18 research outputs found

    Three Problems of the Theory of Choice on Random Sets

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    This paper discusses three problems which are united not only by the common topic of research stated in the title, but also by a somewhat surprising interlacing of the methods and techniques used. In the first problem, an attempt is made to resolve a very unpleasant metaproblem arising in general choice theory: why the conditions of rationality are not really necessary or, in other words, why in every-day life we are quite satisfied with choice methods which are far from being ideal. The answer, substantiated by a number of results, is as follows: situations in which the choice function "misbehaves" are very seldom met in large presentations. In the second problem, an overview of our studies is given on the problem of statistical properties of choice. One of the most astonishing phenomenon found when we deviate from scalar-extremal choice functions is in stable multiplicity of choice. If our presentation is random, then a random number of alternatives is chosen in it. But how many? The answer isn't trivial, and may be sought in many different directions. As we shall see below, usually a bottleneck case was considered in seeking the answer. It is interesting to note that statistical information effects the properties of the problem very much. The third problem is devoted to a model of a real life choice process. This process is typically spread in time, and we gradually (up to the time of making a final decision) accumulate experience, but once a decision is made we are not free to reject it. In the classical statement (i.e. when "optimality" is measured by some number) this model is referred to as a "secretary problem", and a great deal of literature is devoted to its study. We consider the case when the notions of optimality are most general. As will be seen below, the best strategy is practically determined by only the statistical properties of the corresponding choice function rather than its specific form

    Динаміка захворювання корів на мастит в умовах промислового виробництва молока

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    The article provides data on monthly monitoring of breast pathologies for lactating cows during 2019. Observations were made on a herd of cows of Holstein breed, the cows were kept free during all season. Cows were kept n premises with a workshop structure of industrial milk production. In this farm, milking of cows was carried out three times in milking rooms with the equipment of the company GEA Farm Technologies models “Yalinka” and “Parallel”. The following six issues were addressed during the monthly monitoring: determination of the dynamics of indicators characterizing the reproductive status of cows; - finding out the effect of seasonality on the number of average monthly cow disease for mastitis during the year; - tracking the degree of disease of cows with mastitis by months after calving lactation; - determination of the degree of disease of cows with mastitis, depending on the number of their lactation in the farm; - manifestation of the average monthly number of cow disease for clinical and subclinical mastitis; - tracking the frequency of each of the four proportion of udders of lactating cows. The data obtained are summarized in the relevant tables and discussed in the results section of the research, on which the main conclusions are drawn: - manifestation of breast pathologies in cows varied by season. The highest was in winter – 14.37%; slightly lower – in summer and autumn (respectively 12.16 and 10.32%); and the lowest (6.41%) – in spring months; - the highest percentage of udders pathologies of lactating cows was noted in the first, fourth and fifth months of lactation (14.9, 13.7 and 11.43%, respectively); - the highest percentage of mastitis was observed in young cows from the first to the third lactation (respectively 18.0; 26.4 and 20.7%); - the clinical form of mastitis most often was observed in winter months (92.1%). In spring, its percentage decreased (up to 72.2%) and increased slightly in summer (up to 83.1%), while in autumn there was a significant reduction of this pathology to 49.9%; - сonsideration of frequency of impression of each share of udder of cows, shows that the majority of pathologies (57.1%) were found on the posterior lobes.У статті наведено дані помісячного моніторингу патологій молочної залози лактуючих корів впродовж 2019 року. Спостереження проведено на стаді корів голштинізованої породи, які весь сезон безприв’язно перебували в приміщеннях з цеховою структурою промислового виробництва молока. В даному господарстві доїння корів проводилося триразово в доїльних залах на обладнанні компанії GEA Farm Technologies  моделі “Ялинка” та “Паралель”. В ході щомісячного моніторингу розглядались такі шість питань: –  визначення динаміки показників, що характеризують репродуктивний стан корів; – з’ясування впливу сезонності на кількість середньомісячних захворювань корів на мастит впродовж року; – відслідковування ступеня захворювання корів на мастит за місяцями після їхньої отельної лактації; – визначення ступеня захворювання корів на мастит залежно від номера їхньої лактації в господарстві; – прояву середньомісячної кількості захворювань корів на клінічний та субклінічний мастит; – відслідковування частоти ураження кожної з чотирьох доль вимені  лактуючих корів. Отримані дані наведено у відповідних таблицях та обговорено в розділі “Результати досліджень”, за якими зроблено основні висновки про те, що: – прояв патологій молочної залози у корів різнився за сезонами року. Найбільш високим від був зимою – 14,37%; дещо нижчим – влітку та восени (відповідно 12,16 та 10,32%); і найнижчим (6,41%) – у весняні місяці; – найвищий відсоток патологій молочної залози лактуючих корів відзначали на перший, четвертий і п’ятий місяці лактації (відповідно 14,9; 13,7 та 11,43%); – максимальний відсоток маститу спостерігали у молодих корів з першої по третю лактації (відповідно 18,0; 26,4 та 20,7%); – клінічну форму маститу найчастіше спостерігали в зимові місяці (92,1%). Весною відсоток його знижувався (до 72,2%) та дещо зростав улітку (до 83,1%), а восени відбувалося значне зменшення цієї  патології до 49,9%; – розгляд частоти ураження кожної долі вимені корів свідчить про те, що більшість патологій (57,1%) виявляли на задніх долях


