457 research outputs found

    Differential Calculus on the Quantum Superspace and Deformation of Phase Space

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    We investigate non-commutative differential calculus on the supersymmetric version of quantum space where the non-commuting super-coordinates consist of bosonic as well as fermionic (Grassmann) coordinates. Multi-parametric quantum deformation of the general linear supergroup, GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n), is studied and the explicit form for the R^{\hat R}-matrix, which is the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation, is presented. We derive the quantum-matrix commutation relation of GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n) and the quantum superdeterminant. We apply these results for the GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n) to the deformed phase-space of supercoordinates and their momenta, from which we construct the R^{\hat R}-matrix of q-deformed orthosymplectic group OSpq(2n∣2m)OSp_q(2n|2m) and calculate its R^{\hat R}-matrix. Some detailed argument for quantum super-Clifford algebras and the explict expression of the R^{\hat R}-matrix will be presented for the case of OSpq(2∣2)OSp_q(2|2).Comment: 17 pages, KUCP-4

    Thermodynamic Properties of a Quantum Group Boson Gas GLp,q(2)GL_{p,q}(2)

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    An approach is proposed enabling to effectively describe the behaviour of a bosonic system. The approach uses the quantum group GLp,q(2)GL_{p,q}(2) formalism. In effect, considering a bosonic Hamiltonian in terms of the GLp,q(2)GL_{p,q}(2) generators, it is shown that its thermodynamic properties are connected to deformation parameters pp and qq. For instance, the average number of particles and the pressure have been computed. If pp is fixed to be the same value for qq, our approach coincides perfectly with some results developed recently in this subject. The ordinary results, of the present system, can be found when we take the limit p=q=1p=q=1.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Dreier Männer Arbeit in der frühen Bundesrepublik. Max Born, Werner Heisenberg und Pascual Jordan als politische Grenzgänger

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    Minimal deformations of the commutative algebra and the linear group GL(n)

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    We consider the relations of generalized commutativity in the algebra of formal series Mq(xi) M_q (x^i ) , which conserve a tensor Iq I_q -grading and depend on parameters q(i,k) q(i,k) . We choose the Iq I_q -preserving version of differential calculus on Mq M_q . A new construction of the symmetrized tensor product for Mq M_q -type algebras and the corresponding definition of minimally deformed linear group QGL(n) QGL(n) and Lie algebra qgl(n) qgl(n) are proposed. We study the connection of QGL(n) QGL(n) and qgl(n) qgl(n) with the special matrix algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) containing matrices with noncommutative elements. A definition of the deformed determinant in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is given. The exponential parametrization in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is considered on the basis of Campbell-Hausdorf formula.Comment: 14 page

    The upper triangular solutions to the three-state constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation

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    In this article we present all nonsingular upper triangular solutions to the constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation Rj1j2k1k2Rk1j3l1k3Rk2k3l2l3=Rj2j3k2k3Rj1k3k1l3Rk1k2l1l2R_{j_1j_2}^{k_1k_2}R_{k_1j_3}^{l_1k_3}R_{k_2k_3}^{l_2l_3}= R_{j_2j_3}^{k_2k_3}R_{j_1k_3}^{k_1l_3}R_{k_1k_2}^{l_1l_2} in the three state case, i.e. all indices ranging from 1 to 3. The upper triangular ansatz implies 729 equations for 45 variables. Fortunately many of the equations turned out to be simple allowing us to start breaking the problem into smaller ones. In the end we had a total of 552 solutions, but many of them were either inherited from two-state solutions or subcases of others. The final list contains 35 nontrivial solutions, most of them new.Comment: 24 Pages in LaTe

    Differential Calculus on qq-Deformed Light-Cone

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    We propose the ``short'' version of q-deformed differential calculus on the light-cone using twistor representation. The commutation relations between coordinates and momenta are obtained. The quasi-classical limit introduced gives an exact shape of the off-shell shifting.Comment: 11 pages, Standard LaTeX 2.0

    Representations of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2)M_{q,p}(2)

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    It is shown that the finite dimensional irreducible representaions of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2) M_{ q,p}(2) ( the coordinate ring of GLq,p(2) GL_{q,p}(2) ) exist only when both q and p are roots of unity. In this case th e space of states has either the topology of a torus or a cylinder which may be thought of as generalizations of cyclic representations.Comment: 20 page

    Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalism on a Quantum Plane

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    We examine the problem of defining Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics for a particle moving on a quantum plane Qq,pQ_{q,p}. For Lagrangian mechanics, we first define a tangent quantum plane TQq,pTQ_{q,p} spanned by noncommuting particle coordinates and velocities. Using techniques similar to those of Wess and Zumino, we construct two different differential calculi on TQq,pTQ_{q,p}. These two differential calculi can in principle give rise to two different particle dynamics, starting from a single Lagrangian. For Hamiltonian mechanics, we define a phase space T∗Qq,pT^*Q_{q,p} spanned by noncommuting particle coordinates and momenta. The commutation relations for the momenta can be determined only after knowing their functional dependence on coordinates and velocities. Thus these commutation relations, as well as the differential calculus on T∗Qq,pT^*Q_{q,p}, depend on the initial choice of Lagrangian. We obtain the deformed Hamilton's equations of motion and the deformed Poisson brackets, and their definitions also depend on our initial choice of Lagrangian. We illustrate these ideas for two sample Lagrangians. The first system we examine corresponds to that of a nonrelativistic particle in a scalar potential. The other Lagrangian we consider is first order in time derivative

    Quantum Deformed su(m∣n)su(m|n) Algebra and Superconformal Algebra on Quantum Superspace

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    We study a deformed su(m∣n)su(m|n) algebra on a quantum superspace. Some interesting aspects of the deformed algebra are shown. As an application of the deformed algebra we construct a deformed superconformal algebra. {}From the deformed su(1∣4)su(1|4) algebra, we derive deformed Lorentz, translation of Minkowski space, iso(2,2)iso(2,2) and its supersymmetric algebras as closed subalgebras with consistent automorphisms.Comment: 27 pages, KUCP-59, LaTeX fil

    On the Differential Geometry of GLq(1∣1)GL_q(1| 1)

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    The differential calculus on the quantum supergroup GLq(1∣1)_q(1| 1) was introduced by Schmidke {\it et al}. (1990 {\it Z. Phys. C} {\bf 48} 249). We construct a differential calculus on the quantum supergroup GLq(1∣1)_q(1| 1) in a different way and we obtain its quantum superalgebra. The main structures are derived without an R-matrix. It is seen that the found results can be written with help of a matrix R^\hat{R}Comment: 14 page
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