuclear size effects are considered including Z^2 alpha^2 corrections to the nuclear Schiff moment which are significant in all atoms and molecules of experimental interest. We show that in majority of ionized atoms the nuclear EDM contribution to the atomic EDM dominates while in molecules the contribution of the Schiff moment dominates. We also consider the screening of electron EDM in ions

    Calculation of P,T-odd electric dipole moments for diamagnetic atoms 129^{129}Xe, 171^{171}Yb, 199^{199}Hg, 211^{211}Rn, and 225^{225}Ra

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    Electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms of experimental interest are calculated using the relativistic Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximation methods, the many-body perturbation theory and configuration interaction technique. We consider P,T-odd interactions which give rise to atomic electric dipole moment in the second order of the perturbation theory. These include nuclear Schiff moment, P,T-odd electron-nucleon interaction and electron electric dipole moment. Interpretation of a new experimental constraint of a permanent electric dipole moment of 199^{199}Hg [W. C. Griffith {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 101601 (2009)] is discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Scalar multi-wormholes

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    In 1921 Bach and Weyl derived the method of superposition to construct new axially symmetric vacuum solutions of General Relativity. In this paper we extend the Bach-Weyl approach to non-vacuum configurations with massless scalar fields. Considering a phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy, we construct a multi-wormhole solution describing an axially symmetric superposition of NN wormholes. The solution found is static, everywhere regular and has no event horizons. These features drastically tell the multi-wormhole configuration from other axially symmetric vacuum solutions which inevitably contain gravitationally inert singular structures, such as `struts' and `membranes', that keep the two bodies apart making a stable configuration. However, the multi-wormholes are static without any singular struts. Instead, the stationarity of the multi-wormhole configuration is provided by the phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy. Anther unusual property is that the multi-wormhole spacetime has a complicated topological structure. Namely, in the spacetime there exist 2N2^N asymptotically flat regions connected by throats.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Atomic electric dipole moments of He and Yb induced by nuclear Schiff moments

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    We have calculated the atomic electric dipole moments (EDMs) d of ^3He and ^{171}Yb induced by their respective nuclear Schiff moments S. Our results are d(He)= 8.3x10^{-5} and d(Yb)= -1.9 in units 10^{-17}S/(e{fm}^3)e cm. By considering the nuclear Schiff moments induced by the parity and time-reversal violating nucleon-nucleon interaction we find d(^{171}Yb)~0.6d(^{199}Hg). For ^3He the nuclear EDM coupled with the hyperfine interaction gives a larger atomic EDM than the Schiff moment. The result for ^3He is required for a neutron EDM experiment that is under development, where ^3He is used as a comagnetometer. We find that the EDM for He is orders of magnitude smaller than the neutron EDM. The result for Yb is needed for the planning and interpretation of experiments that have been proposed to measure the EDM of this atom.Comment: 4 page

    Nuclear Schiff moment in nuclei with soft octupole and quadrupole vibrations

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    Nuclear forces violating parity and time reversal invariance (P,T{\cal P},{\cal T}-odd) produce P,T{\cal P},{\cal T}-odd nuclear moments, for example, the nuclear Schiff moment. In turn, this moment can induce the electric dipole moment in the atom. The nuclear Schiff moment is predicted to be enhanced in nuclei with static quadrupole and octupole deformation. The analogous suggestion of the enhanced contribution to the Schiff moment from the soft collective quadrupole and octupole vibrations in spherical nuclei is tested in this article in the framework of the quasiparticle random phase approximation with separable quadrupole and octupole forces applied to the odd 217−221^{217-221}Ra and 217−221^{217-221}Rn isotopes. We confirm the existence of the enhancement effect due to the soft modes. However, in the standard approximation the enhancement is strongly reduced by a small weight of the corresponding "particle + phonon" component in a complicated wave function of a soft nucleus. The perspectives of a better description of the structure of heavy soft nuclei are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections in references adde

    A suggested search for 207Pb nuclear Schiff moment in PbTiO3 ferroelectric

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    We suggest two types of experiments, NMR and macroscopic magnetometry, with solid PbTiO3 to search for the nuclear Schiff moment of 207Pb. Both kinds of experiments promise substantial improvement over the presently achieved sensitivities. Statistical considerations show that the improvement of the current sensitivity can be up to 10 orders of magnitude for the magnetometry experiment and up to 6 orders of magnitude for the NMR experiment. Such significant enhancement is due to the strong internal electric field of the ferroelectric, as well as due to the possibility to cool the nuclear-spin subsystem in the compound down to nanokelvin temperatures.Comment: 4 pages; revised sensitivity estimate for NMR experimen
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