2,445 research outputs found

    Pion Form Factor in Chiral Limit of Hard-Wall AdS/QCD Model

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    We develop a formalism to calculate form factor and charge density distribution of pion in the chiral limit using the holographic dual model of QCD with hard-wall cutoff. We introduce two conjugate pion wave functions and present analytic expressions for these functions and for the pion form factor. They allow to relate such observables as the pion decay constant and the pion charge electric radius to the values of chiral condensate and hard-wall cutoff scale. The evolution of the pion form factor to large values of the momentum transfer is discussed, and results are compared to existing experimental data.Comment: 21 page, 7 figures. Short comparison with NJL predictions for pion radius and new references added. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Bjorken Sum Rule and pQCD frontier on the move

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    The reasonableness of the use of perturbative QCD notions in the region close to the scale of hadronization, i.e., below \lesssim 1 \GeV is under study. First, the interplay between higher orders of pQCD expansion and higher twist contributions in the analysis of recent Jefferson Lab (JLab) data on the Generalized Bjorken Sum Rule function Γ1pn(Q2)\Gamma_1^{p-n} (Q^2) at 0.1<Q2<3GeV20.1<Q^2< 3 {\rm GeV}^2 is studied. It is shown that the inclusion of the higher-order pQCD corrections could be absorbed, with good numerical accuracy, by change of the normalization of the higher-twist terms. Second, to avoid the issue of unphysical singularity (Landau pole at Q=\Lambda\sim 400 \MeV ), we deal with the ghost-free Analytic Perturbation Theory (APT) that recently proved to be an intriguing candidate for a quantitative description of light quarkonia spectra within the Bethe-Salpeter approach. The values of the twist coefficients μ2k\mu_{2k} extracted from the mentioned data by using the APT approach provide a better convergence of the higher-twist series than with the common pQCD. As the main result, a good quantitative description of the JLab data down to QQ\simeq 350 MeV is achieved.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, minor change

    Helicity-dependent photoabsorption cross sections on the nucleon

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    We examine the energy dependence of single-meson photoproduction as it contributes to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule. For photon energies above approximately 1 GeV, through the full resonance region, this contribution dominates the proton sum rule integral. Over the same energy region, our single-pion contribution to the neutron sum rule also qualitatively follows a recent set of GDH data. The predicted neutral-pion contribution to the neutron sum rule is nearly zero above 1 GeV in this result. The SAID and Mainz (MAID) results are very different for a number of observables over this energy region.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figur

    Reciprocal space study of Heisenberg exchange interactions in ferromagnetic metals

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    The modern quantum theory of magnetism in solids is getting commonly derived using Green's functions formalism. The popularity draws itself from remarkable opportunities to capture the microscopic landscape of exchange interactions, starting from a tight-binding representation of the electronic structure. Indeed, the conventional method of infinitesimal spin rotations, considered in terms of local force theorem, opens vast prospects of investigations regarding the magnetic environment, as well as pairwise atomic couplings. However, this theoretical concept practically does not devoid of intrinsic inconsistencies. In particular, naturally expected correspondence between single and pairwise infinitesimal spin rotations is being numerically revealed to diverge. In this work, we elaborate this question on the model example and canonical case of bcc iron. Our analytical derivations discovered the principal preference of on-site magnetic precursors if the compositions of individual atomic interactions are in focus. The problem of extremely slow or even absent spatial convergence while considering metallic compounds was solved by suggesting the original technique, based on reciprocal space framework. Using fundamental Fourier transform-inspired interconnection between suggested technique and traditional spatial representation, we shed light on symmetry breaking in bcc Fe on the level of orbitally decomposed total exchange surrounding

    Політичне лідерство як феномен сучасного суспільства

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    Герасимович В. А. Політичне лідерство як феномен сучасного суспільства / В. А. Герасимович // Людина, суспільство, політика: актуальні виклики сучасності: матеріали ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 13-14 лютого 2015 р.) / НУ «ОЮА», Одеське відділення Міжнародної асоціації студентів політологічної науки, за заг. ред. Д. В. Яковлева – Одеса : НУ «ОЮА», 2015. – С. 90-92