199 research outputs found
Collective Charge Excitations below the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in BaVS3
The charge response in the barium vanadium sulfide (BaVS3) single crystals is
characterized by dc resistivity and low frequency dielectric spectroscopy. A
broad relaxation mode in MHz range with huge dielectric constant ~= 10^6
emerges at the metal-to-insulator phase transition TMI ~= 67 K, weakens with
lowering temperature and eventually levels off below the magnetic transition
Tchi ~= 30 K. The mean relaxation time is thermally activated in a manner
similar to the dc resistivity. These features are interpreted as signatures of
the collective charge excitations characteristic for the orbital ordering that
gradually develops below TMI and stabilizes at long-range scale below Tchi.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR
Local atomic structure and discommensurations in the charge density wave of CeTe3
The local structure of CeTe3 in the incommensurate charge density wave
(IC-CDW) state has been obtained using atomic pair distribution function (PDF)
analysis of x-ray diffraction data. Local atomic distortions in the Te-nets due
to the CDW are larger than observed crystallographically, resulting in distinct
short and long Te-Te bonds. Observation of different distortion amplitudes in
the local and average structures are explained by the discommensurated nature
of the CDW since the PDF is sensitive to the local displacements within the
commensurate regions whereas the crystallographic result averages over many
discommensurated domains. The result is supported by STM data. This is the
first quantitative local structural study within the commensurate domains in an
IC-CDW system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Origin of Low-Energy Excitations in Charge-Ordered Manganites
The low-energy excitations in the charge-ordered phase of polycrystalline
La0.25Ca0.75MnO3 are explored by frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy. In
the frequency range from 4 cm^-1 to 700 cm^-1 (energies 0.4 meV to 90 meV) and
at temperatures down to 5 K, we do not detect any feature that can be
associated with the collective response of the spatially modulated charge
continuum. In the antiferromagnetically ordered phase, broad absorption bands
appear in the conductivity and permittivity spectra around 30 cm^-1 and 100
cm^-1 which are assigned to former acoustic phonons optically activated due to
a fourfold superstructure in the crystal lattice. Our results indicate that
characteristic energies of collective excitations of the charge-ordered phase
in La0:25Ca0:75MnO3, if any, lie below 1 meV. At our lowest frequencies of only
few wavenumbers a strong relaxation is observed above 100 K connected to the
formation of the charge-ordered state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Clinical and biochemical characterization of the prothrombin Belgrade mutation in a large Serbian pedigree: new insights into the antithrombin resistance mechanism
Background: The recently reported c.1787G gt A mutation in the prothrombin gene leads to Arg596Gln replacement in the protein molecule (prothrombin Belgrade). This substitution impairs binding of antithrombin to thrombin and results in inherited thrombophilia, known as antithrombin resistance. Objectives: We aimed to elucidate the clinical and biochemical characteristics of thrombophilia associated with antithrombin resistance in a large Serbian family with the prothrombin Belgrade mutation. Patients and methods: Nineteen family members were investigated, among whom 10 were carriers of the c.1787G gt A mutation. In all subjects the clinical phenotype was determined and laboratory investigations of hemostatic parameters were performed. Results: Six out of the 10 mutation carriers developed thromboembolic events, mainly deep venous and mesenteric vein thrombosis. The median age of the first thrombotic event was 26.5 (12-41) years, whereas the incidence rate of first thrombosis was 2.2% per year. In all mutation carriers prothrombin activity was significantly decreased in comparison with non-carriers, clearly distinguishing each group. However, the presence of the mutation did not affect the prothrombin antigen level in plasma. The endogenous thrombin potential was significantly increased in all carriers in comparison with non-carriers, indicating the presence of blood hypercoagulability. Interestingly, levels of D-dimer and the F1+2 fragment were similar in both groups. Conclusions: Although rare, the prothrombin Belgrade mutation represents strong thrombophilia with early onset of thrombosis in the investigated family. According to our results, decreased prothrombin activity may be a simple screening test for detection of this mutation in thrombotic patients
Dielectric relaxation of DNA aqueous solutions
We report on a detailed characterization of complex dielectric response of
Na-DNA aqueous solutions by means of low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy (40
Hz - 110 MHz). Results reveal two broad relaxation modes of strength
20<\Delta\epsilon_LF<100 and 5<\Delta\epsilon_HF<20, centered at 0.5
kHz<\nu_LF<70 kHz and 0.1 MHz<\nu_HF<15 MHz. The characteristic length scale of
the LF process, 50<L_LF<750nm, scales with DNA concentration as
c_DNA^{-0.29\pm0.04} and is independent of the ionic strength in the low added
salt regime. Conversely, the measured length scale of the LF process does not
vary with DNA concentration but depends on the ionic strength of the added salt
as I_s^{-1} in the high added salt regime. On the other hand, the
characteristic length scale of the HF process, 3<L_HF<50 nm, varyes with DNA
