20 research outputs found

    Trophological approach in the development of nutrition theories

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    This article presents a trophological approach to the development of nutrition. The evolution of human views on nutrition from antiquity to the present time, including issues of perfect nutrition, is considered. The main concepts of nutrition theories are formulated. The systematized reasoning is useful for new rationale for solutions of challenges related to optimization of nutrition. Within the scope of the development of nutrition theories, the problem of perfect food plays a special role. The article presents a modern vision of perfect nutrition. The designing of trophological nutrition algorithm is based on scientific approaches that both to justify the correct consumption of food products, and also define the most reasonable way of their production, storage, distribution and disposal of food waste. The implementation of the trophological approach in theories of nutrition is also reflected in the concept of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthy nutrition among the population. This topic is also relevant in light of the sharp increase of food allergies among the various groups of population, because people who suffer from food allergies must follow a special diet to prevent the risk of allergic reactions, which can be managed using a nutritional approach


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    Purpose of the study - to study the causes of synovitis in patients with recurrent Baker’s cyst, to evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment of popliteal cysts . Materials and methods. From 2009 till 2013 we observed 34 patients with Baker's cyst. In 18 (52.9%) patients of the main group endoscopic technique was applied, in 16 (47.1%) patients of the comparison group a cystic bag was isolated and dissected with open technique, and then cystic gate was sutured. Results. In 10 (55,6%) patients of the main group the pain disappeared in the first postoperative day (

    Factors influencing the pedicle screw fixation stability in patients with unstable lumbar and thoracolumbar spine injuries

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    Background. One of the reasons for the lack of standardized approaches to treating lumbar and thoracolumbar spine traumatic injuries is inconclusive information on relative contribution of various factors to pedicle screw fixation stability.Objective. To determine risk factors that influence pedicle screw fixation stability in patients with unstable traumatic injuries of a lumbar spine and thoracolumbar junction.Material and Methods. This was a retrospective evaluation of 192 spinal instrumentations. Patients with type А3, A4, B1, B2 and C injuries of lumbar and thoracolumbar spine were enrolled. Pedicle screw fixation was used either as a stand-alone technique or in combination with anterior column reconstruction. If required, decompression of nerve roots and spinal cord was performed. Cases with pedicle screw fixation failure were registered. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess predictive significance of potential risk factors. Results. Complication rate growth was associated with a decrease in bone radiodensity, posterior decompression extensiveness, lumbosacral fixation and residual kyphotic deformity. Anterior column reconstruction and additional pedicle screw installation led to a decline in complication rate while anterior decompression and fixation length did not influence fixation stability. Conclusion. In most cases, pedicle screw fixation system failure is associated with altered bone quality; however, surgical approach may also impact complication rate and should be taken into account when planning surgical intervention. Anterior column reconstruction and additional pedicle screw installation are associated with the decline in complication rate; the influence of those options is comparable. Anterior decompression does not influence pedicle screw fixation stability; consequently, it is preferable in cases with considerable risk of pedicle screw fixation failure

    A developed treatment method for superficial and partial thickness localized burns: Clinical and morphological assessment

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    Objectives to prove the effectiveness of the new developed method of treatment of patients with localized superficial and partial thickness burns (gel and silver coating plus ultraviolet radiation of the wound and magnetic therapy). Material and methods.The treatment of local burn wound infection was analyzed in 29 patients with I-II degree localized burns during the all phases of the wound healing process. The wound material was obtained in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines МУ 4.2.2039-05 "The technique of collection and transportation of biomaterials in microbiological laboratories". The material was delivered to the laboratory in test tubes with a transport medium under isothermal conditions at a temperature of 2022C within a day after collection. Results.The tests revealed no significant differences in the studied characteristics between the compared groups (р0.05, р=0.55,2=3.841). Conclusion.We consider the developed method of local treatment of superficial and partial thickness localized burns as a rather promising, feasible method having its own significance and intended for the prevention and treatment of local wound infection in all phases of the wound healing process

    The new functional products inclusion in the complex rehabilitation and preventive programs in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders

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    The review presents an urgent problem of modern sports medicine — the development and inclusion of new nutritive and metabolic food products in the treatment of athletes with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The analysis of the main etiological factors of the musculoskeletal disorders in athletes is presented. The study of the anatomical, histological and functional features of the bone-cartilaginous structures in athletes made it possible to establish the priority macro- and micronutrients, which should be the basis in modern specialized and functional food products. Brief composition characteristics of the new canned food “Enmit-beef” and dry protein concentrate “Ostov” (for the drink preparation) are presented. The preliminary results of the use of these functional meat-based products indicate their effectiveness in rehabilitation and treatment of athletes with musculoskeletal disorders

    Study on acrylamide accumulation in the model system based on animal raw materials depending on thermal treatment regimes

