985 research outputs found

    Coupled ethical-epistemic analysis of public health research and practice: categorizing variables to improve population health and equity

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    The categorization of variables can stigmatize populations, which is ethically problematic and threatens the central purpose of public health: to improve population health and reduce health inequities. How social variables (e.g., behavioral risks for HIV) are categorized can reinforce stigma and cause unintended harms to the populations practitioners and researchers strive to serve.<p></p> Although debates about the validity or ethical consequences of epidemiological variables are familiar for specific variables (e.g., ethnicity), these issues apply more widely.<p></p> We argue that these tensions and debates regarding epidemiological variables should be analyzed simultaneously as ethical and epistemic challenges. We describe a framework derived from the philosophy of science that may be usefully applied to public health, and we illustrate its application.<p></p&gt

    Fluctuation Effects in High Sheet Resistance Superconducting Films

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    As the normal state sheet resistance, RnR_n, of a thin film superconductor increases, its superconducting properties degrade. For Rn≃h/4e2R_n\simeq h/4e^2 superconductivity disappears and a transition to a nonsuperconducting state occurs. We present electron tunneling and transport measurements on ultrathin, homogeneously disordered superconducting films in the vicinity of this transition. The data provide strong evidence that fluctuations in the amplitude of the superconducting order parameter dominate the tunneling density of states and the resistive transitions in this regime. We briefly discuss possible sources of these amplitude fluctuation effects. We also describe how the data suggest a novel picture of the superconductor to nonsuperconductor transition in homogeneous 2D systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The Upper Critical Field in Disordered Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    We present calculations of the upper critical field in superconducting films as a function of increasing disorder (as measured by the normal state resistance per square). In contradiction to previous work, we find that there is no anomalous low-temperature positive curvature in the upper critical field as disorder is increased. We show that the previous prediction of this effect is due to an unjustified analytical approximation of sums occuring in the perturbative calculation. Our treatment includes both a careful analysis of first-order perturbation theory, and a non-perturbative resummation technique. No anomalous curvature is found in either case. We present our results in graphical form.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Cooper pair islanding model of insulating nanohoneycomb films

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    We first review evidence for the Cooper pair insulator (CPI) phase in amorphous nanohoneycomb (NHC) films. We then extend our analysis of superconducting islands induced by film thickness variations in NHC films to examine the evolution of island sizes through the magnetic field-driven SIT. Finally, using the islanding picture, we present a plausible model for the appearance and behavior of the CPI phase in amorphous NHC films.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Driven diffusive system with non-local perturbations

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    We investigate the impact of non-local perturbations on driven diffusive systems. Two different problems are considered here. In one case, we introduce a non-local particle conservation along the direction of the drive and in another case, we incorporate a long-range temporal correlation in the noise present in the equation of motion. The effect of these perturbations on the anisotropy exponent or on the scaling of the two-point correlation function is studied using renormalization group analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Evolution of the Density of States Gap in a Disordered Superconductor

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    It has only recently been possible to study the superconducting state in the attractive Hubbard Hamiltonian via a direct observation of the formation of a gap in the density of states N(w). Here we determine the effect of random chemical potentials on N(w) and show that at weak coupling, disorder closes the gap concurrently with the destruction of superconductivity. At larger, but still intermediate coupling, a pseudo-gap in N(w) remains even well beyond the point at which off-diagonal long range order vanishes. This change in the elementary excitations of the insulating phase corresponds to a crossover between Fermi- and Bose-Insulators. These calculations represent the first computation of the density of states in a finite dimensional disordered fermion model via the Quantum Monte Carlo and maximum entropy methods.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Coulomb Zero-Bias Anomaly: A Semiclassical Calculation

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    Effective action is proposed for the problem of Coulomb blocking of tunneling. The approach is well suited to deal with the ``strong coupling'' situation near zero bias, where perturbation theory diverges. By a semiclassical treatment, we reduce the physics to that of electrodynamics in imaginary time, and express the anomaly through exact conductivity of the system σ(ω,q)\sigma(\omega, q) and exact interaction. For the diffusive anomaly, we compare the result with the perturbation theory of Altshuler, Aronov, and Lee. For the metal-insulator transition we derive exact relation of the anomaly and critical exponent of conductivity.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX 3.

    The Superconductor-Insulator Transition in a Tunable Dissipative Environment

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    We study the influence of a tunable dissipative environment on the dynamics of Josephson junction arrays near the superconductor-insulator transition. The experimental realization of the environment is a two dimensional electron gas coupled capacitively to the array. This setup allows for the well-controlled tuning of the dissipation by changing the resistance of the two dimensional electron gas. The capacitive coupling cuts off the dissipation at low frequencies. We determine the phase diagram and calculate the temperature and dissipation dependence of the array conductivity. We find good agreement with recent experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 .eps figures, revte

    Collective strong coupling in a plasmonic nanocavity

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    Quantum plasmonics extends cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) concepts to the nanoscale, taking benefit from the strongly subwavelength confinement of the plasmon modes supported by metal nanostructures. In this work, we describe in detail collective strong coupling to a plasmonic nanocavity. Similarities and differences to cQED are emphasized. We notably observe that the Rabi splitting can strongly deviate from the standard NeΔΩ1\sqrt{N_e}\Delta \Omega_1 law, where NeN_e is the number of emitters and ΔΩ1\Delta \Omega_1 the Rabi splitting for a single emitter. In addition, we discuss the collective Lamb shift and the role of quantum corrections to the emission spectra

    Effect of Magnetic Impurities on Suppression of the Transition Temperature in Disordered Superconductors

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    We calculate the first-order perturbative correction to the transition temperature TcT_c in a superconductor with both non-magnetic and magnetic impurities. We do this by first evaluating the correction to the effective potential, Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta), and then obtain the first-order correction to the order parameter, Δ\Delta, by finding the minimum of Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta). Setting Δ=0\Delta=0 finally allows TcT_c to be evaluated. TcT_c is now a function of both the resistance per square, R□R_\square, a measure of the non-magnetic disorder, and the spin-flip scattering rate, 1/τs1/\tau_s, a measure of the magnetic disorder. We find that the effective pair-breaking rate per magnetic impurity is virtually independent of the resistance per square of the film, in agreement with an experiment of Chervenak and Valles. This conclusion is supported by both the perturbative calculation, and by a non-perturbative re-summation technique.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure
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