60 research outputs found

    The spectral manifistation of the new luminescent styryl dyes photostability and phototoxic influence on the DNA

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    У роботі запропоновано методи спектральних досліджень фотостабільності та фото- токсичного впливу люмінесціюючих зондів-барвників на ДНК. Досліджено спектри оптичного поглинання, флюоресценції та фосфоресценції нових стирилових барвників та систем ДНК+барвник. Спектри оптичного поглинання досліджуваних сполук реєструвалися під час опромінювання зразків цих речовин видимим світлом. У роботі аналізуються результати цих експериментів, проведені на низці барвників. Зафіксовано зміни оптичної густини D розчинів систем ДНК+барвник на ділянці спектра 250+300 нм (що відповідає першому електронному переходу в ДНК) та 370+650 нм (що відповідає першому електронному переходу в молекулах барвників). Динаміка D(t) не є монотонною. Показано, що бавники Mn-Styr ma Di-Styr-30 є фотохімічно безпечними для ДНК; ці барвники є більш фотостабільними у зв 'язаному з ДНК стані, ніж: у вільному. Барвники Di-Styr-24 ma Dst-MdO, на відміну від попередніх, проявляють невеликий фототоксичний вплив на ДНК. Пропонуються версії щодо можливих механізмів фотогтокичності (та фотостабільності).The spectral investigation methods of the phenomena of luminescent dye probes photostability and phototoxic influence on the DNA were proposed. The optical absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra of the samples of the newest investigated styryl dyes and the systems DNA +dye were studied. The optical absorption spectra of the samples of these compounds were measured under the irradiation of these samples by visible light. The results of the investigations carried out on a number of dyes were analyzed and discussed. The changes of optical density D value in wavelength regions 250+300 nm (that corresponds to the DNA first electronic transition) and 370+650 nm (that corresponds to a dye electronic transition) of the DNA+dye solutions were fixed. The dynamics ofD(t) was not monotonous. It was shown the Mn-Styr and Di-Styr-30 dyes are photochemically safe for the DNA; these dyes bound to the DNA are more photostable than in free state. The Di-Styr-24 and Dst-MdO dyes show slight phototoxic effect on the DNA. The versions of possible phototoxicity (and photostability) mechanisms are proposed

    HI Observations of Flat Galaxies

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    We present the HI observations of 94 flat spiral galaxies from RFGC (the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalog) and 14 galaxies from 2MFGC (the 2MASS selected Flat Galaxy Catalog) performed with the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg (Germany). HI fluxes, heliocentric radial velocities, and HI line widths are given for 65 detected galaxies. We present a mosaic of HI profiles. We calculated some of the global parameters of the galaxies and analyzed the linear correlations between them. The ratios of the total (indicative) masses of the galaxies to their luminosities lie within the range 0.4 with a mean of 3.8 (M_{\sun}/L_{\sun}), and the mean mass fraction of neutral hydrogen is 13%. Upper limits are given for the radio fluxes from 43 undetected galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Quantitative characterization of cleavage and hydrogen-assisted quasi-cleavage fracture surfaces with the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V."True" cleavage (TC) and quasi-cleavage (QC) fracture surfaces of low-carbon steel specimens tested in liquid nitrogen and after hydrogen charging respectively were investigated by quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and conventional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with electron-backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Topological and crystallographic features of the TC fracture surface are found in good agreement with the generally accepted cleavage mechanism: TC facets diameters correspond to those of grains; the crack path strictly follows the crystallographic orientation of grains and the most of the cleavage cracks are parallel to [100] planes. On the 2D SEM images, the QC facets appeared resembling the TC ones in terms of river line patterns, shapes and sizes. However, the substantial differences between the topography of these two kinds of fracture surfaces were revealed by 3D CLSM: the average misorientation angle between QC facets and the roughness of the QC fracture surface were much lower than those measured for TC. It is demonstrated that all these features are attributed to the specific fracture mechanism operating during hydrogen-assisted cracking

    Characteristics of peripheral hemodynamics athletes with loads of adaptation to a different direction

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    Peculiarities of the peripheral circulation of the first athletes from different directions of the training process by rheovasography. Changes at the peripheral level of the cardiovascular system in athletes, coaching speed and endurance, designed to create conditions enabling environment for maximum extraction of oxygen from the blood into the tissues, which manifests itself in reducing zhenii-tone of blood vessels and reducing the vascular tone at the exchange level

    A Structural and Dynamical Study of Late-Type, Edge-On Galaxies: I. Sample Selection and Imaging Data

