18 research outputs found

    The relationship of testosterone levels with sprint performance in young professional track and field athletes

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    Evidence suggests that higher testosterone levels may provide an athletic advantage. Therefore, it is of practical interest to examine the association between testosterone levels and power- and strength-related traits in young professional track and field athletes, and to consider the factors that determine testosterone levels. The study involved 68 young professional athletes (45 females, 17.3 ± 2.6 years; 23 males, 18.2 ± 1.9 years). Testosterone levels were assessed via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. All subjects performed two 20 m and two 30 m sprint trials, and countermovement jump without arm-swing. A bioimpedance analysis of body composition was carried out and biological maturity was examined using the Khamis-Roche method. The average testosterone levels were 26.4 ± 9.6 nmol/l and 1.5 ± 0.7 nmol/l in males and females, respectively. In female athletes, testosterone levels did not correlate with any of traits. Males with the highest testosterone levels were significantly faster in the 20 m (p = 0.033) and 30 m (p = 0.014) sprint trials compared to males with lower testosterone levels. Testosterone levels in males were positively associated with fat mass (p = 0.027), and degree of biological maturation (p = 0.003). In conclusion, we found a positive relationship between testosterone levels and sprint performance in young male athletes

    Особенности получения биодизеля первого поколения в аппарате с вихревым слоем

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    The possibility of intensifying the process of transesterification of triglycerides of carboxylic acids of vegetable oils with alcohols C1-C3 in the presence of potassium hydroxide in an apparatus with a vortex sheet is shown. Analysis of the composition of mixtures of methyl esters of carboxylic acids of sunflower oil showed that the redistribution of hydrogen and the destructive transformation in the system take place along with the transesterification reactions. This results in the expenditure of octadecyl acid ether.Показана возможность интенсификации процесса переэтерификации триглицеридов карбоновых кислот растительных масел спиртами С1-С3 в присутствии гидроксида калия в аппарате с вихревым слоем. Анализ состава смесей метиловых эфиров карбоновых кислот подсолнечного масла показал, что наряду с переэтерификацией в системе протекают реакции перераспределения водорода и деструктивные превращения, приводящие к исчезновению в биодизеле метилового эфира октадеценовой кислоты

    Advanced results of Fortelyzin® use in the FRIDOM1 study and real clinical practice

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    Aim. To study the effectiveness of Fortelyzin® in subgroups with different body weights in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) in the FRIDOM1 study and real clinical practice.Material and methods. Fortelyzin® was administered in a single-bolus dose of 15 mg over 10 seconds, regardless of the body weight of patients. Metalyse® was administered in a single-bolus dose of 30-50 mg over 10 seconds, depending on body weight. The one-year results of the FRIDOM1 study were evaluated by the clinical centers using telephone contact. Monitoring of Fortelyzin® use was carried out by inpatient physicians, emergency doctors and paramedics by filling out a monitoring sheet in the period from June 2013 to December 2021 in 19243 patients with STEMI.Results. In the FRIDOM1 study, the distribution of patients depending on body weight in the Fortelyzin® (n=190) and Metalyse® (n=191) drug groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 4 people each (p=1,00); from 60 to 70 kg — 21 and 23 (p=0,87); from 70 to 80 kg — 39 and 43 (p=0,71), from 80 to 90 kg — 63 and 47 (p=0,07); from 90 to 100 kg — 30 and 41 (p=0,19); over 100 kg — 33 people (p=1,00) in each group. The effectiveness of thrombolysis according to electrocardiographic (ECG) data in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 75% each (p=1,00); from 60 to 70 kg — 76% vs 83% (p=0,72); from 70 to 80 kg — 82% vs 86% (p=0,76); from 80 to 90 kg — 81% vs 77% (p=0,64); from 90 to 100 kg — 80% vs 81% (p=1,00); over 100 kg — 79% vs 76% (p=1,00); in total — 80% vs 80% (p=0,87). The effectiveness of thrombolysis according to coronary angiography (CAG) (TIMI 2-3) in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 100% vs 50% (p=0,43); from 60 to 70 kg — 81% vs 67% (p=0,48); from 70 to 80 kg — 74% vs 84% (p=0,41); from 80 to 90 kg — 70% vs 72% (p=1,00); from 90 to 100 kg — 67% vs 66% (p=1,00); over 100 kg — 58% vs 64% (p=0,80); in total — 70% vs 71% (p=0,76). The one-year survival rate in the FRIDOM1 study in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was 94% (p=0,91). The administration of Fortelyzin® in patients with STEMI caused blood flow restoration according to ECG data in 14624 of 19243 patients (76%), while according to CAG (TIMI 2-3) — in 3422 of 4805 patients (71%). Inhospital mortality was 5% (n=962), while intracranial hemorrhage developed in 0,5% (n=92).Conclusion. The use of Fortelyzin® in the FRIDOM1 study and in real clinical practice in a single-bolus (10 sec) dose of 15 mg in patients with STEMI with any body weight showed its high efficacy and safety, including at the prehospital stage


