530 research outputs found

    Modeling age-related differences in immediate memory using SIMPLE

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    In the SIMPLE model (Scale Invariant Memory and Perceptual Learning), performance on memory tasks is determined by the locations of items in multidimensional space, and better performance is associated with having fewer close neighbors. Unlike most previous simulations with SIMPLE, the ones reported here used measured, rather than assumed, dimensional values. The data to be modeled come from an experiment in which younger and older adults recalled lists of acoustically confusable and nonconfusable items. A multidimensional scaling solution based on the memory confusions was obtained. SIMPLE accounted for the overall difference in performance both between the two age groups and, within each age group, the overall difference between acoustically confusable and nonconfusable items in terms of the MDS coordinates. Moreover, the model accounted for the serial position functions and error gradients. Finally, the generality of the model’s account was examined by fitting data from an already published study. The data and the modeling support the hypothesis that older adults’ memory may be worse, in part, because of altered representations due to age-related auditory perceptual deficits

    A Remember-Know Analysis of the Semantic Serial Position Function

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    Did the serial position functions observed in certain semantic memory tasks (e.g., remembering the order of books or films) arise because they really tapped episodic memory? To address this issue, participants were asked to make "remember-know" judgments as they reconstructed the release order of the 7 Harry Potter books and 2 sets of movies. For both classes of stimuli, the "remember" and "know" serial position functions were indistinguishable, and all showed the characteristic U-shape with marked primacy and recency effects. These results are inconsistent with a multiple memory systems view, which predicts recency effects only for "remember" responses and no recency effects for "know" responses. However, the data were consistent with a general memory principle account: the relative distinctiveness principle. According to this view, performance on both episodic and semantic memory tasks arises from the same type of processing: Items that are more separated from their close neighbors in psychological space at the time of recall will be better remembered

    Positional uncertainty in the Brown-Peterson paradigm

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    Since McGeoch’s (1932) influential article, no accounts of long-term memory have invoked decay as a cause of forgetting. In contrast, multiple accounts of short-term memory (STM) invoke decay, with many appealing to results from the Brown-Peterson paradigm as offering support. Two experiments are reported that used a standard Brown-Peterson task but which scored the data in 2 ways. With traditional scoring (was the entire 3-letter consonant trigram recalled?) performance decreased with increasing delay. With immediate serial recall scoring (e.g., was the first letter recalled first, was the second letter recalled second?), standard position error gradients (Experiment 1), and protrusion gradients (Experiment 2) were observed. That is, when the first letter of the consonant trigram was not recalled first, it was more likely to be recalled second than last. In addition, if a letter from a previous list was mistakenly recalled in a later list, it most likely retained its original position. The presence of such gradients is inconsistent with claims of decay but is predicted by SIMPLE, a local distinctiveness model of memory. Moreover, the presence of such gradients is consistent with the claim that forgetting in the Brown-Peterson paradigm follows the same principles observed in other memory tasks

    From Brown-Peterson to continual distractor via operation span: A SIMPLE account of complex span

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    Three memory tasks—Brown-Peterson, complex span, and continual distractor—all alternate presentation of a to-be-remembered item and a distractor activity, but each task is associated with a different memory system, short-term memory, working memory, and long-term memory, respectively. SIMPLE, a relative local distinctiveness model, has previously been fit to data from both the Brown-Peterson and continual distractor tasks; here we use the same version of the model to fit data from a complex span task. Despite the many differences between the tasks, including unpredictable list length, SIMPLE fit the data well. Because SIMPLE posits a single memory system, these results constitute yet another demonstration that performance on tasks originally thought to tap different memory systems can be explained without invoking multiple memory systems

    Residual contamination detection and serovar distribution of Listeria monocytogenes isolates in pork slaughterhouse and cutting facilities in province of Quebec

