42 research outputs found

    Particle-based method for investigation of the physical processes in the complex industrial tasks

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    The main task of this paper is improved of modeling accuracy and understanding of the physical process which arises in complex industrial tasks using Euler-Lagrange approach. There were two cases under the study. The first one was aimed to study the dynamics of selforganized turbulent structures. A first qualitative insight into the entrainment process in wind farm is obtained through particle tracking. The second case is focusing on developing the EulerLagrange approach for the understanding of the physical processes occurring the water droplets injection into a jet. The water droplets, coming out of the special sockets, are simulated by packages (parcels) of particles of a certain mass and size according to the specified flow rate. Parcels moving in the flow, breakup at high speeds, heating and evaporation are investigated

    The diagram development for Computer Added Control and Monitoring system of drilling

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    The paper is concerned with the first stage of the extensive research aimed at developing design-automation system and well drilling process control. The proposed system is going to have some advantages over modern analogues, such as economic analysis at all levels, active engineering staff feedback, precedent-related principle for recommendations, etc. It will essentially reduce the risk of human errors and also optimize the well construction process from design to commissioning. The paper considers the results of the first design stage in a form of flow diagrams

    Impact of hydrocarbon drilling mud on mud motor elastomers at different temperatures

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    The paper describes the experimental research of hydrocarbon drilling mud impact on engineering parameters of mud motor elastomer samples. It is believed to be urgent due to an increase in using mud motors in oil and gas well construction now, and the issue of intense exploitation is currently topical. The test results of elastomer IRP- 1226 dependent on the temperature are shown in the paper. It is proved that the hydrocarbon drilling muds have a significant impact on wearing of mud motors elastomers under the condition of a temperature increase


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    The article describes the possibility of implementing the open source CFD software package OpenFOAM for aerodynamic characteristics calculation of aircraft taking into account the local turbulence flows. Computational simulation methods of turbulent flows were reviewed and it was recommended to use eddy-resolving approaches and to carry out the analysis of numerical schemes and constants of subgrid model for computational calculation of large scale vortex. The article contains recommendations how to use different turbulence models for numerical simulation of unsteady vortex flows. The analysis of numerical schemes was carried out by solving the problem of homogeneous isotopic turbulence decay on the bases of software package OpenFOAM and RANS-LES approach implementation. The method of combined implementation of RANS-LES approaches with the use of zonal RANS-LES methods were described and implemented in OpenFOAM software package. As an example of the hybrid RANS-LES approach the task of simulation flow field around an aircraft with airbrake at subsonic speed (50 m/s) has been tested. Flow structure has been obtained and compared with experimental data and other simulation methods.Показана возможность применения открытого вычислительного комплекса OpenFOAM для расчета аэродинамических характеристик летательного аппарата с учетом локальных отрывных течений. Проведен обзор методов моделирования турбулентных течений и установлено, что для численного расчета крупномасштабных вихревых структур целесообразно использовать вихреразрешающие подходы, а также проводить анализ численных схем и калибровку констант подсеточной модели. В работе даны рекомендации по использованию различных моделей турбулентности для моделирования вихревых течений. Проведен анализ диссипативности численных схем путем решения задачи о вырождении однородной изотропной турбулентности с применением пакета OpenFOAM и LES подхода. Описана и реализована методика совмещения RANS и LES подходов с применением зонирования расчетной области. В качестве примера применения реализованной методики расчета проведено численное моделирование обтекания тормозного щитка, установленного на фюзеляж перспективного маневренного самолета. Получены структуры обтекания летательного аппарата при дозвуковой скорости 50 м/с и его аэродинамические характеристики, а также проведено сравнение с экспериментальными данными и другими подходами моделирования турбулентных течений

    Особенности расчета бафтинговых явлений при моделировании обтекания летательного аппарата с использованием открытого пакета OpenFOAM

