16 research outputs found

    Robust Gait-Based Gender Classification for Video Surveillance Applications

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    In the paper, the main objective is to develop a gait-based gender classification in video surveillance applications that can run in real time. The Most important contribution of this work is a new fast feature extraction strategy that uses the 2D point cloud obtained from the frames in a gait cycle. For each frame, these points are aligned according to their centroid and arranged into groups. After that, they are projected into their PCA plane, obtaining a representation of the cycle particularly robust against view changes. By analysing the discriminatory capability of different body components, it is observed that hair, back, chest and thigh components are more distinct than other components. Then, final discriminative features are computed and KNN tool is used as a classifier. Experiments over auditorium datasets, CASIA-B database and TUM-IITKGP dataset are verified and the proposed method can essential characters determine the target, efficiently label moving targets, and classify the gender

    Bidirectional MM-Wave Radio over Fiber transmission through frequency dual 16-tupling of RF local oscillator

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    In this paper for the first time, a 60 GHz bidirectional Millimeter Wave (MM-Wave) Radio over Fiber (RoF) transmission through a new frequency dual 16-tupling of 3.75 GHz local oscillator (LO) is demonstrated. The proposed system is constructed with parallel combination of two cascaded stages of MZMs. The upper cascaded stage and the Lower cascaded stages are biased at the Maximum Transmission Point (MATP). By suitable adjustments of LO phase and amplitude, optical sidebands with spacing of 8 times the input LO frequency is generated. These sidebands are then separated using filters to achieve dual 16-tupling. A good agreement between numerical derivations and the simulation results are achieved. Further, a simulation is performed to access the dual bidirectional transmission performance for the double and single tone modulation with 2.5 Gbps data transmission. The transmission distance is limited to 25 km for the double tone modulation due to bit walk of effect. A 60 km link distance is achieved with single tone modulation. The dispersion induced power penalties less than 0. 5 dB at 10−9 BER is observed for both up and down streams

    QoS Aware and Green Hybrid Access Network

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    Energy consumption of ICT (Information and communication Technology) is emerging with tremendous challenges which are prevailing throughout the world. One among them is energy conservation which plays a vital role in telecommunication networks. The access network, which is the last mile of telecommunication network plays the dominant role of energy consumption. So, effective strategies to reduce energy consumption in access systems can foremost savings in the Internet energy consumption. We set a goal to decrease energy consumption in access networks without diluting the Quality of Service (QoS). To develop the “Green Hybrid Wireless Optical Broadband Access Network” focusing on a feasible implementation of a sleep mode in Optical Network Unit(ONU) at passive optical networks (PON). Wireless Optical Broad Band Access Network(WOBAN) is a novel hybrid access concept combining the high capacity Optical backhaul (PON) with a wireless front end, thus providing very high throughput in a cost-effective manner. We propose a strategy to improve the energy efficiency of WOBAN. The proposal consists of increasing the number of sleep cycles to improve energy conservation in ONUs with a fast wakeup capability. It can increase the number of sleep cycles. To implement this proposal, an algorithm is designed to improve the energy efficiency while ensuring QoS, keeping delays under a threshold and setting the ONU in sleep mod

    Proceedings of International Conference On Global Innovations In Computing Technology (ICGICT'14) Lossless Compression and Efficient Reconstruction of Colour Medical Images

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    ABSTRACT: The information from patient's body is captured as medical images and is used for surgical and diagnostic purposes. Compression of medical images is essential for storage and transmission of patient's data. Due to high impact of details in medical images, lossless compression is preferred. This paper presents colour medical image compression using Curvelet transform with lifting and Huffman coding. It also presents the decompression using inverse transforms and the performance is analysed using subjective and objective quality metrics. Most transforms though well suited to point singularities have limitations with orientation selectivity and do not represent two-dimensional singularities and also smooth curves are not represented effectively. The Curvelet transform is well suited for colour medical images which are normally having curvy portions. Various medical images such as MRI, CT, etc are compressed for different image sizes and the results are analysed using compression ratio, PSNR, bits per pixel value, mean square error, structural correlation, normalized correlation and average difference

    A Reconfigurable Surface-Plasmon-Based Filter/Sensor Using D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    A reconfigurable surface-plasmon-based filter/sensor using D-shaped photonic crystal fiber is proposed. Initially a D-shaped PCF is designed and optimized to realize the highly birefringence and by ensuring the single polarization filter. A tiny layer of silver is placed on the flat surface of the D-shaped fiber with a small half-circular opening to activate the plasmon modes. By the surface plasmon effect a maximum confinement loss of about 713 dB/cm is realized at the operating wavelength of 1.98 µm in X-polarized mode. At this wavelength the proposed fiber only allows Y-polarization and filters the X-polarization using surface plasmon resonance. It is also exhibiting maximum confinement loss of about 426 dB/cm at wavelength 1.92 µm wavelength for Y-polarization. At this 1.92 µm wavelength the proposed structure attenuated the Y-polarization completely and allowed X-polarization alone. The proposed PCF polarization filter can be extended as a sensor by adding an analyte outside this filter structure. The proposed sensor can detect even a small refractive index (RI) variation of analytes ranging from 1.34–1.37. This sensor provides the maximum sensitivity of about 5000 nm/RIU; it enables this sensor to be ideally suited for various biosensing and industrial applications

    Photonic crystal based all-optical half adder: a brief analysis

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    A photonic crystal (PhC) based optical component paves a path to the upcoming all-optical computer processors. All the components can be realized with the help of PhCs. In particular, optical gates have played a major part in the development of all-optical half adders which has lead to the bloom of optical computing technology. In this paper, a PhC based optical half adder is proposed and a brief analysis is carried out for the different crystal structures and lattice patterns. The efficiency of the device is analyzed by providing proper distinct space in output power between logical '0' and '1' states and it operates well even in the reduced input power level. The error can be minimized while identifying the logical states (logic '0' and logic '1'), by setting a threshold limit for output power. The threshold level is fixed such that if it is greater than 0.7 mu W, it is considered as logic '1', and if it is less than 0.35 mu W, then it will be taken as logic '0'. The device with circular crystals in a hexagonal lattice provides a better contrast ratio of 12.55 dB and 9.29 dB for 'sum' and 'carry' respectively. The miniature size of the proposed device depicts that this device is compatible with photonic integrated circuit (PIC) applications

    Compact four-port circulator based on 2D photonic crystals with a 90° rotation of the light wave for photonic integrated circuits applications

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    A four-port optical circulator based on two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystals is reported. It is simple besides the brief framework. The crystalline geometrical structure of the circulator makes 90° non-reciprocal transmissions of electromagnetic waves with low insertion loss and high levels of isolation by the diligence of magneto-optic crystals. The structure is novel because it uses a resonant cavity with a simple design. Also, in comparison to prior models, the proposed four-port circulator utilizes a two-dimensional square lattice crystal structure with a cylindrical ferrite section of the π/4 Faraday angle. The finite element method is used for this anisotropic medium to get the tensor elements in this simulation. The importance of the gyromagnetic properties of ferrite crystals for the non-reciprocal transmission is investigated. Furthermore, the corresponding S-parameters for this circulator are analyzed and reported. Due to the compact size and ease of fabrication, this device can be realized for applications such as splitting and isolation in photonic integrated circuits