192 research outputs found

    Digitalization of public governance in the EAEU countries

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    Various aspects of digitalization of public administration in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are considered. It is noted that digitalization is spontaneous and comprehensive, and also affects almost all spheres of public relations, including the system of public administration. In this regard, there is a need to develop a joint interstate policy in the field of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of society. Digitalization is defined as a set of digital transformation of the processes of economic entities and the creation of digital products and services, and not just as digitization - the transfer of data from analog form to digital. In turn, the definition of the term “public administration” can be formulated as a set of mechanisms, processes, relationships and institutions through which citizens of the state, their associations express their interests, exercise their rights and obligations and settle differences. The analysis of the practice of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of public administration demonstrates the fact that the main regulatory norms and practices in this sphere are fixed within the framework of national target programs.This article analyses the program and target documents of all the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, affecting the digitalization regulation processes, the need to institutionalize the processes of digitalization of government and society, as well as the introduction of modern technologies in the practice of public administration. At the same time, the common element of all strategies, concepts and programs is only the digitalization of the process of providing public services, and the other parameters of the target documents are largely different. In this regard, it is required to form a unified model of digitalization of public administration of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of a unified strategy

    Amaranth oil application for coronary heart disease and hypertension

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the Nation's leading killer for both men and women among all racial and ethnic groups. Development and progression of CVD is linked to the presence of risk factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes mellitus. It is known that cholesterol is an indicator of increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Low-density cholesterol (LDL) above 130 mg/dl high-density cholesterol (HDL) cholesterol below 35 mg/dl and total blood cholesterol above 200 mg/dl are indicators of problematic cholesterol. Proper ranges of cholesterol are important in the prevention of CVD. It has been suggested that a reduction in the consumption of saturated and an increase in unsaturated fatty acids is beneficial and prevents CVD. Amaranth grain contains tocotrienols and squalene compounds, which are known to affect cholesterol biosynthesis. The cholesterol precursors squalene, lanosterol and other methyl sterols, reflect cholesterol synthesis [1-3], whereas plant sterols and cholestanol, a metabolite of cholesterol, reflect the efficiency of cholesterol absorption in normal and hyperlipidemic populations [4-6]. Qureshi with co-authors [7] showed that feeding of chickens with amaranth oil decreases blood cholesterol levels, which are supported by the work of others [8]. Previously, we have shown that Amaranth oil modulates the cell membrane fluidity [9] and stabilized membranes that could be one reason as to why it is beneficial to those who consume it. It is known that in hypertension, the cell membrane is defective and hence, the movement of the Na and K ions across the cell membranes could defective that could contribute to the development of increase in blood pressure. Based on these properties of amaranth oil we hypothesize that it could be of significant benefit for patients with CVD

    Dependence of the content of starch and reducing sugars on the level of expression of the genes of β-amylases StBAM1 and StBAM9 and the amylase inhibitor StAI during long-term low-temperature storage of potato tubers

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    Solanum tuberosum L. is the most important non-grain starch crop with a potential yield of 38–48 t/ha and a starch content of 13.2–18.7 %. Potato tubers are stored at a low temperature (2–4 °C) in a state of physiological dormancy. A disadvantage of this type of storage is the degradation of starch and the accumulation of reducing sugars (cold-induced sweetening), including due to an increase in the activity of β-amylases that hydrolyze starch to maltose. In this study, a comparative analysis of the β-amylase (StBAM1, StBAM9) and amylase inhibitor (StAI ) gene expression, as well as starch and reducing sugar content in tubers during long-term low-temperature storage (September, February, April) was performed using potato cultivars Nadezhda, Barin, Krasavchik, Severnoe siyanie and Utro. The β-amylase genes, StBAM9 and one of the two StBAM1 homologs (with the highest degree of homology with AtBAM1), were selected based on phylogenetic analysis data. Evaluation of the expression of these genes and the amylase inhibitor gene showed a tendency to decrease in transcription for all analyzed cultivars. The starch content also significantly decreased during tuber storage. The amount of reducing sugars increased in the September–April period, while in February–April, their content did not change (Krasavchik), decreased (Barin, Severnoe siyanie) or continued to grow (Utro, Nadezhda). It can be assumed that the gene activity of StBAM1 and StBAM9 correlates with the amount of starch (positively) and monosaccharides (negatively). The level of StAI expression, in turn, may be directly dependent on the level of StBAM1 expression. At the same time, there is no relationship between the degree of cultivar predisposition to cold-induced sweetening and the expression profile of the StBAM1, StBAM9, and StAI genes