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    The objective of the study: to assess efficiency and safety of SQ109 used within standard treatment regimens for multiple drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB)Subjects and Methods A multi-center, double, blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in two parallel groups from September 21, 2012 to September 30, 2016, in 6 research centers located in 5 cities of the Russian FederationMain results 1 Cessation of bacillary excretion confirmed by cultures on liquid media by the end of the 6th month of the intensive phase of chemotherapy in pulmonary MDR TB patients receiving SQ109 was observed confidently more often versus treatment regimens containing only existing anti-tuberculosis drugs: both for ITT population (610% versus 429%, p = 00412), and PP population (797% versus 614%, p = 00486) 2 There were no statistically significant differences in the achievement of sputum conversion between the groups, but by the end of the 8th week, the sputum converted in 52% of patients in the group treated with SQ109 versus 38% in the group taking a placebo The median time of bacillary excretion cessation confirmed by culture on liquid media in SQ109 group made 56 days, while in the placebo group it was 84 days 3 Use of SQ109 along with basic chemotherapy for pulmonary MDR TB did not result in the higher frequency of adverse events, worsening of their severity, development of new variants of adverse events compared to the basic anti-tuberculosis treatment of this group of patients in combination with placebo 4 Results of the study allow concluding that SQ109 is an effective drug, satisfactory tolerated (compatible with tolerability of placebo) being a part of integral etiotropic chemotherapy of pulmonary MDR TB patients Цель исследования: определение эффективности и безопасности препарата SQ109 в составе стандартных схем лечения, используемых при туберкулезе легких с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью M. tuberculosis (МЛУ МБТ)Материалы и методы. Многоцентровое, двойное, слепое, рандомизированное плацебо-контролируемое исследование в двух параллельных группах проведено с 31 октября 2012 г по 30 сентября 2016 г в 6 исследовательских центрах, расположенных в  пяти городах РоссийскойФедерацииОсновные результаты. 1 Прекращение бактериовыделения, подтвержденное посевами мокроты на жидких средах, к концу 6-го мес интенсивной фазы химиотерапии у больных туберкулезом легких с МЛУ МБТ при режиме лечения, включающем препарат SQ109, отмечено достоверно чаще, чем при режиме, содержащем только существующие противотуберкулезные препараты: как для популяции ITT (61,0% против 42,9%, p = 0,0412), так для популяции PP (79,7% против 61,4%, p = 0,0486) 2 Статистически значимых различий в сроках достижения прекращения бактериовыделения между группами не выявлено, но к концу 8-й нед лечения отмечена негативация мокроты у 52% больных группы SQ109 при 38% в группе плацебо Медиана срока прекращения бактериовыделания при исследовании на жидких средах в группе SQ109 составила 56 дней, а в группе плацебо – 84 дня 3 Применение препарата SQ109 на фоне базовой химиотерапии туберкулеза легких с МЛУ МБТ не привело ни к росту частоты нежелательных явлений, ни к увеличению степени их тяжести, ни к появлению новых вариантов нежелательных явлений в сравнении с базисной противотуберкулезной терапией данной группы больных в сочетании с плацебо 4 Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод об эффективности и удовлетворительной переносимости (сопоставимой с переносимостью плацебо) препарата SQ109 в составе комплексной этиотропной химиотерапии больных туберкулезом легких с МЛУ МБТ

    Baseline characteristics of patients in the reduction of events with darbepoetin alfa in heart failure trial (RED-HF)

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    <p>Aims: This report describes the baseline characteristics of patients in the Reduction of Events with Darbepoetin alfa in Heart Failure trial (RED-HF) which is testing the hypothesis that anaemia correction with darbepoetin alfa will reduce the composite endpoint of death from any cause or hospital admission for worsening heart failure, and improve other outcomes.</p> <p>Methods and results: Key demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings, along with baseline treatment, are reported and compared with those of patients in other recent clinical trials in heart failure. Compared with other recent trials, RED-HF enrolled more elderly [mean age 70 (SD 11.4) years], female (41%), and black (9%) patients. RED-HF patients more often had diabetes (46%) and renal impairment (72% had an estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m2). Patients in RED-HF had heart failure of longer duration [5.3 (5.4) years], worse NYHA class (35% II, 63% III, and 2% IV), and more signs of congestion. Mean EF was 30% (6.8%). RED-HF patients were well treated at randomization, and pharmacological therapy at baseline was broadly similar to that of other recent trials, taking account of study-specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Median (interquartile range) haemoglobin at baseline was 112 (106–117) g/L.</p> <p>Conclusion: The anaemic patients enrolled in RED-HF were older, moderately to markedly symptomatic, and had extensive co-morbidity.</p&gt