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    In this paper, the preliminary results of computational modeling of an aircraft with the airbrake deployed are presented. The calculations were performed with OpenFOAM software package. The results outlined are a part of a research project to optimise aircraft performance using a perforated airbrake. Within this stage of the project OpenFOAM software package with hybrid RANS-LES approach was tested in respect to a given configuration of the aircraft, airbrake and then has been compared with the test data. For the worst case the amplitude of the peak force acting on the tail fin can be up to 6 times higher than the average value without airbrake deployed. To reduce unsteady loads acting on the tailfin, perforation of the airbrake was proposed.Показана возможность применения открытого пакета OpenFOAM и разработанных на его основе методик расчета нестационарных вихревых течений при исследовании обтекания летательного аппарата. Представлены результаты численных расчетов аэродинамических характеристик тормозного щитка, установленного на фюзеляж перспективного маневренного самолета. Описана разработанная гибридная модель турбулентности с применением RANS и LES подходов. Проведена оценка возмущений, обусловленных наличием тормозного щитка, на килевой стабилизатор летательного аппарата. Для снижения динамических нагрузок предложен тормозной щиток с перфорацией

    Problem of definition of personal security in the modern Russian criminal procedure

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    ©2016. ASERS Publishing. All rights reserved.The article represents comparison of various definitions and concepts related to the phenomenon of providing a secured protection of individuals participating in the Russian criminal procedure

    Определение акустического шума при воздействии вихревого потока на профиль крыла

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    The calculation of turbulent flow using LES model and prediction of sound generated by a rod-airfoil configuration was done using OpenFoam code and library libAcoustics. Good results are obtained for frequency and drag coefficients compared with results from experiment. The additional investigation need to be performed for improvement of SPL results.С помощью математического моделирования с использованием метода крупных вихрей проведено исследование по определению акустического шума, создаваемого системой цилиндр-профиль крыла в дозвуковом потоке. Проведено сравнение с результатами эксперимента, проведенного в безэховой камере


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    The research of unsteady vortex flow influence on the aerodynamic control and stabilizing surfaces is carried out. There are defined pulsation aerodynamic characteristics of flight controls with using the open software OpenFoam. The results of the numerical calculations of flow around brake flap and set behind him vertical stabilizer. The pulsation load on the pitching-stabilizer, due to the presence of a brake flap installed at different angles of deflection was calculated. To reduce the pulsation load offered the option of perforated brake flap.Проведено исследование влияния нестационарных вихревых течений на аэродинамические управляющие и стабилизирующие поверхности и определены пульсационные аэродинамические характеристики органов управления полетом с применением открытого пакета OpenFoam. Представлены результаты численных расчетов обтекания тормозного щитка и установленного за ним килевого стабилизатора. Проведена оценка пульсационных нагрузок, обусловленных наличием тормозного щитка, установленного на различных углах отклонения на килевой стабилизатор. Для снижения пульсационных нагрузок предложен вариант перфорации тормозного щитка


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    In this paper, the preliminary results of computational modeling of an aircraft with the airbrake deployed are presented. The calculations were performed with OpenFOAM software package. The results outlined are a part of a research project to optimise aircraft performance using a perforated airbrake. Within this stage of the project OpenFOAM software package with hybrid RANS-LES approach was tested in respect to a given configuration of the aircraft, airbrake and then has been compared with the test data. For the worst case the amplitude of the peak force acting on the tail fin can be up to 6 times higher than the average value without airbrake deployed. To reduce unsteady loads acting on the tailfin, perforation of the airbrake was proposed


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    In this paper, the preliminary results of computational modeling of an aircraft with the airbrake deployed are presented. The calculations were performed with OpenFOAM software package. The results outlined are a part of a research project to optimise aircraft performance using a perforated airbrake. Within this stage of the project OpenFOAM software package with hybrid RANS-LES approach was tested in respect to a given configuration of the aircraft, airbrake and then has been compared with the test data. For the worst case the amplitude of the peak force acting on the tail fin can be up to 6 times higher than the average value without airbrake deployed. To reduce unsteady loads acting on the tailfin, perforation of the airbrake was proposed