    Evaluation of the prevalence of silicone oil droplets in the vitreous in patients treated with multiple intravitreal drug injections

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    Background. At present, intraocular drops of silicone oil, which is a lubricant for disposable syringes used for intravitreal injections, are being actively studied. Among the undesirable effects of their presence are patient’s complaints of visual discomfort associated with floating opacities, as well as a potential connection with episodes of intraocular inflammation and increased intraocular pressure.The aim: to assess the prevalence of silicone oil droplets in the vitreous in patients treated with multiple intravitreal injections.Materials and methods. A single-center retrospective cohort study was carried out. Inclusion criterion: treatment with multiple (at least 5) intravitreal injections of drug solutions performed according to registered indications. The study group consisted of 86 eyes of 85 patients (56 women, 29 men; age – from 36 to 89 y.o., average – 71.7 y.o.), who received an average of 13.2 injections of solutions of various drugs.Results. Drops of silicone oil were detected by biomicroscopy in 57 eyes (66.28 %) and by ultrasonography in 76 (88.37 %). The coincidence of the results of applying the methods was recorded in 73.26 % of observations. Seven (8.1 %) patients had characteristic complaints. Four patients (4.7  %) had a history of aseptic vitreitis. The  hypothesis was  confirmed that the possibility of silicone oil droplets getting into the vitreous increases with the number of intravitreal injections. A similar relationship was established in relation to the possibility of the appearance of characteristic complaints in patients due to the presence of drops and episodes of aseptic vitreitis.Conclusion. The release of drops of silicone oil from syringes during intravitreal injections is an urgent problem that requires further study. In the Russian Federation, the situation is aggravated by the lack of prefilled syringes with drugs approved for administration into the eye cavity, as well as the lack of syringe models designed for use in ophthalmology

    Genome variability of domestic tomato varieties: data from AFLP analysis

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    Tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. is one of the main vegetable crops, accessions and cultivars of which are characterized by a low level of genomic polymorphism. Introgressive tomato breeding uses related wild Solanum species to improve cultivars for stress tolerance and fruit quality traits. The aim of this work was to evaluate the genome variability of 59 cultivars and perspective breeding lines of S. lycopersicum and 11 wild tomato species using the AFLP method. According to the AFLP analysis, four combinations of primers E32/M59, E32/M57, E38/M57, and E41/M59, which had the highest PIC (polymorphism information content) values, were selected. In the process of genotyping a collection of 59 cultivars/lines of S. lycopersicum and 11 wild tomato accessions, the selected primers revealed 391 fragments ranging in size from 80 to 450 bp, of which 114 fragments turned out to be polymorphic and 25 were unique. Analysis of the amplification spectra placed wild tomato accessions into separate clades. Sister clades included cultivars of FSCV breeding resistant to drought and/or cold and, in part, to late blight, Alternaria, Septoria, tobacco mosaic virus and blossom end rot, as well as tomato accessions not characterized according to these traits, which suggests that they have resistance to stress factors. In accessions of distant clades, there was clustering on the basis of resistance to Verticillium, cladosporiosis, Fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, gray rot, and blossom end rot. The combination of accessions according to their origin from the originating organization was shown. The primer combinations E32/M59, E32/M57, E38/M57 and E41/M59 were shown to be perspective for genotyping tomato cultivars to select donors of resistance to various stress factors. The clade-specific fragments identified in this work can become the basis for the development of AFLP markers for traits of resistance to stress factors

    Assessment of the efficiency of treatment and ways to improve medical care for children and teenagers with type 1 diabetes in Magnitogorsk

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    The article presents data on the epidemiological situation of type 1 diabetes in children and teenagers of Magnitogorsk. The frequency and structure of diabetic complications was studied depending on the length of the disease and the level of glycated blood hemoglobin. The system of organization of medical care for this contingent was considered and directions for its improvement were proposed.В статье представлены данные об эпидемиологической ситуации сахарного диабета 1 типа у детей и подростков Магнитогорска. Изучена частота и структура диабетических осложнений в зависимости от стажа заболевания и уровня гликированного гемоглобина крови. Рассмотрена система организации медицинской помощи данному контингенту и предложены направления по ее совершенствованию