366 research outputs found

    50 years of quantum spin liquids

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    In 1973, Philip Anderson published a paper introducing the resonating valence bond state, which can be recognized in retrospect as a topologically ordered phase of matter - one that cannot be classified in the conventional way according to its patterns of spontaneously broken symmetry. Steven Kivelson and Shivaji Sondhi reflect on the impact of this paper over the past 50 years.Comment: This is a historical perspective solicited by Nature Reviews Physic

    Higgs decay into four charged leptons in the presence of dimension-six operators

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    We study the indirect effects of New Physics in the Higgs decay into four charged leptons, using an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to Higgs interactions. We evaluate the deviations induced by the EFT dimension-six operators in observables like partial decay width and various kinematic distributions, including angular observables, and compare them with the contribution of the full SM electroweak corrections. The calculation is implemented in an improved version of the event generator Hto4l, which can provide predictions in terms of different EFT-bases and is available for data analysis at the LHC. We also perform a phenomenological study in order to assess the benefits coming from the inclusion of differential information in the future analyses of very precise data which will be collected during the high luminosity phase of the LHC.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Version to appear on JHEP, expanded phenomenological section including an analysis for HL-LH


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    Objective: There is an immense need to develop an alternative antimicrobial source for the treatment of several infectious diseases and restrict its vectors. So, evaluation of phytochemicals from Mentha piperita, its antibacterial and adulticidal potential was undertaken in the present study.Methods: The organic solvent of ethanol and water were used for the preparation of extract for the study. These extracts were analyzed for the qualitative and quantitative phytochemicals. Antimicrobial activity was determined by using agar well diffusion method, and Bioassay was carried out by "Sugar Bait" Method to check adulticidal potential. Results: The Mentha piperita were found a rich source of phytochemical compounds like diterpenes, steroids, tannin, flavonoids, cardial glycosides, alkaloids, phenols, coumarin, and saponin. Both the extracts possesses active antibacterial compounds which shown antibacterial activity. The aqueous (5% of 50 µl) and ethanolic (5% of 100 µl) extract (EA) were found as effective concentration. Salmonella typhimurium showed resistance against both the extracts. The aqueous extract (AE) has found with effective adulticidal potential. Hence it can be used to control and repel most popular disease spreading Dipterian vector, Musca domestica.Conclusion: These results confirm the presence of antibacterial, adulticidal compounds in Mentha piperita which gives an opportunity to explore the possible usage of Mentha piperita in the development of antibiotics and insecticides.Keywords: Mentha piperita L., Phytochemical analysis, Antibacterial, Adulticidal potentia

    On the influence of spatial heterogeneity on an internal boundary layer at a short fetch

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    Surface layer meteorological data collected at a coastal site, at Vasco-Da-Gama (15°21′N, 73°51′E, 58.5m MSL) (13–18 July, 2002) with prevailing southwesterly surface winds are analyzed to study the characteristics of internal boundary layer at a short fetch using an instrumented tower (9 m). The spectral and turbulence characteristics of wind are compared with earlier measurements made at a comparatively homogeneous terrain and the standards available in literature. The study show the smaller eddies in the vertical velocity spectrum attains equilibrium with the underlying surface at a short fetch itself and follows spectral similarity. However, this is not followed by longitudinal and transverse velocity spectra under unstable as well as stable condition

    Enhanced Searchable Public Key Cipher Text With Hidden Structures For Fast Keyword Search

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    Existing semantically secure public-key searchable coding schemes take search time linear with the overall variety of the cipher texts. This makes retrieval from large-scale databases preventative. To alleviate this drawback, this paper proposes Searchable Public-Key Cipher texts with Hidden Structures (SPCHS) for keyword search as quick as potential while not sacrificing linguistics security of the encrypted keywords. In SPCHS, all keyword-searchable Cipher texts area unit structured by hidden relations, and with the search trapdoor such as a keyword, the minimum info of the relations is disclosed to an enquiry rule because the steering to search out all matching Cipher texts expeditiously. We have a tendency to construct a SPCHS theme from scratch during which the Cipher texts have a hidden star-like structure. We have a tendency to prove our theme to be semantically secure within the Random Oracle (RO) model. The search quality of our theme relies on the particular variety of the Cipher texts containing the queried keyword, instead of the amount of all Cipher texts. Finally, we have a tendency to gift a generic SPCHS construction from anonymous identity-based coding and collision-free full-identity malleable Identity-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (IBKEM) with namelessness. We have a tendency to illustrate 2 collision-free full-identity malleable IBKEM instances, that area unit semantically secure and anonymous, severally, within the artificial language and customary models

    Probing the scalar potential via double Higgs boson production at hadron colliders