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    The purpose of research - the search of new, economical and safe ways small ruminant’s group deworming witch based on water-soluble drugs with wide spectrum. Materials and methods. The material for the research of the experiment groups were watersoluble formes of 4 anthelmintic: Brovermektin 2% Brovalzen-emulsion, Kombitrem-emulsion, Rafenzol-emulsion. For the control group we have used drugs comparison: Brovermektin 1% Brovermektin-granulate and Brontel-plus. All of them were developing by "Brovafarma", Ukraine and officially have registered in Azerbaijan. For three experimental series we have used 350 sheep and 23 goats. These animals were spontaneously invasion by helminthes. The effect of deworming we have set by special method. Results and discussion. In the first series of experiments determined that the two dosage forms under Ivermectin for oral administration have provided efficacy against sheep’s nematodosis at the  level of injection analogue (100%). In the second series three anthelmintic that were given with water cleared experimental animals fro moniesyis: 100% - Rafenzol; I.I. – 93,3% and E.I. – 95,6% - Kombitrem; I.I. – 86,7% and E.I. – 91,5% - Brovalzen. In the third group Rafenzol’s commission drug also provided 100% effective in sheep’s and goats’ deworming. In case of experimentally improved high efficiency of pharmacotherapy, we have justified the use of dosage forms for a group of water-soluble anthelmintic in sheep’s and goats’ deworming. in a distant-grazing.Цель исследования – изыскание новых, экономичных и безвредных способов проведения групповых дегельминтизаций мелкого рогатого скота с использованием водорастворимых препаратов широкого спектра действия. Материалы и методы. Испытывали водорастворимые формы четырех антигельминтиков: бровермектин-2 %, бровальзен-эмульсия, комбитрем-эмульсия, рафензол-эмульсия. В качестве контроля использовали бровермектин 1 %, бровермектин-гранулят и бронтел-плюс. Проведено три серии опытов на 350 овцах и 23 козах, спонтанно инвазированных возбудителями гельминтозов. Эффективность дегельминтизаций устанавливали методом копрооволарвоскопии. Результаты и обсуждение. В первом опыте установили, что две лекарственные формы на основе ивермектина для перорального применения, обеспечили противонематодозную эффективность на уровне инъекционного аналога (100 %). Во втором опыте три антигельминтика, заданные с питьевой водой, обеспечили освобождение животных от мониезий на 100 % – рафензол; 93,3 % – комбитрем и 86,7 % – бровальзен. В третьем опыте рафензол также обеспечил 100%-ную эффективность на овцах и козах. На основании экспериментально доказанной высокой эффективности фармакотерапии обосновано использование лекарственных форм водорастворимых антигельминтиков для групповой дегельминтизации овец и коз в условиях отгонно-пастбищного содержания

