3 research outputs found


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    In this article we described complex processing system created by the CoLiTec project. This system includes features, user-friendly tools for processing control, results reviewing, integration with online catalogs and a lot of different computational modules that are based on the developed methods. Some of them are described in the article.The main directions of the CoLiTec software development are the Virtual Observatory, software for automated asteroids and comets detection and software for brightness equalization.The CoLiTec software is widely used in a number of observatories in the CIS. It has been used in about 700 000 observations, during which 1560 asteroids, including 5 NEO, 21 Trojan asteroids of Jupiter, 1 Centaur and four comets were discovered

    A method of immediate detection of objects with a near-zero apparent motion in series of CCD-frames

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    The paper deals with a computational method for detection of the solar system minor bodies (SSOs), whose inter-frame shifts in series of CCD-frames during the observation are commensurate with the errors in measuring their positions. These objects have velocities of apparent motion between CCD-frames not exceeding three rms errors (3σ) of measurements of their positions. About 15% of objects have a near-zero apparent motion in CCD-frames, including the objects beyond the Jupiter’s orbit as well as the asteroids heading straight to the Earth. The proposed method for detection of the object’s near-zero apparent motion in series of CCD-frames is based on the Fisher f-criterion instead of using the traditional decision rules that are based on the maximum likelihood criterion. We analyzed the quality indicators of detection of the object’s near-zero apparent motion applying statistical and in situ modeling techniques in terms of the conditional probability of the true detection of objects with a near-zero apparent motion. The efficiency of method being implemented as a plugin for the Collection Light Technology (CoLiTec) software for automated asteroids and comets detection has been demonstrated. Among the objects discovered with this plugin, there was the sungrazing comet C/2012 S1 (ISON). Within 26 min of the observation, the comet’s image has been moved by three pixels in a series of four CCD-frames (the velocity of its apparent motion at the moment of discovery was equal to 0.8 pixels per CCD-frame; the image size on the frame was about five pixels). Next verification in observations of asteroids with a near-zero apparent motion conducted with small telescopes has confirmed an efficiency of the method even in bad conditions (strong backlight from the full Moon). So, we recommend applying the proposed method for series of observations with four or more frames