37 research outputs found

    Влияние типов формирования растений баклажана на урожайность в условиях летне-осеннего оборота в пленочных теплицах

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    Relevance. The annual increase in the area under the eggplant culture in small farms and the individual sector is explained by high nutritional, dietary, taste, and also the multi-purpose use of fruits. For optimal growth and development, eggplant needs a high amount of active temperature, which greatly limits the cultivation of crops in many regions of Russia. However, the egg-plant growing area is expanded through the use of industrial and film unheated greenhouses. The development of technology elements for growing eggplant in film greenhouses is relevant, as it contributes to an increase in the area of farms.Materials and methods. The aim of the research was to substantiate the elements of the technology for growing eggplant in film unheated soil greenhouses. The studies were carried out in 2018-2019 at the base of the Educational and Scientific Production Center “Vegetable Experimental Station named after IN AND. Edelstein» RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev in the summer-autumn turnover in a film unheated soil greenhouse. The objects of research were varieties and F1 eggplant hybrids: F1 Borovichok, F1 Bagira, F1 Tender, F1 Patio Trio, as a control they used a hybrid F1 Pelican; eggplant varieties: Mushroom pleasure, Black handsome, Don Quixote, they used the Frant variety as a control.Results. In general, based on the results of studying the influence of the formation of two and three stalked eggplant varieties and hybrids on the total yield in the conditions of summer-autumn turnover in film soil greenhouses, we recommend that all studied hybrids and varieties be grown in three shoots.Актуальность. Ежегодное увеличение площадей под культурой баклажана в малых фермерских хозяйствах и индивидуальном секторе объясняется высокими питательными, диетическими, вкусовыми качествами, а также многоцелевым использованием плодов. Для оптимального роста и развития баклажану необходима высокая сумма активных температур, что сильно ограничивает выращивание культуры во многих регионах России. Однако зону выращивания баклажана расширяют за счёт использования промышленных и пленочных необогреваемых теплиц. Разработка элементов технологии выращивания баклажана в пленочных теплицах является актуальной, так как способствует увеличению площадей в фермерских хозяйствах.Материал и методы. Целью исследований являлось обоснование элементов технологии выращивания баклажана в пленочных необогреваемых грунтовых теплицах. Исследования проводили в 2018-2019 годах на базе Учебно-научно производственного центра «Овощная опытная станция им. В.И. Эдельштейна» РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева в летне-осеннем обороте в пленочной необогреваемой грунтовой теплице. Объектами исследования являлись сорта и F1 гибриды баклажана: F1 Боровичок, F1 Багира, F1 Нежнейший, F1 Патио Трио, в качестве контроля использовали гибрид F1 Пеликан; сорта баклажана: Грибное удовольствие, Черный красавец, Дон Кихот, в качестве контроля использовали сорт Франт.Результаты. В целом по итогам изучения влияния формирования сортов и гибридов баклажана в два и три стебля на общую урожайность в условиях летне-осеннего оборота в пленочных грунтовых теплицах рекомендуем выращивать все изученные гибриды и сорта в три побега

    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of water intakes from groundwater sources in Seversk

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    The article describes the hydrogeochemical environment behavior analysis of groundwater intake which, in its turn. provides the utility and drinking water supply for Seversk. The reasons for temporary changes of the hydrogeochemical aquifer indicators in the producing areas have been highlighted. The main factor could be upset hydrodynamic conditions during long-term operation. Changed hydrogeochemical indicators have been revealed not only during the technological water treatment process but also during water transportation to consumers. Chemical composition water changes are related to secondary mineral and sludge formation on technological equipment. Precipitation is a polymineral mixture predominantly a ferrous phase. whereas phosphate and carbonate phases are secondary. Clay minerals are also found

    High-temperature oxidation resistance of Ti-implanted E110 alloy

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    This paper describes the effect of surface modification by high-intensity Ti-ion implantation on the high-temperature oxidation resistance of E110 zirconium alloy. The oxidation tests were performed in air at 873 K for 10 h and in water steam at 1373 K for 10 min. The microstructure, phase composition and depth distribution of elements were analysed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and glow-discharge optical emission spectroscopy, respectively

    Сортоиспытание гибридов томата селекции фирмы «Гавриш» в АО «Тепличное» Тамбовской области

