282 research outputs found

    Combined Integer and Floating Point Multiplication Architecture(CIFM) for FPGAs and Its Reversible Logic Implementation

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    In this paper, the authors propose the idea of a combined integer and floating point multiplier(CIFM) for FPGAs. The authors propose the replacement of existing 18x18 dedicated multipliers in FPGAs with dedicated 24x24 multipliers designed with small 4x4 bit multipliers. It is also proposed that for every dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier block designed with 4x4 bit multipliers, four redundant 4x4 multiplier should be provided to enforce the feature of self repairability (to recover from the faults). In the proposed CIFM reconfigurability at run time is also provided resulting in low power. The major source of motivation for providing the dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier stems from the fact that single precision floating point multiplier requires 24x24 bit integer multiplier for mantissa multiplication. A reconfigurable, self-repairable 24x24 bit multiplier (implemented with 4x4 bit multiply modules) will ideally suit this purpose, making FPGAs more suitable for integer as well floating point operations. A dedicated 4x4 bit multiplier is also proposed in this paper. Moreover, in the recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a promising technology having its applications in low power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology, and optical computing. It is not possible to realize quantum computing without reversible logic. Thus, this paper also paper provides the reversible logic implementation of the proposed CIFM. The reversible CIFM designed and proposed here will form the basis of the completely reversible FPGAs.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the The 49th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2006), Puerto Rico, August 2006. Nominated for the Student Paper Award(12 papers are nominated for Student paper Award among all submissions

    Exact and Asymptotic Measures of Multipartite Pure State Entanglement

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    In an effort to simplify the classification of pure entangled states of multi (m) -partite quantum systems, we study exactly and asymptotically (in n) reversible transformations among n'th tensor powers of such states (ie n copies of the state shared among the same m parties) under local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC). With regard to exact transformations, we show that two states whose 1-party entropies agree are either locally-unitarily (LU) equivalent or else LOCC-incomparable. In particular we show that two tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states are LOCC-incomparable to three bipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states symmetrically shared among the three parties. Asymptotic transformations result in a simpler classification than exact transformations. We show that m-partite pure states having an m-way Schmidt decomposition are simply parameterizable, with the partial entropy across any nontrivial partition representing the number of standard ``Cat'' states (|0^m>+|1^m>) asymptotically interconvertible to the state in question. For general m-partite states, partial entropies across different partitions need not be equal, and since partial entropies are conserved by asymptotically reversible LOCC operations, a multicomponent entanglement measure is needed, with each scalar component representing a different kind of entanglement, not asymptotically interconvertible to the other kinds. In particular the m=4 Cat state is not isentropic to, and therefore not asymptotically interconvertible to, any combination of bipartite and tripartite states shared among the four parties. Thus, although the m=4 cat state can be prepared from bipartite EPR states, the preparation process is necessarily irreversible, and remains so even asymptotically.Comment: 13 pages including 3 PostScript figures. v3 has updated references and discussion, to appear Phys. Rev.

    Perfect initialization of a quantum computer of neutral atoms in an optical lattice of large lattice constant

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    We propose a scheme for the initialization of a quantum computer based on neutral atoms trapped in an optical lattice with large lattice constant. Our focus is the development of a compacting scheme to prepare a perfect optical lattice of simple orthorhombic structure with unit occupancy. Compacting is accomplished by sequential application of two types of operations: a flip operator that changes the internal state of the atoms, and a shift operator that moves them along the lattice principal axis. We propose physical mechanisms for realization of these operations and we study the effects of motional heating of the atoms. We carry out an analysis of the complexity of the compacting scheme and show that it scales linearly with the number of lattice sites per row of the lattice, thus showing good scaling behavior with the size of the quantum computer.Comment: 18 page

    Entanglement molecules

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    We investigate the entanglement properties of multiparticle systems, concentrating on the case where the entanglement is robust against disposal of particles. Two qubits -belonging to a multipartite system- are entangled in this sense iff their reduced density matrix is entangled. We introduce a family of multiqubit states, for which one can choose for any pair of qubits independently whether they should be entangled or not as well as the relative strength of the entanglement, thus providing the possibility to construct all kinds of ''Entanglement molecules''. For some particular configurations, we also give the maximal amount of entanglement achievable.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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