254 research outputs found

    Cost management in technological processes taking into account the implementation of the resource saving policy

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    The most important factor in maintaining the positions of Russian oil companies at the global level is taking into account the factors of changes in the external environment and the activation of internal reserves. The development of effective management decision support systems requires new management concepts based on current advances in production management theory and practice. The article proposes an approach based on determining the optimal combination of resources used in the production process and assessing their impact on the formation of production costs. The concept of cost management is based on an analysis, included the specifics of the enterprise’s internal environment and an assessment of the external environment impact on it. A cost management methodology has been developed to reduce the labour intensity of decision-making and the likelihood of technical selection errors, and to increase the efficiency of resource use and cost management. The proposed approach to cost management model formation has been recommended for using at oil industry enterprises. It can also be applied to enterprises in other industries by developing key performance indicators that affect the main cost items of the technological process under consideration

    Search for the edge-on galaxies using an artificial neural network

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    We present an application of an artificial neural network methodology to a modern wide-field sky survey Pan-STARRS1 in order to build a high-quality sample of disk galaxies visible in edge-on orientation. Such galaxies play an important role in the study of the vertical distribution of stars, gas and dust, which is usually not available to study in other galaxies outside the Milky Way. We give a detailed description of the network architecture and the learning process. The method demonstrates good effectiveness with detection rate about 97\% and it works equally well for galaxies over a wide range of brightnesses and sizes, which resulted in a creation of a catalogue of edge-on galaxies with 10510^5 of objects. The catalogue is published on-line with an open access.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Technology for the Industrial Production of K3 Series Vitamins Based on Menadione

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    Received: 15.04.2020. Accepted: 27.06.2020. Published: 30.06.2020.An improved technology for the industrial production of K3 series vitamins based on menadion is reported. The procedure involves the Cr(VI) — promoted oxidation of the corresponding methyl-naphtahelenes with the following purification by precipitation/recrystallization. The best results were obtained under the process temperature between 20–40 °C, solution pH after dilution of MNB in a range of 5.5–5.7, and MNB content in initial solution of 25–30%

    Case of parvovirus B19 infection and immunodeficiency in the patient with Gilbert syndrome

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    A case of long-term persistence of parvovirus B19 is described for the first time in a patient with Gilbert's syndrome against the background of immunodeficiency with predominance of infectious symptoms (chronic herpesvirus infection). Previously, the patient (male, 48 years old) was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, chronic rhinosinusopharyngitis, and chronic herpesvirus infection. In July 2017, parvovirus B19 DNA was detected in blood. No clinical manifestations of infectious erythema were noted. The patient was admitted to the medical center of St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute. His blood samples obtained under informed consent were examined at the medical center in Central Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory of St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute in January and June 2018 and in November 2019. ELISA test systems “Anti-Parvovirus B19 ELISA (IgM)” and “Anti-Parvovirus B19 ELISA (IgG)” (Euroimmune, Germany), as well PCR reagent kit “AmpliSens Parvovirus B19-FL” (FSB Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Russia) were used for specific diagnostics. Interferon status was determined by the induced production of IFN types I, II and circulating (serum) interferons. Moreover, we considered the laboratory data obtained earlier at different medical facilities of St. Petersburg. IgM class antibodies to the parvovirus B19 were not detected in the blood samples obtained in 2018. IgG antibody titer was 96 IU/ml and 264 IU /ml, respectively. Parvovirus B19 DNA was isolated from blood plasma, but the viral load was less than 720 IU of PVB19 DNA/ml (1.5 x 102 and 1.9 x 102 copies of DNA/ml, respectively). Clinical blood analysis, showed only minor (no more than 7%) deviations from the reference values, increased hemoglobin saturation of red blood cells (RBC), a decreased width of RBC distribution curve, and relative lymphocytosis. A deficiency of various interferon types was revealed: IFNγ level was 80 IU/ml in both samples, IFNα, IFNβ amounts varied from 80 to 160 IU/ml, respectively. The period of parvovirus B19 DNA persistence in blood was 11 months in presence of immunodeficiency. The patient was administered drugs of the interferon group. Parvovirus B19 DNA was not detected in clinical samples of November 2019; IFNα, IFNβ and IFNγ values were 160 IU/ml. We have detected recovery of lymphoid cell ratio, increase in their number, and improved indexes of interferon status