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    Relevance Currently, the requirements for modern tomato hybrids are increasing both from consumers and from producers. Modern tomato hybrids in extended circulation should yield at least 60 kg / m2, be distinguished by high quality of fruits, early ripeness, possess manufacturability, resistance to major diseases. Along with the traditional form of fruits, hybrids with original shape, color, taste and aroma are interesting for manufacturers. Methods The aim of the research was the variety study of indeterminant F1 hybrids of tomato breeding of the company "Gavrish" in JSC "Teplichnoye" of the Tambov region. Studies were conducted in 2017-2018 in the extended and summer-autumn turnover in the conditions of JSC "Teplichnoye" of the Tambov region in accordance with generally accepted recommendations for research with vegetable crops in greenhouses. The objects of the study in extended circulation were tomato hybrids: F1 Bao Bab, F1 Baloven, the F1 Torero hybrid was taken as a control. In the summerautumn turnover, a study was made of the rose hybrid – F1 Panthera; the Rosario F1 hybrid was used as a control; a hybrid with a plum-shaped fruit – F1 Armata, control – a hybrid F1 Lezghinka. Results According to the results of the study of tomato hybrids, the selection of the Gavrish company at the enterprise made the decision to grow it in extended circulation and increase the area under F1 Baloven, in the summer-autumn turnover under the F1 Panthera hybrid.Актуальность В настоящее время требования к современным гибридам томата увеличиваются как со стороны потребителей, так и со стороны производителей. Современные гибриды томата в продленном обороте должны давать урожайность не менее 60 кг/м2, отличаться высоким качеством плодов, скороспелостью, обладать технологичностью, устойчивостью к основным болезням. Наряду с традиционной формой плодов для производителей интересны гибриды с оригинальной формой плода, окраской, вкусом и ароматом. Методика Целью исследований являлось сортоизучение индетерминантных F1 гибридов томата селекции фирмы «Гавриш» в АО «Тепличное» Тамбовской области. Исследования проводили в 2017-2018 годах в продленном и летне-осеннем оборотах в условиях АО «Тепличное» Тамбовской области в соответствии с общепринятыми рекомендациями для исследований с овощными культурами в защищенном грунте. Объектами исследования в продлённом обороте являлись гибриды томата F1 Бао Баб, F1 Баловень, в качестве контроля был взят гибрид F1 Тореро. В летне-осеннем обороте было проведено изучение розовоплодного гибрида F1 Пантера, в качестве контроля использовали гибрид F1 Розарио; гибрида, имеющего сливовидную форму плодов – F1 Армата, контроль – гибрид F1 Лезгинка. Результаты По итогам изучения гибридов томата селекции фирмы «Гавриш» на предприятии принято решение выращивать в продленном обороте и увеличить площади под F1Баловень; в летне-осеннем обороте – под гибридом F1 Пантера

    Influence of parametric instability on spin pumping by dipole-exchange magnetostatic surface waves in YIG–Pt structures

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    The purpose of this work is to study the influence of four-magnon (4M) parametric instability on spin pumping by dipole-exchange magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) with the help of the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) in structures based on yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) and platinum (Pt). Methods. The experiments were carried out using the delay line structures based on YIG(900 nm)/Pt(9 nm) where electromotive force (EMF) induced by ISHE demonstrates a growth at the frequencies of the resonant interaction between MSSW and volume exchange modes. The frequency dependencies of the amplitude and phase for the delay line structure and EMF (U(f)) from the platinum layer were studied as a function of the MSSW power. Results. It was shown that the resonant EMF growth at the frequencies of dipole-exchange resonances is caused by the presence of Van Hove singularities in the density of states for spin waves at such frequencies that leads to an increase in the efficiency of electron-magnon scattering at the YIG–Pt interface. A growth in MSSW power beyond the threshold of 4M instability development results in a “smoothing” of resonant particularities in the EMF frequency dependence U(f) that can be explained by decreasing efficiency of spin pumping due to destruction of dipole-exchange resonances and related singularities in the density of states of spin waves. Conclusion. Obtained results may be of interest for the development of highly sensitive spin current detectors, as well as for the implementation of spintronic devices.&nbsp

    Разработка элементов технологии выращивания рассады лука порея для открытого грунта Нечерноземной зоны

