6 research outputs found

    Вплив іонізуючого випромінювання на структуру, електрофізичні і оптичні характеристики кристалів Cd1-хZnхTe

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    Based on X-ray studies, conditions for growth of high structural perfect Cd1-хZnxTe (0,02≤х≤0,1) crystalshave been optimized. In crystals obtained, changes in the structure, electrical parameters and optical transmissionat samples irradiation by g-, b- radiations were investigated. At 60Со source gamma-quanta irradiation with a dose of Ф≥ 105 Gy, a slight decrease of samples’ structure and optical transmission, an increase of holes concentration p and a decrease of charge carrier mobility m in p-type crystals was observed. Within 30-40 days, the values of p and m were relaxed to an initial ones. Changes in structural perfection, optical transmission and electricalparameters of samples irradiated by electrons were more significant.На основі рентгенівських досліджень були оптимізовані умови вирощування кристалів Cd1-хZnxTe (0,02 ≤ х ≤ 0,1) високої структурної досконалості. В одержаних кристалах досліджені зміни структури, електричних параметрів і оптичного пропускання при опромінені зразків g-, b- випромінюванням. При опромінені g-квантами джерела 60Со дозою Ф ≥ 105 Гр спостерігалося незначне погіршення структури і оптичного пропускання зразків, збільшення концентрації дірок р і зменшення рухливості носіїв заряду m в кристалах р-типу. Протягом 30 - 40 діб значення р і m релаксували до вихідних значень. Зміни структурної досконалості, оптичного пропускання і електричних параметрів зразків, опромінених електронами, були більш суттєвими

    Methods of clutter modeling for development testing of hydroacoustic systems

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    The paper considers an approach to the construction of a clutter model used in software of the technological part of the test bench for simulation and development testing of hydroacoustic systems. Simulation of clutter on antenna arrays is a rather complex independent task important from the point of view of ensuring the correct SNR for the simulated noise sources at the antenna input. The existing methods of clutter simulation are presented and a new approach is proposed that eliminates the existing drawbacks while maintaining high performance

    Underwater radiated noise model of marine object

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    The paper is devoted to the developing a comprehensive model for underwater radiated noise of marine object in order to model and simulate sonar systems. Many works present underwater radiated noise models, but as a rule, they consider either one of the noise components in order to develop algorithms for the corresponding sonar operation mode, or one of the noise sources in order to design ship parts and assemblies. This paper combines several noise models of marine objects considering additional factors that were not taken into account in these models. The obtained comprehensive model is under verification phase, but its application will significantly expand the possibilities for developing and synthesizing classification and tracking algorithms of sonar syste

    Algorithm for constructing trajectories of maneuvering object based on bearing-only information using the Basis Pursuit method

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    The possibility of using the Basis Pursuit signal recovery method in the object tracking algorithm as a method of filtering and extrapolating the trajectory of the observed object in a one-dimensional measurement space is considered. The simulation results are presented for the trajectory processing algorithm using the proposed filtering method for the data obtained during the object direction-finding in comparison with the block algorithm based on the maximum likelihood method and the Kalman filter