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    Electrophoretic separation and on-line concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in human blood serum of the patients with the inflammatory bowel disease is described in the current investigation. SCFAs are end products of carbohydrate fermentation, which are indigestible in the intestine. The highest concentrations of SCFAs are in the proximal colon, where they are absorbed by the epithelial cells of the colon (colonocytes) and then enter the tissues and blood. The changes in their serum content can indicate the metabolism disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. The low sensitivity of capillary electrophoresis requires application of on-line concentration in order to implement this method for the detection of low concentrations of SCFAs in biological fluids. Moreover, for the salt-matrix samples, an application of common concentration techniques based on the differences in conductivity of sample matrix and background electrolyte is limited. Therefore, the development of fast, efficient and highly sensitive approaches for the determination of SCFAs in blood serum is an important task. In the current work, the improvement of the sensitivity of SFCAs has been achieved by the application of a water plug, which was proposed to be injected directly before the sample in order to form a low conductivity area for the acceleration and concentration of the analytes. The proposed preconcentration and electrophoretic separation scheme provided decreased detection limits of SCFAs (~ 50 - 70 ng/mL) due to 30 times concentration of analytes as well as fast analytes’ determination (15 min).Keywords: short chain fatty acids, on-line concentration, field amplified sample stacking, salt-matrix samples, capillary zone electrophoresisDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.001D.V. Makeeva,  K.S. Antipova, L.A. Kartsova Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian FederationДанное исследование посвящено разработке электрофоретических подходов к разделению и on-line концентрированию короткоцепочечных жирных кислот (КЦЖК) в сыворотке крови больных с воспалительными заболеваниями кишечника.  Короткоцепочечные жирные кислоты – конечные продукты ферментации углеводов, не перевариваемые в кишечнике.  Наиболее высокие концентрации КЦЖК обнаруживаются в проксимальном отделе толстой кишки, где они абсорбируются колоноцитами (эпителиальными клетками толстой кишки) и далее поступают в ткани и кровь. Изменение их содержания в сыворотке крови может свидетельствовать о нарушениях метаболизма и наличии воспалительных заболеваний кишечника. Недостаточная чувствительность метода капиллярного электрофореза (КЭ) требует применения он-лайн концентрирования для обеспечения возможности детектирования минорных концентраций КЦЖК в биологических жидкостях. При этом наличие высокосолевой матрицы существенно ограничивает использование классических методов внутрикапиллярного концентрирования, основанных на различии в проводимости фонового электролита (ФЭ) и матрицы пробы. В связи с этим актуальным является поиск экспрессного и высокочувствительного  электрофоретического определения КЦЖК в сыворотке крови.  Предлагаемый нами вариант стэкинга с усилением поля с водной пробкой, вводимой непосредственно перед дозированием анализируемой пробы, позволяет создавать зону низкой проводимости, попадая в которую аналиты ускоряются и концентрируются на границе с фоновым электролитом, обеспечивая заметное снижение пределов обнаружения (ПО). Достигнутые значения ПО составили ~ 50 - 70 нг/мл за счет концентрирования аналитов в 30 раз. Предложенный подход характеризуется минимальной пробоподготовкой и обеспечивает экспрессное определение КЦЖК  в течение 15 мин. Ключевые слова: карбоновые кислоты, он-лайн концентрирование, стэкинг с усилением поля с водной пробкой, высокосолевая матрица, капиллярный зонный электрофорезDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.00


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    The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label.The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label


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    Purposeful use of proteins of connecting fabrics is based first of all on structural and mechanical and physical and chemical properties of collagen, his physiology to a human body. Traditional source of collagen is the split of skins of the cattle, but in view of the objective reasons (spongy encephalopathy, reduction of a livestock of cattle), there was a need for search of alternative sources. The particular interest and popularity represent collagenic proteins in biomedical technologies, when receiving surgical sutural materials, wound healing means, prolongator of medicines, artificial organs and fabrics, implatant. New data on use the collagen containing of sources are directly connected with expansion of a source of raw materials of processing industries of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of deep processing of biological resources and their maximum involvement in the main and special production with significant growth in an exit of useful products from raw materials unit. In this regard, researches of a microstructure of skins and fractional composition of proteins of objects of research are conducted; data on the general chemical composition and the content of collagen in them are received. Experimental data showed that the most perspective source of collagen from the studied fishes of internal reservoirs is the skin of a silver carp that is caused by the high content of target substance collagen, the low content of fat. The technology of receiving collagenic substances with the high technical characteristics allowing to apply them in production of medical materials is proved and realized in vitro. The comparative analysis showed that substances from a split of skins of cattle and a silver carp have an identical set of amino acids, but are characterized by the different content of separate amino acid s


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    Purpose: The key provisions on which the tutor relies on the context of his work are the principles underlying open education: transparency; flexibility; continuity; variability; individual approach; individualization. Methodology: The relevance of the study is associated with the processes characteristic of the school system in modern Russia (modernization, optimization, change in the structural foundations), as well as the objective need of society in the search for fundamentally new approaches to the content and construction of the educational process in the educational institution. Result: Tutoring should be considered as a resource of individual evolution of personality, as a form of productive exploitation of open education opportunities for the development of individual educational programs, taking into account the specifics of a particular student. As pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model of tutor support of the formation of basic school students’ research skills should be considered: innovative educational environment; scientific and methodological provision of tutor support of the process of building basic school students’ research skills; professional skills of the tutor. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Tutoring as a Form of Pedagogical Support of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    The conducted researches allowed to establish that intensive disintegration of a muscular glycogen leads to sharp decrease in size рН muscular tissue in the sour party that in turn affects a chemical composition and physic-colloidal structure of proteins therefore: resistance of meat of fish to action of putrefactive microorganisms increases; solubility of muscle proteins, level of their hydration which is water connecting abilities decreases; there is a swelling of collagen of connecting fabric; activity of the cathepsin (an optimum рН 5,3) causing hydrolysis of proteins at later stages of an autolysis increases; the bicarbonate system of muscular tissue with release of carbon dioxide collapses; predecessors of taste and aroma of meat are formed; process of oxidation of lipids becomes more active. As a result of accumulation dairy, phosphoric and other acids in meat of fish concentration of hydrogen ions of that decrease рН is result increases. Sharply shown sour environment and availability of inorganic phosphorus is considered the reason of disintegration of an actin-myosin complex on actin and a myosin which begins after 8 hours of storage, i.e. there comes the period of relaxation of muscle fibers and the period of permission of an numbness, and then the last stage of maturing of meat – deep autolysis. Thus, on the basis of classical ideas of biochemical changes of meat of land animals and summarizing the obtained data on posthumous changes in muscular tissue of fishes, it is possible to draw a conclusion that they have similar nature of regularity in comparison with muscular tissue of land animals, but their main difference is higher speed of course of autolytic transformations. It in turn leads to faster change of FTS of meat of fishes who are the defining indicators when developing assortment groups of products taking into account stages of an autolysis in meat