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    Relevance and methods. Leek is one of the most promising onion crops for industrial cultivation in the Non-Chernozem zone, which has medicinal properties and high nutritional value. The results of studying the technological features of leek cultivation in the open ground of the Moscow region are presented. The studies were carried out in 2019-2020 on the territory of the “Vegetable Experimental Station named after V.I. Edelstein". We studied the influence of the feeding area of leek seedlings on the biometric parameters of plants and the quality of products. The object of the study is the variety Karantansky, experimental options: 1) seedling feeding area – 6 cm2 (control), 2) seedling feeding area – 8 cm2 , 3) seedling feeding area – 10 cm2 . The objects of research to study the content of ascorbic acid were leek varieties: late-ripening – Karantansky (standard), Bandit, Dobry Molodets, mid-ripening – Columbus, Hobot slona.Results. It is noted that the feeding area during the seedling period does not significantly affect the biometric parameters of leek plants: leaf area, plant weight, leek pseudostems diameter. Therefore, during the period of growing seedlings, from the point of view of rational use of the area in the seedling department, it is recommended to use the minimum feeding area – 6 cm2 . It was also found that the studied varieties accumulate ascorbic acid in different ways in various plant organs. The maximum content of ascorbic acid was noted in the leek pseudostems of the control late-ripening variety Karantanskiy – 23.6 mg%. The minimum values are for Dobry Molodets (11.8 mg%) and Hobot Slona (11.9 mg%).Актуальность. Лук порей – одна из наиболее перспективных луковых культур для промышленного выращивания в условиях Нечерноземной зоны, обладающая лечебными свойствами и высокой питательной ценностью.Материал и методы. Представлены результаты изучения технологических особенностей культивирования лука порея в условиях открытого грунта Московской области. Исследования проводили в 2019-2020 годах на территории УНПЦ «Овощная опытная станция имени В.И. Эдельштейна». Изучали влияние площади питания рассады лука порея на биометрические показатели растений и качество продукции. Объект исследования – сорт Карантанский, варианты опыта: 1) площадь питания рассады – 6 см2 (контроль), 2) площадь питания рассады – 8 см2 , 3) площадь питания рассады – 10 см2 . Объектами исследований по изучению содержания аскорбиновой кислоты являлись сорта лука порея: позднеспелые – Карантанский (стандарт), Бандит, Добрый молодец, среднеспелые – Коламбус, Хобот слона.Результаты. Отмечено, что площадь питания в рассадный период не оказывает существенного влияния на биометрические показатели растений лука порея: площадь листьев, масса растения, диаметр ложного стебля. Поэтому в период выращивания рассады, с точки зрения рационального использования площади в рассадном отделении, рекомендуется использовать минимальную площадь питания – 6 см2. Также установлено, что изучаемые сорта по-разному накапливают аскорбиновую кислоту в различных органах растения. Максимальное содержание отмечено в ложном стебле растений контрольного позднеспелого сорта Карантанский – 23,6 мг%. Минимальными значениями у сортов Добрый Молодец (11,8 мг%) и Хобот слона (11,9 мг%)

    The change in the surface topography of magnesium under high-flux C ion irradiation

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    The topography of the surface of the magnesium sample after irradiation by the high-intensity pulsed ion beam of a TEMP-4M accelerator was studied. The irradiation causes the formation of a regular comb structure and the creation of craters, their depth reaches 1-1.5 μ

    Peasant settlers and the ‘civilizing mission’ in Russian Turkestan, 1865-1917

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    This article provides an introduction to one of the lesser-known examples of European settler colonialism, the settlement of European (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) peasants in Southern Central Asia (Turkestan) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It establishes the legal background and demographic impact of peasant settlement, and the role played by the state in organising and encouraging it. It explores official attitudes towards the settlers (which were often very negative), and their relations with the local Kazakh and Kyrgyz population. The article adopts a comparative framework, looking at Turkestan alongside Algeria and Southern Africa, and seeking to establish whether paradigms developed in the study of other settler societies (such as the ‘poor white’) are of any relevance in understanding Slavic peasant settlement in Turkestan. It concludes that there are many close parallels with European settlement in other regions with large indigenous populations, but that racial ideology played a much less important role in the Russian case compared to religious divisions and fears of cultural backsliding. This did not prevent relations between settlers and the ‘native’ population deteriorating markedly in the years before the First World War, resulting in large-scale rebellion in 1916

    Influence of types of eggplant plant formation on productivity in the conditions of summer-autumn turnover in film greenhouses

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    Relevance. The annual increase in the area under the eggplant culture in small farms and the individual sector is explained by high nutritional, dietary, taste, and also the multi-purpose use of fruits. For optimal growth and development, eggplant needs a high amount of active temperature, which greatly limits the cultivation of crops in many regions of Russia. However, the egg-plant growing area is expanded through the use of industrial and film unheated greenhouses. The development of technology elements for growing eggplant in film greenhouses is relevant, as it contributes to an increase in the area of farms.Materials and methods. The aim of the research was to substantiate the elements of the technology for growing eggplant in film unheated soil greenhouses. The studies were carried out in 2018-2019 at the base of the Educational and Scientific Production Center “Vegetable Experimental Station named after IN AND. Edelstein» RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev in the summer-autumn turnover in a film unheated soil greenhouse. The objects of research were varieties and F1 eggplant hybrids: F1 Borovichok, F1 Bagira, F1 Tender, F1 Patio Trio, as a control they used a hybrid F1 Pelican; eggplant varieties: Mushroom pleasure, Black handsome, Don Quixote, they used the Frant variety as a control.Results. In general, based on the results of studying the influence of the formation of two and three stalked eggplant varieties and hybrids on the total yield in the conditions of summer-autumn turnover in film soil greenhouses, we recommend that all studied hybrids and varieties be grown in three shoots