concentration as c_DNA^{-0.5} for intermediate and large DNA concentrations. At
low DNA concentrations and in the low added salt limit the characteristic
length scale of the HF process scales as c_DNA^{-0.33}. We put these results in
perspective regarding the integrity of the double stranded form of DNA at low
salt conditions as well as regarding the role of different types of counterions
in different regimes of dielectric dispersion. We argue that the free DNA
counterions are primarily active in the HF relaxation, while the condensed
counterions play a role only in the LF relaxation. We also suggest theoretical
interpretations for all these length scales in the whole regime of DNA and salt
concentrations and discuss their ramifications and limitations.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
Wartime pediatric surgery
Autori su u ovom radu dali prikaz povijesnog razvitka i prilagodbe hrvatske dječje kirurgije ratnim prilikama. Tijekom agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku, kao posljedica ratnih zbivanja, ozlijeđeno j e 957, a poginulo 256 djece. Po uzorku ozljeda, najčešće, oko polovice svih ozljeda, su bile eksplozivne ozljede, kao posljedica artiljerijskih i minobacačkih napada, a na drugom su mjestu strijelne ozljede (31,3% u poginule i 25,4% u ranjene djece). U zbrinjavanju te djece veliku su ulogu odigrali dječji kirurzi iz cijele Hrvatske. Osim u matičnim zdravstvenim ustanovama, dječji su kirurzi učestvovali i u mobilnim kirurškim ekipama kao ispomoć u ratnim i rubnim bolnicama na bojištima Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. U takvim prilikama oni su postajali ratni kirurzi i radili su rame uz rame s općim kirurzima. Usprkos ratnim prilikama, hrvatska je dječja kirurgija uspjela zadržati, pa čak i podići, razinu mirnodopske elektivne kirurgije, te uspostaviti značajne međunarodne kontakte. Unatoč ratu, Hrvatsko društvo dječjih kirurga postalo je članom Europskog udruženja dječjih kirurga, zahvaljujući međunarodnom ugledu dječje kirurgije u nas.The article presents the history and the development of pediatric surgery in Croatia and its adjustment to the war circumstances. Among other victims of the war, there were 256 killed and 957 injured children. Almost one half of them were injured and killed by artillery atacks and nearly one third of them suffered from gunshot wounds. Croatian pediatric surgeons took major part in taking care of those children. Beside working in their own hospitals, pediatric surgeons of Croatia took part in mobile surgical teams, providing help to hospitals on or near the battlefields in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Under those circumstances they have acted as general war surgeons. In spite of the war, Croatian pediatric surgery has maintained the high level of elective surgery. In 1994 Croatian Society of Pediatric Surgeons managed to become a member of the EUPSA (European Union of Pediatric Surgeons Associations)
Using XML and XSLT for flexible elicitation of mental-health risk knowledge
Current tools for assessing risks associated with mental-health problems require assessors to make high-level judgements based on clinical experience. This paper describes how new technologies can enhance qualitative research methods to identify lower-level cues underlying these judgements, which can be collected by people without a specialist mental-health background.
Methods and evolving results: Content analysis of interviews with 46 multidisciplinary mental-health experts exposed the cues and their interrelationships, which were represented by a mind map using software that stores maps as XML. All 46 mind maps were integrated into a single XML knowledge structure and analysed by a Lisp program to generate quantitative information about the numbers of experts associated with each part of it. The knowledge was refined by the experts, using software developed in Flash to record their collective views within the XML itself. These views specified how the XML should be transformed by XSLT, a technology for rendering XML, which resulted in a validated hierarchical knowledge structure associating patient cues with risks.
Conclusions: Changing knowledge elicitation requirements were accommodated by flexible transformations of XML data using XSLT, which also facilitated generation of multiple data-gathering tools suiting different assessment circumstances and levels of mental-health knowledge
Inhomogeneous superconductivity in organic conductors: role of disorder and magnetic field
Several experimental studies have shown the presence of spatially
inhomogeneous phase coexistence of superconducting and non superconducting
domains in low dimensional organic superconductors. The superconducting
properties of these systems are found to be strongly dependent on the amount of
disorder introduced in the sample regardless of its origin. The suppression of
the superconducting transition temperature shows clear discrepancy with
the result expected from the Abrikosov-Gor'kov law giving the behavior of
with impurities. Based on the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory, we derive
a model to account for the striking feature of in organic superconductors
for different types of disorder by considering the segregated texture of the
system. We show that the calculated quantitatively agrees with
experiments. We also focus on the role of superconducting fluctuations on the
upper critical fields of layered superconductors showing slab
structure where superconducting domains are sandwiched by non-superconducting
regions. We found that may be strongly enhanced by such fluctuations.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte
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