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    Aim. To study the specifics of lipid metabolism and involvement of coronary flow according to combination carriage of “Δ4”-allele Δ2Δ3Δ4 polymorphism of gene apolipoproteine Е (Apo Е) and “S2”-allele SstI polymorphism of gene apolipoproteine ХIII (Apo ĐĄIII) in unstable angina patients.Material and methods. Totally, 141 patients assessed, with unstable angina and angiographically proven coronary atherosclerosis. Comparison group — 50 healthy persons. Genotyping of Δ2/Δ3/Δ4 polymorphism gene Apo Е and SstI polymorphism gene Apo ĐĄIII was done by PCR.Results. 37 were selected to one group of patients with the carriage of “harm” alleles: “Δ4” and “S2” — (I group), versus the others (II group) — 104 patients. In comparison of lipid profiles, I group showed significantly higher levels of total cholesterol (238,0±54,3 mg/dL) and low density cholesterol (LDL) (154,7±51,5 mg/dL) (Đ <0,05), than levels of TC (220,6±39,8) and LDL (138,8±37,6) in II group. Also, in I group patients there was lower HDL cholesterol (34,1±6,3, P<0,05), comparing to II group (36,8±6,8). Level of apolipoproteide В (Apo В) was slightly higher (115,0±24,9 mg/dL), and level of apolipoproteide А-I (Apo А-I) — lower (133,8±21,3) in group I, that led to significantly higher relation of Apo-B/Apo-AI — 0,9±0,3 (P<0,05), comparing to group II (107,0±25,7, 139,1±22,2 and 0,8±0,2), respectively.Conclusion. Carriage of alleles “S2” SstI polymorphism gene apo CIII and “Δ4” Δ2Δ3Δ4 polymorphism gene Apo Е is predetermining factor for development of coronary atherosclerosis and atherogenic dyslipidemia among uzbeks. According to coronary arteriography, in the I group patients had more commonly three — and multivessel disease (Đ <0,05)

    Clinical Status of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Post COVID-19

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    The main goal of our study was to identify the activity of cardiac dysfunction based on the analysis of the main cardiological methods of research, such as ECG, echocardiography, 24-hour ECG monitoring in conjunction with laboratory parameters in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent mild and moderate COVID-19, without signs of residual effects of lung tissue damage (fibrotization). 52 patients with coronary artery disease were examined, which were divided into 2 groups depending on the past infection in history: 1 group without COVID-19 in history (n=26) (based on history and results of SARS-CoV-2 antibody titer), 2 a group with a history of COVID-19 (n=26), confirmed by relevant documents (tests), but without oxygen therapy and steroids, in order to avoid the influence of a serious illness and drug exposure. Conclusions: dynamic monitoring of hemostasis parameters after the hospital stage in patients with CAD should be carried out in order to prevent adverse cardiovascular outcomes, even with a history of moderate and mild coronavirus infection. One of the aspects of therapeutic rehabilitation in the post-COVID period in patients with IHD is the use of vitamin D preparations