76 research outputs found

    Seismic and Infrasound Signals at Mt. Etna: Modelling the North-East Crater Conduit and its Relation with the 2008-2009 Eruption Feeding System

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    On 13 May 2008, an eruption began at Mt. Etna from an eruptive fissure that opened on the upper eastern flank of the volcano. During 12-13 May, 157 infrasonic events, together with the related seismic transients, were collected. We carried out several analyses to obtain dominant frequencies, pseudospectrograms, peak-to-peak amplitudes, source locations and time lags between infrasonic and seismic events. Spectra of the infrasonic events show two main spectral peaks in the frequency bands ~0.4-0.7 Hz and 1.5-2.0 Hz, respectively. Both infrasonic and seismic events were separately located below the North-East Crater, where no eruptive activity was observed. Moreover, significant changes in infrasound spectral content, as well as in the infrasonic-seismic lags, were found a few hours before the beginning of the eruption. On the basis of the collected information the infrasound source mechanism was modelled as a superposition of pipe and Helmholtz resonance, also leading to outline the geometry of the shallower portion of the North-East Crater plumbing system. The occurrence of these seismo-infrasonic events together with other geological and geophysical evidences, led us to inferring a direct link between North-East Crater activity and the eruptive fissure. Further, based on variations over time of both spectral features and seismicinfrasonic time lag, shallowing phenomena of the free magma column inside North-East Crater conduit were hypothesized. Such an uprise of magma was likely caused by a pressure increase inside the plumbing system occurring before the beginning of the 2008-2009 eruption

    Space-Time Evolution of Magma Storage and Transfer at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy): the 2015-2016 Re-Awakening of Voragine Crater'

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    The eruptions of December 2015 and May 2016 at Voragine crater were among the most explosive recorded during the last two decades at Mt. Etna volcano. Here, we present data coming from geophysics (infrasound, LP, VLP, volcanic tremor, VT earthquakes, ground deformations) and petrology (textural and micro-analytical data on plagioclase and olivine crystals) to investigate the pre-eruptive magma storage and transfer dynamics leading to these exceptional explosive eruptions. Integration of all the available data has led us to constrain chemically, physically and kinetically the environments where magmas were stored before the eruption, and how they have interacted during the transfer en-route to the surface. Although the evolution and behavior of volcanic phenomena at the surface was rather similar, some differences in storage and transfer dynamics were observed for 2015 and 2016 eruptions. Specifically, the 2015 eruptions have been fed by magmas stored at shallow levels that were pushed upward as a response of magma injections from deeper environments, whereas evidence of chemical interaction between shallow and deep magmatic environments becomes more prominent during the 2016 eruptions. Main findings evidence the activation of magmatic environments deeper than those generally observed for other recent Etnean eruptions, with involvement of deep basic magmas that were brought to shallow crustal levels in very short timescales (∼1 month). The fast transfer from the deepest levels of the plumbing system of basic, undegassed magmas might be viewed as the crucial triggering factor leading to development of exceptionally violent volcanic phenomena even with only basic magma involved

    Multiparametric study of the February-April 2013 paroxysmal phase of Mt. Etna New South-East crater

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    Between January 2011 and April 2013, Mt. Etna's eruptive activity consisted of episodic intracrater strombolian explosions and paroxysms from Bocca Nuova, Voragine, and the New South-East (NSEC) summit craters, respectively. Eruptions from NSEC consisted of initial increasing strombolian activity and lava flow output, passing to short-lasting lava fountaining. In this study we present seismic, infrasound, radiometric, plume SO2 and HCl fluxes and geodetic data collected by the INGV monitoring system between May 2012 and April 2013. The multiparametric approach enabled characterization of NSEC eruptive activity at both daily and monthly time scales and tracking of magma movement within Mt. Etna's plumbing system. While seismic, infrasound and radiometric signals give insight on the energy and features of the 13 paroxysms fed by NSEC, SO2 and halogen fluxes shed light on the likely mechanisms triggering the eruptive phenomena. GPS data provided clear evidence of pressurization of Mt. Etna's plumbing system from May 2012 to middle February 2013 and depressurization during the February-April 2013 eruptive activity. Taking into account geochemical data, we propose that the paroxysms' sequence represented the climax of a waxing-waning phase of degassing that had started as early as December 2012, and eventually ended in April 2013. Integration of the multidisciplinary observations suggests that the February-April 2013 eruptive activity reflects a phase of release of a volatile-rich batch of magma that had been stored in the shallow volcano plumbing system at least 4 months before, and with the majority of gas released between February and March 2013

    Dynamics of mild strombolian activity on Mt. Etna

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    Here we report the first measurements of gas masses released during a rare period of strombolian activity at the Bocca Nuova crater, Mt. Etna, Sicily. UV camera data acquired for 195 events over an ≈27 minute period (27th July 2012) indicate erupted SO2 masses ranging from ≈0.1 to ≈14 kg per event, with corresponding total gas masses of ≈0.1 to 74 kg. Thus, the activity was characterised by more frequent and smaller events than typically associated with strombolian activity on volcanoes such as Stromboli. Events releasing larger measured gas masses were followed by relatively long repose periods before the following burst, a feature not previously reported on from gas measurement data. If we assume that gas transport within the magma can be represented by a train of rising gas pockets or slugs, then the high frequency of events indicates that these slugs must have been in close proximity. In this case the longer repose durations associated with the larger slugs would be consistent with interactions between adjacent slugs leading to coalescence, a process expedited close to the surface by rapid slug expansion. We apply basic modelling considerations to the measured gas masses in order to investigate potential slug characteristics governing the observed activity.We also cross correlated the acquired gas fluxes with contemporaneously obtained seismic data but found no relationship between the series in line with the mild form of manifest explosivity

    Water-Soluble Calixarenes

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    A New Water-Soluble Calix[4]arene Ditopic Receptor Rigidified by Microsolvation: Acid-Base and Inclusion Properties

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    The coordination of a water molecule, bridging two distal phenolate anions of the tetrasulphonated calix[4]arene 1,3-dicarboxylic acid, has a remarkable influence on the acid base and inclusion properties of the ditopic receptor

    Charge Assisted Hydrophobic Binding of Ethanol Into the Cavity of Calix[4]Arene Receptors in Aqueous Solution

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    Ethanol is included into the hydrophobic cavity of the water soluble calixarenes 1 and 2 in aqueous solution, with the alkyl residue pointing towards the cavity and the hydroxyl group facing the bulk of the solvent. No inclusion is detected for 3, and this suggests that the sulphonate groups serve as anchoring points

    Synthesis of New Calixcrowns and their Anchoring to Silica Gel for the Selective Separation of Cs+ and K+

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    New 1,3-alternate calix[4]arenecrown-6 and calix[4]arene-crown-5, which are selective for caesium and potassium ions respectively, have been synthesized and linked covalently to silica gel via hydrosilanization and successfully employed for the chromatographic separation of Cs+ and K+ from alkali metal ions
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