6,791 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Fluid Dynamics

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    Recently Navier-Stokes (NS) equations have been derived from the duality between the black branes and a conformal fluid on the boundary of AdS_5. Nevertheless, the full correspondence has to be established between solutions of supergravity in AdS_5 and supersymmetric field theories on the boundary. That prompts the construction of NS equations for a supersymmetric fluid. In the framework of rigid susy, there are several possibilities and we propose one candidate. We deduce the equations of motion in two ways: both from the divergenless condition on the energy-momentum tensor and by a suitable parametrization of the auxiliary fields. We give the complete component expansion and a very preliminary analysis of the physics of this supersymmetric fluid.Comment: 24 pages, Latex2

    Think Different: Applying the Old Macintosh Mantra to the Computability of the SUSY Auxiliary Field Problem

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    Starting with valise supermultiplets obtained from 0-branes plus field redefinitions, valise adinkra networks, and the "Garden Algebra," we discuss an architecture for algorithms that (starting from on-shell theories and, through a well-defined computation procedure), search for off-shell completions. We show in one dimension how to directly attack the notorious "off-shell auxiliary field" problem of supersymmetry with algorithms in the adinkra network-world formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Higher-derivative gauge interactions of Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson theory in N=1 superspace

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    We study the structure of the gauge sector of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory in the form proposed by van Raamsdonk, adapted to 3D, N=1 superspace. By using the novel Higgs mechanism proposed by Mukhi and Papageorgakis, we derive the manifestly N=1 supersymmetric higher-order terms (beyond the supersymmetric Yang-Mills action) that follow from the BLG theory in its expansion with respect to the inverse gauge coupling constant squared. We find that all those terms have at least one anti-commutator of the super-YM field strength superfields as a factor, and thus are reducible to the SYM terms with the higher (spacetime) derivatives.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures (title changed, few comments and references added

    Effective action of beta-deformed N=4 SYM theory and AdS/CFT

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    We compute the one-loop effective action in \N=1 conformal SU(N) gauge theory which is an exactly marginal deformation of the \N=4 SYM theory. We consider an abelian background of constant \N = 1 gauge field and single chiral scalar. While for finite N the effective action depends non-trivially on the deformation parameter \beta, this dependence disappears in the large N limit if the parameter \beta is real. This conclusion matches the strong-coupling prediction coming from the form of a D3-brane probe action in the dual supergravity background: for the simplest choice of the D3-brane position the probe action happens to be the same as for a D3-brane in AdS_5 x S^5 placed parallel to the boundary of AdS_5. This suggests that in the real \beta deformation case there exists a large N non-renormalization theorem for the 4-derivative term in the action.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. V2: comments, reference added. V3: the version to appear in PR

    Nanocrystal seeding: A low temperature route to polycrystalline Si films

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    A novel method is presented for growth of polycrystalline silicon films on amorphous substrates at temperatures of 540–575 °C. Grain nucleation and grain growth are performed in two steps, using Si nanocrystals as nuclei ("seeds"). The nanocrystal seeds are produced by excimer laser photolysis of disilane in a room temperature flow cell. Film (grain) growth occurs epitaxially on the seeds in a separate thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) step, with growth rates 10–100 times higher than similar CVD growth rates on crystal Si. Grain size and CVD growth rates are dependent on seed coverage, for seed coverage <0.2 monolayers

    D=(2+1) O(N) Wess-Zumino model in a large N limit

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    Using the superfield formalism, the effective Kahlerian superpotential of the massless \cal{N}=1 O(N) Wess-Zumino model is computed in the limit of large N, in three spacetime dimensions. The effective Kahlerian superpotential is evaluated at the subleading order in the 1/N expansion, which involves diagrams up to two-loop order, for a small coupling constant. We show that the O(N) symmetry of the model is preserved in this approximation and that no mass is dynamically generated in the supersymmetric phase. We discuss why spontaneous O(N) symmetry breaking cannot be induced by radiative corrections in such model.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Comparison of Some Exact and Perturbative Results for a Supersymmetric SU(NcN_c) Gauge Theory

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    We consider vectorial, asymptotically free N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric SU(NcN_c) gauge theories with NfN_f copies of massless chiral super fields in various representations and study how perturbative predictions for the lower boundary of the infrared conformal phase, as a function of NfN_f, compare with exact results. We make use of two-loop and three-loop calculations of the beta function and anomalous dimension of the quadratic chiral super field operator product for this purpose. The specific chiral superfield contents that we consider are NfN_f copies of (i) F+FˉF+\bar F, (ii) AdjAdj, (iii) S2+Sˉ2S_2+\bar S_2, and (iv) A2+Aˉ2A_2 + \bar A_2, where FF, AdjAdj, S2S_2, and A2A_2 denote, respectively, the fundamental, adjoint, and symmetric and antisymmetric rank-2 tensor representations. We find that perturbative results slightly overestimate the value of Nf,crN_{f,cr} relative to the respective exact results for these representations, i.e., slightly underestimate the interval in NfN_f for which the theory has infrared conformal behavior. Our results provide a measure of how closely perturbative calculations reproduce exact results for these theories.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    On 2D N=(4,4) superspace supergravity

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    We review some recent results obtained in studying superspace formulations of 2D N=(4,4) matter-coupled supergravity. For a superspace geometry described by the minimal supergravity multiplet, we first describe how to reduce to components the chiral integral by using ``ectoplasm'' superform techniques as in arXiv:0907.5264 and then we review the bi-projective superspace formalism introduced in arXiv:0911.2546. After that, we elaborate on the curved bi-projective formalism providing a new result: the solution of the covariant type-I twisted multiplet constraints in terms of a weight-(-1,-1) bi-projective superfield.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, Contribution to the proceedings of the International Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'09), Dubna, July 29-August 3 200

    Seeking the Loop Quantum Gravity Barbero-Immirzi Parameter and Field in 4D, N\cal N = 1 Supergravity

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    We embed the Loop Quantum Gravity Barbero-Immirzi parameter and field within an action describing 4D, N\cal N = 1 supergravity and thus within a Low Energy Effective Action of Superstring/M-Theory. We use the fully gauge-covariant description of supergravity in (curved) superspace. The gravitational constant is replaced with the vacuum expectation value of a scalar field, which in local supersymmetry is promoted to a complex, covariantly chiral scalar superfield. The imaginary part of this superfield couples to a supersymmetric Holst term. The Holst term also serves as a starting point in the Loop Quantum Gravity action. This suggest the possibility of a relation between Loop Quantum Gravity and supersymmetric string theory, where the Barbero-Immirzi parameter and field of the former play the role of the supersymmetric axion in the latter. Adding matter fermions in Loop Quantum Gravity may require the extension of the Holst action through the Nieh-Yan topological invariant, while in pure, matter-free supergravity their supersymmetric extensions are the same. We show that, when the Barbero-Immirzi parameter is promoted to a field in the context of 4D supergravity, it is equivalent to adding a dynamical complex chiral (dilaton-axion) superfield with a non-trivial kinetic term (or K\"ahler potential), coupled to supergravity.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. Replaced with accepted version in Phys. Rev.
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