19 research outputs found
Валидация методики количественного определения наркотических и психотропных веществ в моче методом СВЭЖХ-МС/МС
Objectives. To validate a new method for the quantitative determination of 31 potent and narcotic substances and their metabolites in urine that meets the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 using a fast and highly sensitive method of chromato-mass spectrometry with a view to introducing such a method into the routine practice of the National Anti-Doping Laboratory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (NADL MSU).Methods. Urine samples soldered with standard solutions were analyzed using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS).Results. Diagnostic precursor/ion-product pairs and collision energies were established to allow unambiguous identification of the analyzed substances. During sample preparation, hydrolysis conditions were optimized. Selectivity, linearity, limits of qualitative determination, limit of quantitative determination (established under the contract with the customer firm), matrix effect, and measurement uncertainty were defined. Systematized data grouped by classes of analytes are given in the final table.Conclusions. The important advantages of the presented technique are the absence of complex and lengthy sample preparation, as well as the short time of the analysis method (about 10 min), which can significantly reduce duration along with labor and analysis costs. The addition of new analytes will ensure the versatility of the technique, as well as expanding its scope. Цели. Валидировать и ввести в рутинную практику НАДЛ МГУ новую, отвечающую требованиям ISO/IEC 17025, методику количественного определения 31 сильнодействующих и наркотических вещества и их метаболитов в моче с использованием быстрого и высокочувствительного метода хромато-масс-спектрометрии.Методы. Анализ спайкованных с растворами стандартов образцов мочи проводили методом сверхэффективной жидкостной хроматографии–тандемной масс-спектрометрии (СВЭЖХ-МС/МС).Результаты. В работе установлены диагностические пары прекурсор/ион-продукт и найдены энергии соударения, позволяющие однозначно идентифицировать анализируемые вещества; оптимизированы условия гидролиза при проведении пробоподготовки; определены селективность, линейность, предел качественного определения, предел количественного определения (установлен в рамках договора с фирмой-заказчиком), эффект матрицы и неопределенность измерения. Систематизированные данные приведены в итоговой таблице и сгруппированы по классам определяемых веществ.Выводы. Представленная методика обладает важными преимуществами – отсутствием сложной и продолжительной пробоподготовки, а также коротким временем метода анализа – около 10 мин, что позволяет существенно снизить трудозатраты, продолжительность и себестоимость анализа. Дополнение новыми определяемыми веществами обеспечит ее универсальность и позволит расширить область применения
Resource management of political influence during crisis
The article discusses approaches to crisis management based on the resources of political influence. The research is based on a dynamic model of resources of political influence, which includes the main resources of trust and competence, which, in turn, allow mobilizing and optimal distributing of material resources. The importance of resources of political influence in various aspects and at various stages of crisis management and anti-crisis communications has been demonstrated. On the basis of a systematic approach to the development of social systems, the features of the processes of substitution and compensation of resources in the conditions of crisis dynamics of the system are analyzed. Possibilities of concentration of power resources in crisis conditions are considered. The perspective of modern approaches to public management based on information, data and knowledge management and based on social intelligence is revealed. The study was conducted on the material of individual nuclear cities during the first wave of the spread of the new coronavirus infection
Crisis Gambit of the Moncloa Pact
This article discusses current crisis of the contemporary Spanish political system. Both of authors suppose, previously made pragmatic decisions aimed to consolidate Spanish society after the era of Franco had become effective only in short-term perspective and are limited to only short-term positive effect today. Contemporary Spanish society faces a problem of political renewal – both in terms of party-political structure and in terms of the constitutional and legal basis of the whole system. Authors present a complex definition of the crisis as a phenomenon of political life and discuss the concept of the political stability in terms of actual practice conditions – including the realities of Spanish society. Various components of contemporary Spanish instability (the parties’ crisis, the lack of a strategic economic vector, the problems of identity and regional policy) strictly connects to the sharp conservative belief of political actors in the constitutional grounds of the Spanish state and the Moncloa Pact behind these base