13 research outputs found

    Slavic-Turkic Comparisons in the Diachronic Aspect

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    The article is devoted to a comparative study of the concept man in the linguistic consciousness of the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians) and representatives of the Turkic culture (Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) in a diachronic aspect. The globalization processes of the beginning of the 21st century mark the era of “civilizational breakdown” which is characterized by a change in the usual foundations of life and by obvious transformations of society. Thus, it seems relevant and prognostically valuable to reveal the content of the conceptosphere man in the linguistic consciousness of the ethnic groups under consideration in different periods of their life. The aim of the study is to determine the vector of displacement (or stability) of the axiological component in the choice of assessments and worldview ideas about a man among the informants of different generations. As research material, there were used associative dictionaries compiled on the basis of associative experiments conducted in different periods (Soviet and modern). The associative lexicographic material is recognized as one of the most reliable ways to access a person’s linguistic consciousness, the latter being understood by us as knowledge about the world “externalized” by linguistic signs, and its projections in the mental apparatus of a person, i.e., images of consciousness. This associative method of language consciousness research makes it possible to explain the facts of functioning and transformation of consciousness revealed in psycholinguistic experiments through the connection of these facts with ethnocultural peculiarities of ideas about the world of people as members of certain ethnosocial groups, with their general / universal (basic), and ethnospecific (local) cultural values. The comparative analysis undertaken in the research showed that the process of global civilizational shifts brings afore the interest and desire of the ethnocultural community to search for traditional ethnocultural values that (along with basic universal human values) can unite and strengthen the vitality of the ethnos. The work is being carried out with the prospect of further studies of the linguistic consciousness of ethnic groups, of determining the elements of (in)stability, and identifying conflict zones in the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of Slavic and Turkic ethnic groups

    Irradiation-induced Ag nanocluster nucleation in silicate glasses: analogy with photography

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    The synthesis of Ag nanoclusters in sodalime silicate glasses and silica was studied by optical absorption (OA) and electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments under both low (gamma-ray) and high (MeV ion) deposited energy density irradiation conditions. Both types of irradiation create electrons and holes whose density and thermal evolution - notably via their interaction with defects - are shown to determine the clustering and growth rates of Ag nanocrystals. We thus establish the influence of redox interactions of defects and silver (poly)ions. The mechanisms are similar to the latent image formation in photography: irradiation-induced photoelectrons are trapped within the glass matrix, notably on dissolved noble metal ions and defects, which are thus neutralized (reverse oxidation reactions are also shown to exist). Annealing promotes metal atom diffusion, which in turn leads to cluster nuclei formation. The cluster density depends not only on the irradiation fluence, but also - and primarily - on the density of deposited energy and the redox properties of the glass. Ion irradiation (i.e., large deposited energy density) is far more effective in cluster formation, despite its lower neutralization efficiency (from Ag+ to Ag0) as compared to gamma photon irradiation.Comment: 48 pages, 18 figures, revised version publ. in Phys. Rev. B, pdf fil


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    The article analyzes the experimental results obtained during free psycholinguistic associative experiment (SAE) carried out in 2012-2014. with a massive (over 1,000 informants) audience students of the Kazakh branch of the universities on the territory of South Kazakhstan region (Shymkent city) and reflected in the Kazakh associative dictionary; discusses and analyzes examples of Kazakh-Russian derivational syncretism in morphological and lexico-semantic system of the Kazakh language and their role in the speech environment of today’s youth - representatives of the titular nation of Kazakhstan. This article continues to develop the idea, previously expressed in works of scientists of the Russian psycho-linguistic schools - A.A. Leontiev, E.F. Tarasov, N.V. Ufimtseva, V.P. Sinyachkin and continued Kazakhstan psycholinguistami Z.K. Akhmetzhanova, NV. Dmitryuk, A. Shajahmetova, D.A. Moldalievа etc.The work attempts to show the existence of a number of problems in the search for ethnic identity related to the image transformation of consciousness in post-socialist and the modern period

    Photoluminescence of silver in glassy matrices

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    This work studies the behavior of Ag+ ions incorporated in different silica-based glassy matrices. To this end, Ag-doped silica coatings, prepared via sol-gel and deposited on pure silica and soda-lime glasses, are investigated by means of structural and optical spectroscopy techniques. Silver tends to segregate towards the interface during the annealing process, but in the case of soda-lime glassy substrates the exchange process favors its diffusion into the substrate. The environment of Ag+ ions during the annealing process determines their final oxidation state. In the pure silica matrix, Ag+ ions are found to be unstable and tend to reduce to Ag-0, with the subsequent formation of metallic nanoparticles. However, the presence of network formers and modifiers gives rise to the appearance of nonbridging oxygen, which allows the stabilization of Ag+ ions in the matrix