114 research outputs found

    Direct Injection Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Primary and Secondary Terrestrial and Marine Biomarkers in Ice Cores

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    Many atmospheric organic compounds are long-lived enough to be transported from their sources to polar regions and high mountain environments where they can be trapped in ice archives. While inorganic components in ice archives have been studied extensively to identify past climate changes, organic compounds have rarely been used to assess paleo-environmental changes, mainly due to the lack of suitable analytical methods. This study presents a new method of direct injection HPLC-MS analysis, without the need of pre-concentrating the melted ice, for the determination of a series of novel biomarkers in ice-core samples indicative of primary and secondary terrestrial and marine organic aerosol sources. Eliminating a preconcentration step reduces contamination potential and decreases the required sample volume thus allowing a higher time resolution in the archives. The method is characterised by limits of detections (LODs) in the range of 0.01-15 ppb, depending on the analyte, and accuracy evaluated through an interlaboratory comparison. We find that many components in secondary organic aerosols (SOA) are clearly detectable at concentrations comparable to those previously observed in replicate preconcentrated ice samples from the Belukha glacier, Russian Altai Mountains. Some compounds with low recoveries in preconcentration steps are now detectable in samples with this new direct injection method significantly increasing the range of environmental processes and sources that become accessible for paleo-climate studies

    Direct target and non-target analysis of urban aerosol sample extracts using atmospheric pressure photoionisation high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous atmospheric pollutants of high concern for public health. In the atmosphere they undergo oxidation, mainly through reactions with center dot OH and NOx to produce nitro- and oxygenated (oxy-) derivatives. In this study, we developed a new method for the detection of particle-bound PAHs, nitro-PAHs and oxy-PAHs using direct infusion into an atmospheric pressure photoionisation high-resolution mass spectrometer (APPI-HRMS). Method optimisation was done by testing different source temperatures, gas flow rates, mobile phases and dopants. Samples were extracted with methanol, concentrated by evaporation and directly infused in the APPI source after adding toluene as dopant. Acquisition was performed in both polarity modes. The method was applied to target analysis of seasonal PM2.5 samples from an urban background site in Padua (Italy), in the Po Valley, in which a series of PAHs, nitro- and oxy-PAHs were detected. APPI-HRMS was then used for non-target analysis of seasonal PM2.5 samples and results compared with nano-electrospray ionisation (nanoESI) HRMS. The results showed that, when samples were characterised by highly oxidised organic compounds, including S-containing compounds, like in summer samples, APPI did not bring any additional information with respect to nanoESI in negative polarity (nanoESI(-)). Conversely, for winter samples, APPI(-) could detect a series of aromatic and poly-aromatic compounds, mainly oxidised and nitrogenated aromatics, that were not otherwise detected with nanoESI. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Metal ion release from fine particulate matter sampled in the Po Valley to an aqueous solution mimicking fog water: Kinetics and solubility

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    Metals are among the key aerosol components exerting adverse health effects. Their toxic properties may vary depending on their chemical form and solubility, which can be affected by aqueous processing during aerosol atmospheric lifetime. In this work, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was collected in the city centre of Padua in the Po Valley (Italy), during a winter campaign. Part of the sampling filters were used to measure the kinetics by which metal ions and other elements can leach from PM2.5 to an aqueous solution mimicking fog water in the winter in temperate climate regions (pH 4.7, 5\ub0C). The leaching process was interpreted by a first order kinetics, and the fitting of the experimental data allowed to obtain the leaching kinetic constants and the equilibrium concentrations (i.e., at infinite time) for all elements. The remaining filter parts were mineralised, through two subsequent extraction steps, and the extracts were analysed by ICP-MS to gain the total elemental content of PM for a large number of elements. We found that elements can leach from PM with half times generally between 10\u201340 minutes, which is a timescale compatible with atmospheric aqueous processing during fog events. For instance, aluminium(III) in PM2.5 dissolved with an average k = 0.0185 min\u20131, and t1/2 = 37.5 min. Nevertheless, a fraction of each element was immediately solubilised after contact with the extraction solution suggesting that metal ion solubilisation may already had started during particle lifetime in the atmosphere

    Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles protect human corneal endothelial cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis

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    Corneal endothelial dystrophy is a relevant cause of vision loss and corneal transplantation worldwide. In the present study, we analyzed the effect of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived extracellular vesicles (MSC-EVs) in an in vitro model of corneal dystrophy, characterized by endoplasmic reticulum stress. The effects of MSC-EVs were compared with those of serum-derived EVs, reported to display a pro-angiogenic activity. MSC-EVs were able to induce a significant down-regulation of the large majority of endoplasmic reticulum stress-related genes in human corneal endothelial cells after exposure to serum deprivation and tunicamycin. In parallel, they upregulated the Akt pathway and limited caspase-3 activation and apoptosis. At variance, the effect of the serum EVs was mainly limited to Akt phosphorylation, with minimal or absent effects on endoplasmic reticulum stress modulation and apoptosis prevention. The effects of MSC-EVs were correlated to the transfer of numerous endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress targeting miRNAs to corneal endothelial cells. These data suggest a potential therapeutic effect of MSC-EVs for corneal endothelial endoplasmic reticulum stress, a major player in corneal endothelial dystrophy

    Vineyard pruning residues pellets for use in domestic appliances: A quality assessment according to the EN ISO 17225

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    Nowadays many types of biomass are studied to satisfy the increased demand of renewable energy based on pellet combustion. However, only a few biomasses fulfil the high quality standard required for pellet used in domestic appliances. European and International standards in force define this quality of non-industrial use of pellets in term of the origin of biomass, physical, mechanical and chemical parameters. Vineyard residues are a worldwide potential source of energy but their compliance to be used in domestic pellet stoves has not been yet proven according to the new standards in force. In order to meet this need, this study makes an exhaustive characterisation of vineyard based pellets manufactured from residues of Prosecco (Glera variety) vineyards, assessing both the quality of biofuel and its behaviour during combustion in a domestic pellet stove. The quality of biofuel has been evaluated according to the in force standards for wood and non-woody pellets. The results show that vineyard pellets do not meet the type B quality standards required for non-industrial use of wood pellet mainly because of the high amount of ash content (&gt;2%) and the high amount of copper (&gt;10 ppm) but they fulfil the specifications of the type B non-woody pellets. Furthermore, during combustion test of vineyard-based pellet the high emission of CO indicates incomplete combustion; and vineyard- based pellet NOx emissions are more than double compared to those obtained during the control tests, confirming that the analysed vineyard-based pellets are unsuitable, as they are, for use in traditional pellet stoves.</jats:p
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