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    L. monocytogenes (L. mono) is recognised as a zoonotic foodborne pathogen. Its control is focused on the “Readyto Eat” food production level. Recently, Health Canada had reinforced its “Policy on L. mono in Ready-to-Eat Foods”, highlighting environmental surveillance and control of meat processing facilities as important risk reduction tools. The industry wants to improve its management of L. mono risk, taking into account previous steps of meat production. Nowadays, few information are available on the presence, distribution and types of strains in the environments concerning this pathogen in pork slaughterhouses and cutting facilities in Canada. Our objective was to detect and described residual L. mono contamination and analyse serovars distribution in different areas in the pork production continuum in and between slaughterhouses and cutting facilities in province of Quebec, during a one year period. Such data are a pre-requisite to achieve the optimization of the management measures by the industrials

    Senior Inquiry: Diversity of the Human Experience

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    This collaboratively created poster summarizes, in graphic form, the Senior Inquiry students\u27 year-long course of study

    Increased susceptibility to proactive interference in adults with dyslexia?

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    Recent findings show that people with dyslexia have an impairment in serial-order memory. Based on these findings, the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that people with dyslexia have difficulties dealing with proactive interference (PI) in recognition memory. A group of 25 adults with dyslexia and a group of matched controls were subjected to a 2-back recognition task, which required participants to indicate whether an item (mis)matched the item that had been presented 2 trials before. PI was elicited using lure trials in which the item matched the item in the 3-back position instead of the targeted 2-back position. Our results demonstrate that the introduction of lure trials affected 2-back recognition performance more severely in the dyslexic group than in the control group, suggesting greater difficulty in resisting PI in dyslexia.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Reanalysis of P2X(7) receptor expression in rodent brain

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    P2X receptors are cationic-selective ion channels gated by extracellular ATP. There are seven subunits (P2X1-7), the first six of which are expressed throughout the peripheral and central nervous systems. P2X7 receptors are rapidly upregulated and activated as a result of inflammatory stimuli in immune cells, where they act not only as cationic channels but uniquely couple with rapid release of proinflammatory cytokines, cytoskeletal rearrangements, and apoptosis or necrotic cell death. The P2X7 receptor has been termed the cytolytic non-neuronal P2X receptor because it had not been detected in neurons until recently when it has been immunolocalized to several brain regions, particularly the hippocampus, and has been suggested to be involved in presynaptic modulation of transmitter release. Because its expression in brain neurons may have substantial functional implications, we have performed detailed immunocytochemical, immunoblot, and immunoprecipitation studies on brain and non-neuronal tissue using all currently available antibodies. We first examined rats, but staining patterns were inconsistent among antibodies; we therefore studied mice for which there are two P2X7 knock-out mice constructs available, one expressing the LacZ transgene. We found that P2X7 receptor protein is strongly and reliably detected in the submandibular gland and lung of wild-type mice but not in either of the P2X7-/- mice. However, we failed to find evidence for P2X7 receptor protein in hippocampal neurons or their input-output projections. Either the P2X7 protein in the hippocampus is below the limits of detection by the currently available methods or it is not present

    Cesium and strontium isotopes in the northwestern North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, 1981-1985

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    This report is a follow-up to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report WHOI-84-40. It contains 137cs and 90sr data from seawater samples collected on four cruises in the northwestern North Atlantic, Arctic Ocean, and Barents Sea during 1981 to 1985, and radionuclide data from samples collected on a cruise to the Norwegian-Greenland Seas in 1979. Also included are data from four ice stations in the Arctic from 1979 to 1985. The sample collections were made possible through collaborative efforts with several laboratories. The radionuclide analyses were done at WHOI.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under grant Number OCE-840284

    Activation kinetics of single P2X receptors

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    After the primary structure of P2X receptors had been identified, their function had to be characterized on the molecular level. Since these ligand-gated ion channels become activated very quickly after binding of ATP, methods with adequate time resolution have to be applied to investigate the early events induced by the agonist. Single-channel recordings were performed to describe conformational changes on P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 receptors induced by ATP and also by allosteric receptor modifiers. The main results of these studies and the models of P2X receptor kinetics derived from these observations are reviewed here. The investigation of purinoceptors by means of the patch clamp technique following site-directed mutagenesis will probably reveal more details of P2X receptor function at the molecular level
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