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    The aim of the investigation was to study an effect of thermal treatment parameters on the content of reducing sugars, amino acids and acrylamide in the meat model system depending on the thermal treatment regime. The authors studied an influence of the reaction of melanoidine formation on the concentration of amino acids and reducing sugars at different thermal treatment regimes and established a decrease in the total amino acid content by 7 % upon the standard sterilization regime and by 11 % when increasing the temperature or duration of thermal treatment. It was found that at the same temperature with an increase in duration of thermal treatment up to 50 min., the acrylamide level increased by 1.6 times. Exposure of the model samples to a temperature of 120 °С for 50 min. had the highest effect on the level of acrylamide accumulation compared to the traditional sterilization regime of canned foods for child nutrition and the regime with an increased temperature of up to 130 °С. The obtained data will allow developing new meat products with the reduced content of unsafe components for nutrition in early childhood.The aim of the investigation was to study an effect of thermal treatment parameters on the content of reducing sugars, amino acids and acrylamide in the meat model system depending on the thermal treatment regime. The authors studied an influence of the reaction of melanoidine formation on the concentration of amino acids and reducing sugars at different thermal treatment regimes and established a decrease in the total amino acid content by 7 % upon the standard sterilization regime and by 11 % when increasing the temperature or duration of thermal treatment. It was found that at the same temperature with an increase in duration of thermal treatment up to 50 min., the acrylamide level increased by 1.6 times. Exposure of the model samples to a temperature of 120 °С for 50 min. had the highest effect on the level of acrylamide accumulation compared to the traditional sterilization regime of canned foods for child nutrition and the regime with an increased temperature of up to 130 °С. The obtained data will allow developing new meat products with the reduced content of unsafe components for nutrition in early childhood

    Clinical anatomy features of the buccal part of the facial vein.

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    Abstract. Surgical interventions such as bishectomy or the oroantral fis�sure closure using the buccal extension of the buccal fat pad performed with transoral incision, which is associated with a significant number of risks. These risks include damaging of the facial vein and there is no in�formation its relationships with the fat body of the cheek in literature. The aim of the study is to describe the features of the clinical anatomy of the buccal part of the facial vein and its relationships with the buc�cal extention of the buccal fat pad. Materials and methods. We used 30 fresh cadavers heads, 15 both males and females. Vessels been filled with silicone compound according to the M. Landofi method. Topo�graphic and anatomical study was performed by layer-by-layer dissection on each side, so the total number of observations was 60. The relation of the facial vein to the facial artery, buccal fat pad and buccal muscle were described. Dissection results were photographed and recorded. Results. The facial vein was founded in 82% (n=49) cases. Were found 3 types of the relationship between the facial vein and the buccal fat pad. In the first type (58%; n=35), the facial vein passes through the buccal region between the outer surface of the buccal muscle and the buccal extension of the buccal fat pad. In the second type (15%; n=9), the fa�cial vein lies on the surface of the buccal muscle anteriorly to the buc�cal fat pad. The third type (8%; n=5) — the facial vein lies superficially, outward from the buccal fat pad. In most cases the combined weight of 1 and 2 types of the facial vein relationships was 73% (n=44), the fa�cial vein in the buccal region lies in the space between the buccal fat pad and the buccal muscle, crossing the most common horizontal inci�sions. Conclusions. The different types of the facial vein and buccal fat pad relationships should be taken into account as a potential risk factor during planning surgical interventions. Since in most cases the course of the facial vein crossing with the direction of the most common sur�gical incision, it is necessary to look for other safer options for surgical access to the buccal fat pad