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    We present a sensitivity study on the cubic and quartic self couplings in double Higgs production via gluon fusion at hadron colliders. Considering the relevant operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory up to dimension eight, we calculate the dominant contributions up to two-loop level, where the first dependence on the quartic interaction appears. Our approach allows to study the independent variations of the two self couplings and to clearly identify the terms necessary to satisfy gauge invariance and to obtain UV-finite results order by order in perturbation theory. We focus on the bb¯ γγ signature for simplicity and provide the expected bounds for the cubic and quartic self couplings at the 14 TeV LHC with 3000 fb −1 (HL-LHC) and for a future 100 TeV collider (FCC-100) with 30 ab −1 . We find that while the HL-LHC will provide very limited sensitivity on the quartic self coupling, precision measurements of double Higgs production at a FCC-100 will offer the opportunity to set competitive bounds. We show that combining information from double and triple Higgs production leads to significantly improved prospects for the determination of the quartic self coupling

    Multimedia Retrieval: Survey Of Methods And Approaches

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    As we know there are numbers of applications present where multimedia retrieval is used and also numbers of sources are present. So accuracy is the major issue in retrieval process. There are number of techniques and datasets available to retrieve information. Some techniques uses only text-based image retrieval (TBIR), some uses content-based image retrieval (CBIR) while some are using combination of both. In this paper we are focusing on both TBIR and CBIR results and then fusing these two results. For fusing we are using late fusion. TBIR captures conceptual meaning while CBIR used to avoid false results. So final results are more accurate. In this paper our main goal is to take review of different methods and approaches used for Multimedia Retrieval

    Quantitative UV-spectrophotometry estimation of risperidone using hydrotropic solubilization phenomenon

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    The aim of present study was to develop simple and economical UV- pectrophotometric method for estimation of Risperidone using Area Under Curve (AUC) technique with the application of hydrotropic solubilisation phenomenon. Aqueous urea solution (30% v/v ) was used as hydrotropic agent for solubilising risperidone. The method is based upon integration of area under curve for analysis of risperidone in the wavelength range of 265.0 - 287.40 nm. The drug followed linearity in the concentration range of 4 - 24 g/mL with correlation coefficient value r 2 > 0.99. Proposed method was validated for accuracy, precision, repeatability and ruggedness as per ICH guidelines. The proposed method was applied for qualitative and quantitative estimation of risperidone in pharmaceutical formulation and results were found in good agreement with the label claimed. This developed method can be used for routine analysis of Risperidone in bulk and tablets

    Is malaria the cause for decline in the wild population of the Indian White-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis)?

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    The populations of three species of Gyps vultures have shown a decline of more than 95% between 1988 and 1999 in the Indian subcontinent and are now classified as 'critically endangered'. The indiscriminate and widespread veterinary use of diclofenac has been implicated for the decline of the White-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Pakistan, India and Nepal. Similar trends in population decline as seen in the northern regions have also been recorded in Central and South India, but the cause for the decline was not investigated. Here we report a study carried out in a densely forested and sparsely populated region in Central India. An intracellular malarial parasite was identified from the tissues of both live and dead Whitebacked vultures. Further, amplification and sequence analysis of the consensus sequence of the mitochondrial small and large sub-unit rRNA genes indicated a 95-96% similarity with the mitochondrial sequence of Plasmodium falciparum (DQ642845) and other Plasmodium species. In addition, amplification and sequencing of a 502 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cyt b gene identified the haemoprotozoan with Plasmodium sp. AP70, an avian malarial parasite. During the course of this study we also rescued two terminally ill vultures with symptoms of malaria, and treatment with anti-malarials led to their recovery. None of the affected vultures had diclofenac residues, thus implying that malaria could be an additional cause for the decline for the White-backed vulture population

    Concurrent emergence of exotic whitefly incursions on arecanut (Areca catechu L.) in India

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    Field incidence of exotic whitefly complex comprising two Neotropical nesting whiteflies viz., Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi and Paraleyrodes minei Iaccarino, in association with invasive rugose spiralling whitefly Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin and native areca whitefly, Aleurocanthus arecae David & Manjunatha, on arecanut was reported from Karnataka, India during 2020. These arecanut palms were previously infested by A. arecae which was earlier reported from Karnataka during 2003. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the infestation of P. bondari and P. minei on arecanut as highlighted in this current investigation. Morphological identification based on pupal taxonomy and male genitalia as well as molecular characterization of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene confirmed the identity of nesting whiteflies. The Bondar’s nesting whitefly, P. bondari is the most predominant whitefly species with 87.5 per cent active colonies followed by the nesting whitefly, P. minei (13.64%) and the rugose spiralling whitefly, A. rugioperculatus (6.25%). Co-occurrence of these three non-native whitefly species on arecanut in synergy with the native A. arecae indicates a kind of competitive regulation of one species over the other upsetting biodiversity. Due to the polyphagous nature of the pest coupled with increased trade and transport in a climate change scenario, this whitefly complex may become a serious threat to arecanut production in India and elsewhere. This requires strict quarantine protocols to avert its spread to other arecanut growing areas
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