7 research outputs found

    Formation of Main Directions of Bolsheviks’ Cooperative Policy in Civil War and “War Communism”

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    The relevance of the study is determined by insufficient exploration of the problem of the formation of the cooperative policy of the Bolsheviks in the difficult conditions of finding ways of building fundamentally new social, political and economic structure of Russia. The complex and contradictory process of forming a cooperative policy of central authorities and top officials of the state is examined. The question is raised about the strategy and tactics of cooperative policy of the Soviet government in the first years after the revolution. Special attention is paid to the identification of key areas of cooperative politics in the civil war and “war communism.” Key factors that influenced the position of various authorities in determining their relationship to the societies are established. The main priorities in the implementation of the cooperative policy are identified. The characteristics of cooperative policy implementation by the authorities are examined. The author comes to the conclusion that in the first months of Soviet power its actions gradually manifested two main directions in the formation of a cooperative policy. The first direction was characterized by the involvement of cooperative workers aimed at collaboration and the gradual transformation of societies in a form that would meet the ideological views of the Bolsheviks. The second movement is distinguished by the pursuit of power to capture the cooperation by administrative means, forcing it to fulfill the state order. Subsequently (over the entire study period), these two directions interacted with each other, forming in their unity cooperative policy which, in turn, was a part of the government’s economic policy

    Religious Affiliation and Socio-Cultural Image of Staff of Omsk Railway Workshops at the Turn of 19th-20th Centuries

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    The relevance of the study is determined by insufficient exploration of the problem of religious affiliation of the employees of West Siberia railway transport enterprises at the turn of 19th-20th centuries. Attention is paid to the fact that religious affiliation is a significant social and cultural characteristics, not only of the individual, but also of social and professional communities. The novelty of the study lies in attracting and analyzing the data contained in the departmental office learned of the little-known archival documents. Their analysis allows to reconstruct the religious component of the socio-cultural image and the spiritual world of the workers of large enterprises of industrial type operating on the Siberian railroad at the turn of 19th-20th centuries. According to the authors, within the labour collective of Omsk main railway workshops there was a general increase in the number of employees belonging to different religious denominations. It is proved that religious affiliation was an important factor influencing socio-cultural image of workers and employees of the largest industrial enterprises of the Siberian railway and Omsk - the main railway workshops. The data are revealed that the professional structure of the enterprise included mostly the representatives of the Christian Orthodox denomination. The authors show that religious values influenced the way of life, cultural level of development of the personality and his attitude to his production duties

    West Siberian peatlands: comparative study of greenhouse gas emission in middle taiga and forest tundra climatic conditions

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    The study of CO2 and CH4 gas emission was carried out in two contrast bioclimatic sub-zones in the north provinces of Western Siberia. Three year measurements have shown the averaged summer fluxes to be equaled 81,6 ± 70,1 mg CH4 m~^ d~' (n = 190) and 7,56 ± 4,23 g CO2 m~^ d^^ (n = 156) for middle taiga mires. The north peatland fluxes were substantively lower and ranged from 6,1 (in lake) up to 41,0 (oligotrophic hollow) mg CH4 m~^ d^' and 1,5 g CO2 m~^ d^' (lake) to 5,4 g CO2 m~^ d^^ (paisa surface) during July-August 2005. Influence of peat temperature and water table level (WTL) were also searched on the methane and carbon dioxide fluxes. It was found statistically true regressive exponential relationship between CH4 flux and WTL for middle taiga mire. The low temperature and permafrost impact were discussed