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    The paper demonstrates that the use of the electromagnetic treatment based on an impact of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the self-generating (SG) discharge increases the antioxidant activity (AOA) of beef and pork semi-prepared products in pieces. The semi-prepared products were treated using the experimental equipment that consisted of the plasma electromagnetic generator based on the self-generating (SG) discharge for generating strong electromagnetic oscillations. It was found that in the experimental samples subjected to the electromagnetic treatment, an amount of reduced glutathione, which determines the redox characteristics of the intracellular environment, and glutathione peroxidase, which protects an organism against oxidative damage, increased almost two-fold. These results suggest that the excessive development of free radicals was leveled, in particular, due to the regeneration of many cytosolic low weight molecular antioxidants. Moreover, lower level of malon dialdehyde, which characterizes lipid peroxidation, was detected in the treated semi-prepared products from beef and pork (by 10% and 2.5%, respectively,) compared to the control. The results of the study showed that an impact of the SG discharge contributed to a decrease in the microbial growth rate in the chilled semi-prepared products during storage. For example, on the 6th day, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QМАFАnМ)did not exceed the established indicator, which correlated with the results of the organoleptic investigations. It was found that the electromagnetic treatment did not have a significant effect on the in vitro digestibility of the semi-prepared products; that is, it did not lead to deterioration of their biological value. The performed research allows us to suggest that the use of the SG discharge is expedient for increasing shelf life of meat semi-prepared products in pieces and developing a new ecologically pure technology for meat product storage..В статье показано, что применение электромагнитной обработки, основанной на воздействии электромагнитного поля самогенерирующего разряда (СГ-разряда), повышает антиокислительную активность (АОА) мясных кусковых полуфабрикатов, изготовленных из говядины и свинины. Обработку мясных полуфабрикатов осуществляли на экспериментальной установке, состоящей из плазменного электромагнитного генератора на основе СГ-разряда, для получения мощных электромагнитных колебаний. В  опытных образцах, подвергнутых электромагнитной обработке, установлено повышение почти в 2 раза величины восстановленного глутатиона, определяющего окислительно-восстановительные характеристики внутриклеточной среды, и глутатионпероксида, защищающего организм от окислительного повреждения, что свидетельствует о нивелировании избыточного образования свободных радикалов, в частности, за счет регенерации многих цитозольных низкомолекулярных антиоксидантов. Также установлено более низкое, в  сравнении с контрольным образцом, значение уровня малонового диальдегида, характеризующего перекисное окисление липидов, для обработанных полуфабрикатов из говядины на 10%, из свинины на 2,5% соответственно. Результаты исследований показали, что воздействие СГ-разряда способствует снижению скорости роста микроорганизмов в охлажденных полуфабрикатах в процессе хранения, так, на 6 сутки хранения показатель КМАФАнМ не превышал нормируемый, что коррелирует с результатами органолептических исследований. Выявлено, что электромагнитная обработка не оказывает существенного влияния на переваримость in vitro полуфабрикатов, то есть не приводит к снижению их биологической ценности. Проведенные исследования позволяют предположить, что использование СГ-разряда целесообразно для увеличения срока годности мясных кусковых полуфабрикатов и разработки новой экологически чистой технологии хранения мясной продукции

    Антимикробная и антимикотическая фотодинамическая терапия (обзор литературы)

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    This review highlights the possibilities of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using drugs based on chlorin e6, aluminum phthalocyanine, methylene blue as photosensitizers for bacterial and fungal pathologies. This method was developed initially to treat tumor diseases, where it had shown its high efficiency and safety. Now photodynamic therapy is actively used in the treatment of cancers of the skin, bronchi, stomach, cervix, larynx, or other regions. However, numerous studies have been carried out for the entire existence of the method, demonstrating new possibilities of its application. This review highlights a number of studies in which the efficacy and safety of antimicrobial and antimycotic PDT were studied in vivo and in vitro. It has been proven to have a positive effect on the reparative processes in the wound. An experimental study was carried out to study the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of peritonitis in mice. Demonstrated anti-inflammatory potential in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.В обзоре литературы освещены возможности фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) с использованием в качестве фотосенсибилизатора (ФС) ряда препаратов, в том числе на основе хлорина е6, фталоцианина алюминия, метиленового синего, при бактериальных и грибковых патологиях. Метод ФДТ изначально был разработан для лечения опухолевых заболеваний, в борьбе с которыми показал свою высокую эффективность и безопасность. В настоящее время ФДТ активно применяется при лечении пациентов с раком кожи, бронхов, желудка, шейки матки, гортани и других локализаций. Однако за все время существования метода были проведены многочисленные исследования, демонстрирующие новые возможности его применения. В настоящем обзоре освещен ряд научно-исследовательских работ, в которых была изучена эффективность и безопасность антимикробной и антимикотической ФДТ в экспериментах in vivo и in vitro. Выполнен обзор публикаций, посвященных изучению механизмов антимикробного действия ФДТ, а также изучающих влияние ФДТ на репаративные процессы в ране. В исследованиях, включенных в настоящий обзор, доказана высокая эффективность антимикробной и антимикотической ФДТ. Продемонстрирован противовоспалительный потенциал метода при лечении аутоиммунных заболеваний у людей

    Functional results of surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint in combination with lateral stabilization

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    The objective was to compare the effectiveness of isolated anatomical antegrade reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) with bonetendon-bone autograft (BTB autograft) and in combination with lateral extra-articular tenodesis (LEAT) graft from the iliotibial tract (ITT).Material and methods. We analyzed 187 arthroscopic ACL reconstructions in patients with a Pivot shift test – 3+ degree. We performed an isolated ACL-R in 118 (63.1 %) patients in group 1 and added the LEAT from ITB to it in group 2.Results. According to IKDC-2000: 176 (94.1 %) patients were included in categories A and B, 11 (5.9 %) – in C. Significant differences in these groups appeared 15 months after the operation. According to KOSS: in group 2, the anterior and rotational knee stability, as well as the level of sports activity were higher, and pathological symptoms were less common.Conclusion. LEAT from ITB increases stability and functionality of the knee joint in patients with anatomical antegrade ACL reconstructions with BTB-autograft for terms over 15 months after the operation, and is an economically procedure