    Immunohistochemical Profile of Mucins and their Expression in Precancerous Changes of the Stomach

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    The aim of this study was to assess the profile of mucins (MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC) in the intestinal metaplasia (IM) of the gastric mucosa through the immunohistochemical method. Methods: To identify the metaplastic areas in the gastric mucosa, chromoendoscopy was employed using 0.5% solution of methylene blue. The expression of the profile of the mucins was determined using immunohistochemistry with MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC2 antibodies (clone Ma695, clone CLH2, Ccp58 and CLH5, "Novocastra "Great Britain). Results: In the regions adjacent to the adenocarcinoma and neoplastic modified cells, a visible weak expression of MUC2 and MUC5AC was observed. In the case of complete IM, a visibly maximum MUC2 expression was observed in the goblet cells; thus, the MUC5AC, MUC1, and MUC6 marking were absent in the columnar epitheliocytes with the brush border. In the case of incomplete IM, along with the positive MUC2 markings of the goblet cells, the presence of gastric mucin (MUC5AC) has been observed in 25% of such patients with chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) having incomplete IM; however, in the columnar epitheliocytes the characteristic occurrence of gastric mucin (MUC5AC) was observed in 100% of the patients while a small amount of MUC2 was recorded in 15% of patients. Conclusion: The MUC5AC expression of the gastric mucins in the columnar epithelial cells and the goblet exocrinocytes marks the formation of the gastrointestinal phenotype viz., incomplete intestinal metaplasia, along with the simultaneous production of the MUC2 by the goblet cells. The decrease with further loss of the protective MUC5AC production by the columnar epithelial cells and goblet exocrinocytes that were found in the regions of severe dysplasia and IM, adjacent to the neoplastic altered cells, may serve as additional criteria of early malignancy of the gastric mucosa


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    The purpose of research - the search of new, economical and safe ways small ruminant’s group deworming witch based on water-soluble drugs with wide spectrum. Materials and methods. The material for the research of the experiment groups were watersoluble formes of 4 anthelmintic: Brovermektin 2% Brovalzen-emulsion, Kombitrem-emulsion, Rafenzol-emulsion. For the control group we have used drugs comparison: Brovermektin 1% Brovermektin-granulate and Brontel-plus. All of them were developing by "Brovafarma", Ukraine and officially have registered in Azerbaijan. For three experimental series we have used 350 sheep and 23 goats. These animals were spontaneously invasion by helminthes. The effect of deworming we have set by special method. Results and discussion. In the first series of experiments determined that the two dosage forms under Ivermectin for oral administration have provided efficacy against sheep’s nematodosis at the  level of injection analogue (100%). In the second series three anthelmintic that were given with water cleared experimental animals fro moniesyis: 100% - Rafenzol; I.I. – 93,3% and E.I. – 95,6% - Kombitrem; I.I. – 86,7% and E.I. – 91,5% - Brovalzen. In the third group Rafenzol’s commission drug also provided 100% effective in sheep’s and goats’ deworming. In case of experimentally improved high efficiency of pharmacotherapy, we have justified the use of dosage forms for a group of water-soluble anthelmintic in sheep’s and goats’ deworming. in a distant-grazing

    Визначення оптимальних інсектицидних властивостей водних розчинів цифлутрину in vitro