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    We present optical (B & R) and infrared (K_s) images and photometry for a sample of 49 extremely late-type, edge-on disk galaxies selected from the Flat Galaxy Catalog of Karenchentsev et al. (1993). Our sample was selected to include galaxies with particularly large axial ratios, increading the likelihood that the galaxies in the sample are truly edge-on. We have also concentrated the sample on galaxies with low apparent surface brightness, in order to increase the representation of intrinisically low surface brightness galaxies. Finally, the sample was chosen to have no apprarent bulges or optical warps so that the galaxies represent undisturbed, ``pure disk'' systems. The resulting sample forms the basis for a much larger spectroscopic study designed to place constraints on the physical quantities and processes which shape disk galaxies. The imaging data presented in this paper has been painstakingly reduced and calibrated to allow accurate surface photometry of features as faint as 30 mag/sqr-arcsec in B and 29 mag/sqr-arcsec in R on scales larger than 10 arcsec. Due to limitations in sky subtraction and flat fielding, the infrared data can reach only to 22.5 mag/sqr-arcsec in K_s on comparable scales. As part of this work, we have developed a new method for quantifying the reliability of surface photometry, which provides useful diagnostics for the presence of scattered light, optical emission from infrared cirrus, and other sources of non-uniform sky backgrounds.Comment: scheduled to appear in the Astronomical Journal, LaTeX, 36 pages including 7 pages of figures (fig 1-2,4). A low resolution version of Figure 3 is included in JPEG format; contours are seriously degraded. A full resolution Postscript version of Figure 3 (10.6Mb,gzipped) is available through anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.astro.washington.edu/pub/users/jd/FGC/dalcanton.f3.ps.g


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    В данной исследовательской работе были сопоставлены возможности различных приёмов когнитивной графики для контроля процесса и продукта в черной металлургии с целью управления качеством продукции без изменения технологии по существу. Использование предложенных подходов показало высокую эффективность для поиска существенных закономерностей в системе «управляющие параметры – свойства».In this research work have been compared the possibilities of different methods of cognitive graphics for process control and product in the steel industry for the purpose of quality control of production without substantive changes of technology. Using the proposed approach has shown high efficiency to find significant of regularities in the system of "control parameters - property"


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    The possibilities of using digitalization in materials science and metallurgy were discussed.Обсуждены возможности применения цифровизации в материаловедении и металлургии

    Concerning the selection of areas with a dominant type of dependence when analyzing production control data

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    The formation of representative databases determines the interest in forecasting and managing the quality of metal based on data mining using special software products often based on regression analysis and not always taking into account the statistical nature of an object of study itself. This can lead to misinterpretation of the results or incomplete extracted information reducing the efficiency of statistical processing. Based on the analysis of the production database of the technology for producing 13G1S-U sheet steel, the authors evaluated the possibilities of multiple linear regression for predicting the quality of a steel sheet. The study shows that the type of distribution of the values of control parameters, the distribution nature of which was estimated based on the determination of the skewness and kurtosis coefficients, limits the regression forecast depth. Due to the great deviation of the predicted models from the experimental values in the right tail area of the distribution of the impact strength values, in this work, the authors developed the methods for separating data arrays and proposed criteria to compare the obtained results. To assess the accuracy of the results obtained, arrays with a deliberately asymmetric distribution were selected from the initial sample, against which the statistical characteristics were also compared. Based on the proposed techniques, the authors identified the dominant chemical elements that contribute to the difference in the distribution of the values of acceptance properties existing within the same standard technology. The study shows that the proposed separation method can be used as a variation of cognitive graphics techniques to identify areas with a dependence dominant type based on the correlation of skewness and kurtosis coefficients

    Relation Between the Thickness of Stellar Disks and the Relative Mass of Dark Halo in Galaxies

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    We consider a thickness of stellar disks of late-type galaxies by analyzing the R and K_s band photometric profiles for two independent samples of edge-on galaxies. The main goal is to verify a hypotesis that a thickness of old stellar disks is related to the relative masses of the spherical and disk components of galaxies. We confirm that the radial-to-vertical scale length ratio for galactic disks increases (the disks become thinner) with the increasing of total mass-to-light ratio of the galaxies, which characterize the contribution of dark halo to the total mass, and with the decreasing of central deprojected disk brightness (surface density). Our results are in good agreement with numerical models of collisionless disks evolved from subcritical velocity dispersion state to a marginally stable equilibrium state. This suggests that in most galaxies the vertical stellar velocity dispersion, which determine the equilibrium disk thickness, is close to the minimum value, that ensures disk stability. The thinnest edge-on disks appear to be low brightness galaxies (after deprojection) in which a dark halo mass far exceeds a mass of the stellar disk.Comment: 13 pages. To be Published in Astronomy Letters, v.28(2002