    The impact of the insect regulatory system on the insect marketing system

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    Taking the macromarketing approach to insect food and feed, we study how the global insect marketing system is impacted by the global insect regulatory system. As an illustration, we study how the regulations of the European Union, USA, Canada and Australia impact marketing strategies of individual companies, and how company-level behaviour combines into the dynamics of the whole insect marketing system. The output of the global insect marketing system is the global assortment of insect products. The regulatory system has its topics, content, and tools with differences between countries. Topics are the elements of the insect business that regulators care about. Content determines what insect products can be launched. Tools are the regulatory instruments and sanctions. Regulatory differences between countries are an important determinant in the geography of launch patterns and in the resulting global assortment of insect products available

    The features of producing the first generation biodiesel in an apparatus with a vortex sheet

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    The possibility of intensifying the process of transesterification of triglycerides of carboxylic acids of vegetable oils with alcohols C1-C3 in the presence of potassium hydroxide in an apparatus with a vortex sheet is shown. Analysis of the composition of mixtures of methyl esters of carboxylic acids of sunflower oil showed that the redistribution of hydrogen and the destructive transformation in the system take place along with the transesterification reactions. This results in the expenditure of octadecyl acid ether


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    The objective of the study: to assess efficiency and safety of SQ109 used within standard treatment regimens for multiple drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB)Subjects and Methods A multi-center, double, blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in two parallel groups from September 21, 2012 to September 30, 2016, in 6 research centers located in 5 cities of the Russian FederationMain results 1 Cessation of bacillary excretion confirmed by cultures on liquid media by the end of the 6th month of the intensive phase of chemotherapy in pulmonary MDR TB patients receiving SQ109 was observed confidently more often versus treatment regimens containing only existing anti-tuberculosis drugs: both for ITT population (610% versus 429%, p = 00412), and PP population (797% versus 614%, p = 00486) 2 There were no statistically significant differences in the achievement of sputum conversion between the groups, but by the end of the 8th week, the sputum converted in 52% of patients in the group treated with SQ109 versus 38% in the group taking a placebo The median time of bacillary excretion cessation confirmed by culture on liquid media in SQ109 group made 56 days, while in the placebo group it was 84 days 3 Use of SQ109 along with basic chemotherapy for pulmonary MDR TB did not result in the higher frequency of adverse events, worsening of their severity, development of new variants of adverse events compared to the basic anti-tuberculosis treatment of this group of patients in combination with placebo 4 Results of the study allow concluding that SQ109 is an effective drug, satisfactory tolerated (compatible with tolerability of placebo) being a part of integral etiotropic chemotherapy of pulmonary MDR TB patient

    Fortelyzin® in comparison with Metalyse® for ST-elevated myocardial infarction: one-year results and clinical outcomes of a multicenter randomized study FRIDOM1

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    Aim. Evaluate the one­year results and clinical outcomes of a multi­center randomized clinical trial FRIDOM1.Material and methods. The study FRIDOM1 was conducted in 11 clinical centers of the Russian Federation in the period 2014­2016. The study included 382 patients with acute ST­elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI), who were randomly divided into the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse®. Thrombolysis was accompanied by anticoagulant and dual antiplatelet therapy followed by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). One­year patient status, all­cause mortality, including cardiovascular diseases (CVD), hospitalization, and one­year survival were assessed by telephone contact.Results. The one­year patient status was determined in 186 out of 191 (97,4%) in the Fortelyzin® group and in 185 out of 191 (96,9%) patients in the Metalyse® group. One­year all­cause mortality was 5,9% and 6,5% in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups, respectively (p=0,83; OR 0,91; 95% CI — 0,42­1,98). One­year mortality from CVD in the Fortelyzin® group is 5,4%, in the Metalyse® group — 6,5% (p=0,67; OR 0,83; 95% CI — 0,37­1,83). All­cause mortality between 30 days and 1 year in the Fortelyzin® group was in 2,2% of patients, CVD — in 1,6%, in the group of Metalise® mortality was in 2,7% of patients (all — CVD). One­year survival was 94,1% and 93,5% in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups, respectively.Conclusion. The one­year results of the FRIDOM1 study showed the efficacy and safety of a single bolus administration of Fortelyzin® as part of a pharmaco­invasive strategy for treating patients with STEMI, as well as clinical outcomes that are comparable with Metalyse®, including high survival rates and low CVD mortality