703 research outputs found

    Crisis of biographical methodology in russian science and criticism of 1920-1930

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    In this article the basic tendency in the comprehension of the biographical meaningfulness of fictional works by Russian literary scholars and critics, who lived in the period 1920-1930 is considered. By that time side by side with the radical biographical method of the M.O. Gershenson’s school there existed the antibiographical approach to fictional works, which was developed by formalists and was radical too. V.M. Zhirmunsky and B.V. Tomashevsky tried to reconcile these contradictory views in the theory and practice of literary criticism. The mythopoetical interpretation of the writer’s biography in D.S. Merezhkovsky’s essay “Dante” (1939) is presented as an alternative for the biographical methodyesBelgorod State Universit

    'Inductive' electronegativity scale: 2. 'Inductive' analog of chemical hardness

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    On the basis of a previously suggested approach to the calculation of 'inductive' electronegativities of atoms and groups a simple method of theoretical estimation of in situ inductive electronegativities is elaborated. The method also allows the determination of inductive local and global chemical hardness parameters on the basis of geometric characteristics of bonded atoms. This made it possible to provide a new 'steric' interpretation for some known chemical rules, such as the principle of maximum hardness. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Inductive effect of substituents in the correlation analysis. The problem of quantitative estimation

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    Systematisation and analysis of the literature data concerning quantitative estimation of inductive interaction of functional groups in organic and organoelement compounds have been carried out. The data of own autor's works devoted to elaboration of new model of inductive effect which permits to calculate theoretically the inductive constants of various substituents at any reactive centers are generalised. The possibility of using the elaborated approach to solve some important theoretical questions connected with the problem of inductive effect, such as inductive influence in organoelement compounds and inductive effect of alkyl groups, is also discussed

    Modelling of substituents electronic and steric effects for effective analysis of organoelement and organophosphorus reactivity

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    For the effective analysis of organic and organoelement reactivity and the reaction mechanisms we have elaborated a simple enough models of steric and inductive substituents effects, which allow to calculate theorically the steric and inductive constants of any substituent at any reactive center. Both of these models possess of clear and comprehensible physical meaning, their correctness was confirmed by a good agreement of theorically calculated constants with well-known experimental steric and inductive scales. The wide possibilities of the suggested models for investigation of reaction mechanisms, organic and organoelement (organophosphorus, in particular) reactivity are discussed on the basis of different important organophosphorus reactions Pudovik, Abramov, Willyamson, Kabachnic-Fields reactions, acidic-basis equilibria, addition and complexation processes, etc.)

    'Inductive' electronegativity scale

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    A new approach to the calculation of group electronegativity is introduced on the basis of previously elaborated additive models for steric and inductive effects. The newly derived 'inductive' group- electronegativities χ1 correlate well with other well-established electronegativity X scales. A firm interrelation between three fundamental substituent characteristics: inductive and steric constants and group electronegativity is suggested

    A new approach to the theoretical estimation of inductive constants

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    A new model of the inductive effect is proposed, allowing highly accurate theoretical calculations of inductive constants for a diversity of substituents, using a simple and readily available system of mathematics. According to this approach, the inductive effect of a substituent is considered in terms of the additive influence of its constituent atoms. A constant inherent capacity for inductive interaction with a reactive center (with a four-coordinate carbon atom chosen for such a center), represented by an atomic constant σA, is ascribed to each atom. Values of σA for a wide variety of atoms are determined, and their physical meaning is revealed to elucidate to a certain extent the physical nature of the inductive effect. In addition, the proposed model permits the convenient use in calculations of group constants σGcharacterizing the inductive power of groups. Values of σGare determined for molecular fragments that are most widely dealt with in organic chemistry, and the use of σAorσG constants and of their superposition is shown to have, in most cases, little or no effect on the accuracy and reproducibility of the results obtained. It is also shown that, in terms of the developed approach, the inductive effect of a substituent is closely associated with its conformation. Theoretical inductive constants were calculated for 427 organic, aromatic, organometallic and charged substituents, and they showed perfect correlation with the corresponding experimental values. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    A new approach to theoretical calculation of group electronegativities and its application for organoelement reactivity

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    The relationship between the structure and reactivity of compounds is one of the basic problems of organic and organoelement chemistry. On the basis of previously suggested models of steric and inductive substituents effects [1,2] a new theoretical approach has been elaborated which allows to calculate theoretically a numerous atomic and group descriptors called "inductive" reactivity indexes which can be used for the quantitative interpretation of reactivity and physical-chemical properties of various organic and organoelement - organophosphorus in particular - derivatives

    Androgynous plot in the oeuvre of Z.N. Gippius and its reflection in the novel by V.V. Nabokov "The gift"

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    This article considers androgynous plot in fictional prose of Z.N. Gippius, exemplified with the short novel “The mirrors” (1896) and the novel “Roman-tzarevitch” (1913), within the frameworks of studying of creative life model of this prominent representative of Russian Silver Age. Androgynous plot as an creative life allusion by Z.N. Gippius created the base for so-called “History if Yasha Chernyshevskiy” , which from hearsay is retold by the main character of V.V. Nabokov’s novel “The Gift” F.K.Godunov-Cherdyntsev. This text vividly expresses author’s polemical attitude to Z.N. Gippius’ creativeyesBelgorod State Universit

    Application of a model of inductive effect for analysis of the reactivity of organoelement compounds

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    Abundant published evidence is presented to show the practical utility of the previously developed model of inductive effect for analysis of the reactivity of organic and organoelement compounds. The universal character and high precision of the approach is demonstrated for 149 reaction series in terms of one- and two-parameter correlations, using calculated inductive and steric constants