19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the prevalence of silicone oil droplets in the vitreous in patients treated with multiple intravitreal drug injections

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    Background. At present, intraocular drops of silicone oil, which is a lubricant for disposable syringes used for intravitreal injections, are being actively studied. Among the undesirable effects of their presence are patient’s complaints of visual discomfort associated with floating opacities, as well as a potential connection with episodes of intraocular inflammation and increased intraocular pressure.The aim: to assess the prevalence of silicone oil droplets in the vitreous in patients treated with multiple intravitreal injections.Materials and methods. A single-center retrospective cohort study was carried out. Inclusion criterion: treatment with multiple (at least 5) intravitreal injections of drug solutions performed according to registered indications. The study group consisted of 86 eyes of 85 patients (56 women, 29 men; age – from 36 to 89 y.o., average – 71.7 y.o.), who received an average of 13.2 injections of solutions of various drugs.Results. Drops of silicone oil were detected by biomicroscopy in 57 eyes (66.28 %) and by ultrasonography in 76 (88.37 %). The coincidence of the results of applying the methods was recorded in 73.26 % of observations. Seven (8.1 %) patients had characteristic complaints. Four patients (4.7  %) had a history of aseptic vitreitis. The  hypothesis was  confirmed that the possibility of silicone oil droplets getting into the vitreous increases with the number of intravitreal injections. A similar relationship was established in relation to the possibility of the appearance of characteristic complaints in patients due to the presence of drops and episodes of aseptic vitreitis.Conclusion. The release of drops of silicone oil from syringes during intravitreal injections is an urgent problem that requires further study. In the Russian Federation, the situation is aggravated by the lack of prefilled syringes with drugs approved for administration into the eye cavity, as well as the lack of syringe models designed for use in ophthalmology

    Method of statistical data processing: the influence of pharmacological drugs on white rats locomotor activity

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    The method of statistical processing of the experimental data on the effect of pharmaceuticals on the motor activity of white rats is given. The technique is applicable to small (up to 10) of paired samples. The ways of data verification for compliance with the normal distribution law are discussed. If we have a matching then t-test of Student is used. In case of discrepancy with normal distribution nonparametric tests must be applied.Приведена методика статистической обработки экспериментальных данных по изучению влияния фармакологических препаратов на двигательную активность белых крыс. Методика применима для малых (до 10) парных выборок. Обсуждаются способы проверки данных на соответствие нормальному закону распределения. При наличии соответствия использован t-критерий Стьюдента. В случае несоответствия нормальному закону применяются непараметрические критерии

    New data on the safety of multiple intravitreal injections of drug solutions

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate the frequency of detection of SOD in the vitreous body of patients who received multiple IVI of drug solutions.Цель исследования - оценить частоту выявления КВСС в стекловидном теле пациентов, получавших многократные ИВИ растворов лекарственных средств

    Medium-term and long-term results of anti-VEGF therapy for myopic choroidal neovascularisation (preliminary report)

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    The article considers the results of a retrospective analysis of the treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularisation (mCNV) in 45 patients (49 eyes). The high efficacy of anti-VEGF therapy of mCNV with ranibizumab and aflibercept was demonstrated, which manifested itself in a statistically significant increase in the best corrected visual acuity and a decrease in the central retinal thickness during treatment, with the results being preserved in terms from 12 (n = 49) to 60 (n = 21) and more (n = 16) monthsВ статье рассмотрены результаты ретроспективного анализа лечения миопической хориоидальной неоваскуляризации (мХНВ) 45 пациентов (49 глаз). Продемонстрирована высокая эффективность антиангиогенной терапии мХНВ препаратами ранибизумаб и афлиберцепт, выразившаяся в статистически значимом повышении максимальной корригированной остроты зрения вдаль и снижении толщины сетчатки в центральной зоне на фоне лечения с сохранением результатов в сроки от 12 (n = 49) до 60 (n = 21) и более (n = 16) месяцев

    Why are patients with macular diseases receiving anti-VEGF therapy lost to follow -up

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    The article provides an analysis of the results of a phone survey 214 patients who stopped anti-VEGF therapy of macular diseases in real clinical practice from 2011 to 2019. The following categories of respondents were identified: complete cessation of treatment - 120 (56.1%) patients, change of clinic - 20 (9.3%), death - 23 (10.7%), status not established - 51 (23.8%). The most frequent reasons for stopping treatment were dissatisfaction with its results (59 cases; 49.2%), financial burden (49; 40.8%) and general comorbidities (24; 20.0%).В статье приводится анализ результатов телефонного опроса 214 пациентов, прекративших антиангиогенную терапию заболеваний макулы в условиях реальной клинической практики за период с 2011 по 2019 год. Выявлены следующие категории респондентов, прекративших лечение: полное прекращение терапии - 120 (56,1%), смена клиники - 20 (9,3%), смерть - 23 (10,7%). Не удалось установить статус 51 (23,8%) человека. Наиболее частыми причинами прекращения лечения (n=120) стали неудовлетворенность его результатами (59 случаев; 49,2%), финансовое бремя (49; 40,8%) и общие сопутствующие заболевания (24; 20,0%


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    Neck cysts are rather commonly encountered in the practice of a surgeon, including an oncologist, who treats diseases of the head and neck. At the same time there are rare involvements of the organs and soft tissues of the neck. In particular, echinococcosis of neck soft tissues is an unusual site for hydatid cyst. Accounts of this involvement are found only as single communications in the literature. The presented case of hydatid cyst illustrates a variety of neck abnormalities