36 research outputs found

    On the Conditions for the Introducing Distance Learning in Russian Universities

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    Modern computer and Internet technologies make it possible not only to transfer educational materials to digital media, but also to implement in a remote format various teaching methods,  diagnostics,  individualization  of  educational  interests  and  trajectories,  and  much  more. In addition, modern technologies in this area allow us to do what was simply impossible within the framework of the conventional education system. But the issue of a reasonable measure of the use of these technologies and the adequate setting and implementation of tasks in this direction requires special work. The article presents the results of this kind of work carried out on the basis of a program-project approach. Although the work was carried out within the framework of the assignment of  the  FEMU  to  classical  universities  for  mathematical  education,  the  specifics  of  universities  and mathematical education were not significant. The assignment was to determine the readiness of the mathematical faculties of universities for the systematic use of distance learning through an expert survey  of  FEMU  members.  The  relevance  of  the  question  of  the  timeliness  of  the  introducing  distance learning in a particular situation, on the one hand, and the problematic nature of this issue, due to the lack of proper systemic, logical grounds for its solution, prompted the author to apply his own method, which is conceptually different from the numerous surveys and “experiences” available in literature. The application of this method (“double inversion of position” or, in other words, “double negation”: intent   – objections  – withdrawal of objections), made it possible to formulate three principal lists. The first contains an explicitly formulated framework in which the introducing distance learning makes sense; the second and third represent the research and development program necessary for the implementation of distance learning. And already on the basis of the first list, related to the current situation, a survey of experts was conducted, which made it possible to formulate the main conclusions on the problem under discussion. The results obtained fix a logical necessity that does not depend on private opinions or specific features of the situation

    On the oscillation properties of eigenfunctions of Sturm--Liouville problem with singular coefficients

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    In the paper we consider singular spectral Sturm--Liouville problem (py)+(qλr)y=0-(py')'+(q-\lambda r)y=0, (U1)y+i(U+1)y=0(U-1)y^{\vee}+i(U+1)y^{\wedge}=0, where function pL[0,1]p\in L_{\infty}[0,1] is uniformly positive, generalized functions q,rW21[0,1]q,r\in W_2^{-1}[0,1] are real-valued and unitary matrix UC2×2U\in\mathbb C^{2\times 2} is diagonal. The main goal is to prove that well-known (for smooth case) facts about number and distribution of zeros of eigenfunctions hold in general case.Comment: 7 page

    Group Analysis of Variable Coefficient Diffusion-Convection Equations. I. Enhanced Group Classification

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    We discuss the classical statement of group classification problem and some its extensions in the general case. After that, we carry out the complete extended group classification for a class of (1+1)-dimensional nonlinear diffusion--convection equations with coefficients depending on the space variable. At first, we construct the usual equivalence group and the extended one including transformations which are nonlocal with respect to arbitrary elements. The extended equivalence group has interesting structure since it contains a non-trivial subgroup of non-local gauge equivalence transformations. The complete group classification of the class under consideration is carried out with respect to the extended equivalence group and with respect to the set of all point transformations. Usage of extended equivalence and correct choice of gauges of arbitrary elements play the major role for simple and clear formulation of the final results. The set of admissible transformations of this class is preliminary investigated.Comment: 25 page

    Neuropsychiatric features of children with systemic somatovegetative disorders (by the example of atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease)

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    Objective: to study the clinical neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological features of children suffering from systemic somatovegetative disorders.Materials and methods: the study involved children from 5 to 12 years old with an established diagnosis of bronchial asthma — 108 children; atopic dermatitis — 105 children; gastroesophageal reflux disease — 112 children; the control group consisted of 60 same age healthy children. All children underwent clinical-anamnestic, neurological, psychopathological and neuropsychological research.Results: the children with systemic somatovegetative disorders have a significantly high incidence of pathogenic factors of central nervous system damage in early stages of ontogenesis (pathology of pregnancy and childbirth). Early sensory and motor deprivation due to somatic suffering aggravates neuropsychiatric deficiency. Neuropsychological disorders were predominantly represented by a violation of the perception of their body, lack of kinesthetic and motor functions, spatial and quasi-spatial representations.Conclusion: the clinical dynamics of neuropsychiatric disorders in children with systemic somatovegetative disorders corresponds to the dynamics of residual cerebral organic impairment with a stage-age changes of syndromes. The revealed neuropsychological disorders correspond to preferential damage to the first (energy) functional block of the brain

    Creating an interactive simulator for practicing catecholamine pathway skills

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    The purpose of the study is to introduce multi-stage tasks into the curriculum for a more holistic understanding of the material being studied by students.Цель исследования – введение в программу обучения многоступенчатых задач для более целостного понимания изучаемого материала

    Comparative assessment of magnesium status in patients with connective tissue dysplasia syndrome

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    The research was conducted on the presence of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome among 92 female students, the overwhelming majority revealed this condition, then their magnesium status was evaluated. A direct correlation between the degree of connective tissue dysplasia and the severity of magnesium deficiency has been established.Проведено исследование на наличие синдрома дисплазии соединительной ткани у 92 девушек студенток, у подавляющего большинства выявлено данное состояние, далее была проведена оценка их магниевого статуса. Установлена прямая корреляция между степенью дисплазии соединительной ткани и выраженностью дефицита магния

    The use of vector interpretation of projective geometry invariants for analyzing dynamic spatial images

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    Copyright © SGEM WORLD SCIENCE (SWS) Society 2020. This work focuses on the use of projective geometry methods to determine star positions produced on the basis of positional observations. As is known, projective geometry studies invariant projective transformations. The main feature of projective geometry is the principle of duality, which adds elegant symmetry to many designs. While the properties of the figures that Euclidean geometry deals with are metric, but there are figures that can be converted into one another by movement while maintaining the metric properties, that is, there are more complex properties of geometric figures, it is necessary to use the corresponding methods. The method novelty lies in the fact that the technique allows analyzing images of multiple systems of reference star positions having independent proper motions. The use of this projective geometry apparatus may have a wide application for the study of multi-parameter dynamic coordinate systems and the construction of the considered clusters' models. In this paper, the described method was used to analyze images of star clusters. When performing calculational procedures it was believed that non-linear distorting factors had been removed from the measured stars' coordinates. The determination of stars' proper motions is of particular practical importance as the inertial coordinate system is based on star positions catalogues, and it is necessary to know benchmarks' shift in time. In the practical part of the work a breadboard modeling of using the proposed method for determining stars' proper motions was performed. At the same time, it is implied that at the breadboard images scale of 90″/mm the proper motions do not exceed 0.050″ in absolute value over a time interval of 50 years. It should be noted the analysis of the numerical experiments results allows to conclude that there is the possibility of defining proper motions of independent objects, included in space clusters, with the method based on the vector interpretation of the projective geometry invariants - projective coordinates