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    Introduction. Modern realities in the development of livestock industries in Ukraine are quite complex and contradictory. A sharp decrease in the number of cattle in farms of different forms of ownership requires the owners of extreme attention to the veterinary provision of farms and the sanitary state of production facilities. In recent years, due to climate change, the range of distribution of arthropods of various classes has expanded. Necessary terms for animal protection have increased, and in many parasite populations resistance to previously used drugs has been formed. It is worth noting the rather wide market filling of means from domestic manufacturers. However, for the control of ectoparasites of productive animals, the spectrum of drugs is insignificant. The  goal  of  the  work. Determination of insecticidal properties of water solutions of cyfluthrin of different concentrations on insects of Bovisola bovis. Materials and methods. To establish the insecticidal properties of ectoparasites of cattle, water emulsions of cyfluthrin were taken in various concentrations. They were prepared on the basis of the serial drug "Cyflur". To determine the insecticidal action of the cyfluthrin, the imago of the bovine species Bovicola bovis served as the object of the study. Individuals for the experiment were taken by removing them from bovine animals, which was kept in the conditions of household farms. Establishment of insecticidal activity of cyfluthrin was carried out by the method of planting experimental insects into pre-soaked working solutions of filter papers. Results  of  research  and  discussion. Even in the absence of the manufacturer's recommendation for the use of a drag for the treatment of lactating cattle with ectoparasites, in vitro studies, diglutrin exhibited a high degree of insecticidal activity on the imago Bovisola bovis. The deaths of the imago of Bovicola bovis, which were used in control, were not marked. Conclusions  and  prospects  for  further  research.  The presence of pronounced insecticidal activity of various concentrations of cyfluthrin is established. 100 % death occurred in 12-48 hours after the contact of the experimental imago Boviсola bovis, with the drug in various dilutions. Even after breeding a serial drug, after exposure to the active ingredient and lacquer, in vitro, insecticidal efficacy was manifested, but later. The prospects for further research are to determine the clinical efficacy of cyfluthrin with respect to pathogens of bovicolosis.У статті подано результати визначення інсектицидних властивостей водних розчинів цифлутрину різної концентрації на імаго волосоїдів Boviсola bovis, які були ізольовані з великої рогатої худоби, що утримувалася в умовах присадибних господарств населення. Встановлено наявність вираженої інсектицидної активності різних концентрацій цифлутрину в умовах in vitro. ЕЕ 100 % при контакті експериментальних імаго Boviсola bovis, з препаратом у різних розведеннях, наставала через 12-48 год. Навіть за розведення серійного препарату, після контакту діючої речовини та імаго бовікол, в умовах in vitro, інсектицидна ефективність проявлялася, проте у віддаленіші часові проміжки

    The formation methodes for complex polychannel systems and nets setted commutation states

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    The methods of direct, reverse and hybrid substitutions are suggested to be used to solve problems of formation of preset commutation states of complex polychannel systems and networks. The first method generates all possible solutions, it is easily algorithmized and allows for additional requirements when selecting compounds. The second method allows to determine a solution quickly, but it requires intelligent support, hardly describes all the possible solutions and has certain difficulties with taking into account of additional conditions. The hybrid substitution method combines the advantages of the first two methods and minimizes their weaknesses

    FIGURES 225–227 in Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species

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    FIGURES 225–227. Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis ♂ (Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina): 225, antenna; 226, forewing; 227, genitalia.Published as part of Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, pp. 1-243 in Zootaxa 2456 on page 122, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.89492

    Investigation of the effect of beef moisture content on the amount of bound moisture with the calorimetric method

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    With the development of food processing and storage at near-cryoscopic temperatures, more and more attention is being paid to the development of methods for frozen out moisture and cryoscopic temperature calculating based on their component composition data. There is a significant dispersion among the existing experimental data of various researchers and calculation methods for beef thermophysical properties. In the study given, the authors determined the enthalpy of phase transitions, beet heat capacity with different moisture content and its cryoscopic temperature with the method of differential scanning calorimetry. With the analysis of the phase transitions enthalpy, it was found out that the share of non-freezing water for beef is n = 0.35 (g of water per 1 g of dry matter). The presence of the vitreous phase in the temperature range of about -85 ° С was established, most noticeably manifested when the moisture content of the samples is w = 37–45.8%, which indicates the formation of amorphous solutions in the process of food products freezing. Beginning of moisture melting peak Tm.b. takes place at temperatures range from -35 ° C till -25 ° C for the samples with low and normal moisture content respectively. Acccording to the theoretical Heldman ratio, a dependence for cryoscopic temperature calculating was proposed . The given semi-empirical dependences of the phase transitions enthalpy and the frozen moisture fraction provide an increase in the accuracy of calculations at low values of moisture content in the product. The research results can be used as input data in mathematical modeling of heat exchange processes and the development of calculating methods for the thermophysical properties of food products based on their composition