322 research outputs found

    Anderson localization in the quintic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    In the present paper we consider the quintic defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in presence of a disordered random potential and we analyze the effects of the quintic nonlinearity on the Anderson localization of the solution. The main result shows that Anderson localization requires a cutoff on the value of the parameter which controls the quintic nonlinearity, with the cutoff depending on the amplitude of the random potential.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    A new view on spin reduced density matrix for relativistic particles

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    We present a new interpretation for reduced density matrices of secondary variables in relativistic systems via an analysis of Wigner's method to construct the irreducible unitary representations of the Poincar\'e group. We argue that the usual partial trace method used to obtain spin reduced matrices is not fully rigorous, however, employing our interpretation, similar effective reduced density matrices can be constructed. In addition, we show that our proposal is more useful than the usual one since we are not restricted only to the reduced density matrices that could be obtained by the ordinary partial trace method

    Unidimensional reduction of the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation with two- and three-body interactions

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    We deal with the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is used to describe a cloud of dilute bosonic atoms that interact under competing two- and three-body scattering potentials. We study the case where the cloud of atoms is strongly confined in two spatial dimensions, allowing us to build an unidimensional nonlinear equation, controlled by the nonlinearities and the confining potentials that trap the system along the longitudinal coordinate. We focus attention on specific limits, dictated by the cubic and quintic coefficients, and we implement numerical simulations to help us to quantify the validity of the procedure.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; version to appear in PR

    Modulation of breathers in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present new solutions to the nonautonomous nonlinear Schroedinger equation that may be realized through convenient manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensates. The procedure is based on the modulation of breathers through an analytical study of the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is known to offer a good theoretical model to describe quasi-one-dimensional cigar-shaped condensates. Using a specific Ansatz, we transform the nonautonomous nonlinear equation into an autonomous one, which engenders composed states corresponding to solutions localized in space, with an oscillating behavior in time. Numerical simulations confirm stability of the breathers against random perturbation on the input profile of the solutions

    Systematic Construction of Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Criteria using Uncertainty Relations

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    A general procedure to construct criteria for identifying genuine multipartite continuous variable entanglement is presented. It relies on the proper definition of adequate global operators describing the multipartite system, the positive partial transpose criterion of separability, and quantum mechanical uncertainty relations. As a consequence, each criterion encountered consists of a single inequality that is nicely computable and experimentally feasible, and that when violated is sufficient condition for genuine multipartite entanglement. Additionally we show that the previous work of van Loock and Furusawa [Phys. Rev. A, 67, 052315 (2003)] is a special case of our result that includes strongest criteria to detect entanglement.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables and 1 figur

    Nonclassical degree of states of single and bipartite systems

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    We consider experimental routes to determine the nonclassical degree of states of a field mode. We adopt a distance-type criterium based on the Hilbert-Schmidt metric to quantify the nonclassicality. The concept of nonclassical degree is extended for states of bipartite systems, allowing us to discuss a possible connection between nonclassicality and entanglement measures.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    A proposal to implement a quantum delayed choice experiment assisted by a cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme feasible with current technology to implement a quantum delayed-choice experiment in the realm of cavity QED. Our scheme uses two-level atoms interacting on and off resonantly with a single mode of a high Q cavity. At the end of the protocol, the state of the cavity returns to its ground state, allowing new sequential operations. The particle and wave behavior, which are verified in a single experimental setup, are postselected after the atomic states are selectively detected.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.0802 by other author

    Generation of arbitrary Fock states via resonant interactions in cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme to generate arbitrary Fock states |N> in a cavity QED using N resonant Rydberg atoms. The atom-field interaction times are controlled via Stark-shifts adjusted in a way that each atom transfers a photon to the cavity, turning atomic detections useless. Fluctuations affecting the control of the atom-field interactions are also considered.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures

    Bright solitons from the nonpolynomial Schr\"odinger equation with inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinearities

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    Extending the recent work on models with spatially nonuniform nonlinearities, we study bright solitons generated by the nonpolynomial self-defocusing (SDF) nonlinearity in the framework of the one-dimensional (1D) Mu\~{n}oz-Mateo - Delgado (MM-D) equation (the 1D reduction of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with the SDF nonlinearity), with the local strength of the nonlinearity growing at any rate faster than |x| at large values of coordinate x. We produce numerical solutions and analytical ones, obtained by means of the Thomas-Fermi approximation (TFA), for nodeless ground states, and for excited modes with 1, 2, 3, and 4 nodes, in two versions of the model, with the steep (exponential) and mild (algebraic) nonlinear-modulation profiles. In both cases, the ground states and the single-node ones are completely stable, while the stability of the higher-order modes depends on their norm (in the case of the algebraic modulation, they are fully unstable). Unstable states spontaneously evolve into their stable lower-order counterparts.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, (Physical Review E, in press

    Splitting of quantum information in traveling wave fields using only linear optical elements

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    In this brief report we present a feasible scheme to split quantum information in the realm of traveling waves. An oversimplified scheme is also proposed for the generation of a class of W states useful for perfect teleportation and superdense coding. The scheme employs only linear optical elements as beam splitters and phase shifters, in addition to photon counters and one-photon sources. It is shown that splitting of quantum information with high fidelity is possible even including inefficiency of the detectors and photoabsorption of the beam splitters.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure