19 research outputs found

    Research of impact input rate random variations on macroscopic characteristics of non-stationary queuing system

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    The results of research of input stream rate random variations influence on the macroscopic characteristics of a nonstationary queuing system (NQS) are discussed in this paper. Statistical information obtained during the football match between the football clubs "Krylia Sovetov" and "Dynamo" at the stadium "Metallurg" in Samara is available. The characteristics of the stochastic component of the variation in the input rate were chosen on the basis of this information. The probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of random variations in the input rate of applications were estimated using the Rosenblatt-Parzen approximation. NQ's characteristics was studied such as the maximum queue length, the maximum waiting time in the queue, the time point at which the maximum queue length is reached, and the time point at which waiting time in the queue the longest, the number of visitors who entered at the time of the match beginning, the time needed to service the entire queue. The results of the statistical simulation shown that taking into account the random component of the variation input rate does not affect this macroscopic characteristics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modernization of university training in it and telecom technologies and problems of adaptation in the labor market

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    В настоящей статье предпринята попытка проанализировать проблемные ситуации, сложившиеся на рынке труда специалистов по информационным технологиям в 2009 и 2010 гг., определить тенденции, формирующиеся на рынке IT-специалистов и сформулировать предложения по развитию системы подготовки ІТ-специалистов.This article attempts to: analyze the problematic situation in the labor market in Information Technology in 2009 and 2010, identify the trends emerging on the market of IT-specialists, formulate a proposals for the development of training IT- specialists

    Action Planning for Improvement of Design and Operating Parameters of Ball-Bearing Steel Tube Annealing

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    Annealing process was reviewed for hot rolled 100Cr6 steel tubes in a chamber furnace with subhearth burners. Based on the obtained results of thermotechnical testing at the chamber furnace it was detected that the current annealing curve conceptually do not allow production of satisfactory quality tube in the course of annealing. As a result an adjusted curve corresponding to the annealing requirements for 100Cr6 steel and chamber furnace capabilities was proposed. Causes were determined for poor quality tube annealing and detailed review was carried out for chamber furnace capabilities in terms of required heat treatment duration ensuring sufficiently high quality of annealed tubes. List of actions allowing significant improvement of chamber furnace performance and annealed tube quality was considered. Chamber furnace renovation option was proposed where the total heat treatment time of tubes may be reduced significantly through heat transfer process intensification in the furnace working space, uniformity of tube heating in the batch, annealing quality and therefore furnace performance may be improved. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Цифровизация российской высшей школы: технологии образовательного процесса (опыт вузов Уральского федерального округа Российской Федерации)

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    The Russian higher school is in constant transformation, which is associated with the entry of the Russian Federation into the world market of educational services. To achieve the goals of positioning Russian universities in world rankings, various federal projects are being created, for example, within the framework of the state program “Development of Education” for 2019-2025, the project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation” has been developed. To analyze the readiness of Russian universities for digital transformation, a study was conducted in which students of universities of the Ural Federal District (N = 300) took part, who evaluated the degree of implementation of various digital technologies in the educational process at the moment. It is for students as the main consumers of educational services to master the digital components of the educational process, to use technical means. The results of the study revealed the high willingness of students to work in a digital educational environment, the use of distance learning. Moreover, a higher level of readiness was demonstrated by students of technical and IT areas. At the same time, a contradiction was revealed between the readiness of students and their perception of the technical equipment of universities and the willingness of teachers to carry out the educational process in the new digital environment. Obviously, the use of centralized digital technologies (included by universities in the educational process) is significantly inferior to the students' spontaneous development of instant messengers, smartphone applications, and other software that facilitates the development of courses and disciplines (initiated by students on their own). Thus, to implement state programs to create a digital educational environment, it is necessary to strengthen the technical infrastructure of universities and improve the qualifications of teachers for the effective implementation of digitalization processes in higher education. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved


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    В данной статье проведен сравнительный анализ характеристик облачных платформ для решения технических потребностей в учебном процессе по дисциплине MLOps.This article provides a comparative analysis of the characteristics of cloud platforms for solving complex problems in the educational process in the discipline MLOps


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    На основе литературного обзора и собственных данных проанализированы виды пористости в титановых имплантатах, полученных аддитивными технологиями. В образцах, полученных SLS процессом выявлены поры, появившиеся за счет неполного слияния частиц. Материалы SLM технологий могут иметь такую же пористость, но в меньших проявлениях. В них чаще наблюдаются несплошности виде округлых пор. Третий вид пористости может быть обусловлен архитектурой 3D печати за счет программного обеспечения.Based on the literature review and own data, the porosity in titanium implants obtained by additive technologies is analyzed. In the samples obtained by the SLS process, pores appeared due to incomplete fusion of the particles. The materials of SLM technologies can have the same porosity, but in smaller manifestations. In them, discontinuities are more often seen as rounded pores. The third kind of porosity can be caused by the 3D printing architecture due to the software.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 9 апреля 2010 года № 218, номер соглашения 03.G25.31.0234 от 03.03.2017 г


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    The effects of gadolinium on the structure of the pseudo-α titanium alloy VT18U after standard heat treatments were studied by methods of metallographic analysis using an optical microscope, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. It was shown that intermetallic particles based on gadolinium and tin and particles of gadolinium oxide are present in the alloy after the treatments.Методами металлографического анализа с помощью оптического микроскопа, просвечивающей и растровой электронной микроскопии исследовано влияние гадолиния на структуру псевдо-α титанового сплава ВТ18У после стандартных термических обработок. Показано, что после обработок в сплаве присутствуют интерметаллидные частицы на основе гадолиния и олова и частицы оксида гадолиния