702 research outputs found

    Gravitating fluids with Lie symmetries

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    We analyse the underlying nonlinear partial differential equation which arises in the study of gravitating flat fluid plates of embedding class one. Our interest in this equation lies in discussing new solutions that can be found by means of Lie point symmetries. The method utilised reduces the partial differential equation to an ordinary differential equation according to the Lie symmetry admitted. We show that a class of solutions found previously can be characterised by a particular Lie generator. Several new families of solutions are found explicitly. In particular we find the relevant ordinary differential equation for all one-dimensional optimal subgroups; in several cases the ordinary differential equation can be solved in general. We are in a position to characterise particular solutions with a linear barotropic equation of state.Comment: 13 pages, To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Implementasi Perda Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Terkait Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Anak Panti Asuhan Gatot Soebroto Semarang

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    Social welfare is a state of fulfillment of living for the people , so that they can developthemselves and to carry out social functions that governments , local governments andcommunities in the form of social services that include social rehabilitation , social security ,social empowerment , and social protection ( Law No. 11 of 2009 article 1 and 2 ) .This study aims to examine the government\u27s policy of Semarang in developingcommunity capacity through the construction of an abandoned orphanage. The orphanage is asocial welfare institution that has the responsibility to provide social welfare services toneglected children and various other social problem with implementing sponsorship and poverty, provide replacement services of physical , mental and social well in foster care , so as to obtainample opportunity , appropriate and adequate for the development of his personality as expectedas part of the next generation of the ideals of the nation and as individuals who will participateactively in the field of national development.In the development of child welfare orphanage children who mostly come from waif ,Semarang government provides assistance in two forms , namely in the form of materialassistance that may include money , goods , or groceries , and coaching support in order to createa special skill for both children to foster and orphanage administrators.Semarang City Government should be able to formulate specific local regulationsregarding the construction of the orphanage, both in physical development and educationaldevelopment. So the orphanage in Semarang has its own budget in the construction and built it,and orphanages can also have a clear standard under development goals. With the specialregulations of Semarang City Government can monitor and control the orphanage in the city ofSemarang by looking at the number of orphanages now too many and difficult to monitor

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Putih ( Allium Sativum ) Dengan Dosis Yang Berbeda Terhadap Lepasnya Suckers Kutu Ikan ( Argulus SP. ) Pada Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio)

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    Ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio) merupakan salah satu ikan hias air tawar yang memiliki bentuk dan warna tubuh yang menarik. Salah satu masalah yang sering dianggap sebagai penghambat dalam budidaya ikan adalah apabila ikan koi mendapat serangan penyakit dan infeksi parasit. Pengendalian penyakit dalam USAha budidaya ikan selama ini masih mengandalkan obat kimia, namun efek obat ini dapat menyebabkan pencemaran perairan. Ada beberapa bahan alami / tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat, misalnya bawang putih.Penelitian ini diadakan pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2012 di Laboratorium Hidrologi Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan ekstrak bawang putih dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap pelepasan sucker kutu ikan dan dosis optimum ekstrak bawang putih air yang mampu melepaskan / lepasnya Argulus sp. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Konsentrasi ekstrak bawang putih yang digunakan adalah 0 % (kontrol), 4 %, 8% dan 12 %. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu pelepasan sucker kutu ikan pada ikan koi pada perlakuan A (dosis 4 %) adalah 32 menit 36 detik, perlakuan B (dosis 8 %) 27 menit 12 detik, perlakuan C (dosis 12 %) 8 menit 12 detik. Dari hasil uji sidik ragam (ANOVA) perlakuan berbeda sangat nyata. Hubungan konsentrasi terhadap pelepasan sucker kutu ikan pada ikan koi diperoleh persamaan Y = -3,092 x + 46,95 dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar R2= 0,911. Berdasarkan uji statistika ini diperoleh konsentrasi ekstrak bawang putih yang menghasilkan dosis optimum adalah sebesar 6,33% Kondisi tingkah laku ikan pada akhir penelitian menunjukkan gejala yang normal dan kualitas air berada pada kisaran yang cukup optimal. Kondisi tingkah laku ikan pada akhir penelitian menunjukkan gejala yang normal dan kualitas air berada pada kisaran yang cukup optimal

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika Profilaksis Dari Aspek Ketepatan Jenis, Waktu Dan Durasi Pemberian Pada Pasien Instalasi Bedah Sentral Sebuah Rumah Sakit Swasta Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Surgical site infection is one of surgical infection that frequently happened in hospital sothat the use of antibiotic prophylaxis must be safe. The research was conducted to know incidenceof adverse event at USAge of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery installation. We use concordancesheet of antibiotic prophylaxis either from accuracy aspect of the drug type, administration time,duration of USAge. Result analysis in the form of calculation relative risk of USAge of antibioticdissected pre prophylaxis to risk the happening of surgical site infections cases. Result thisresearch show that relative risk value of USAge of antibiotic to case of infection of operation hurtevaluated from inaccurate of type antibiotic 1,12 ( CI 95 %: 0,138-9,1), inaccurate aspect of gift time5,8 ( CI 95 % : 1,024 - 32,86) and from inaccurate aspect of duration of gift 3,21 ( CI 95 % : 1,043 -9,9)

    Analisis Keterpilihan Achmad Yusuf Roni Sebagai Calon Anggota Dprd Kabupaten Kudus Dari Pdi Perjuangan Dalam Pemilihan Legislatif 2014

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    Achmad Yusuf Roni was one of the candidates for members of DPRD Kabupaten Kudus legislative elections in 2014 were derived from the PDI Perjuangan . Electoral district (Dapil) for Achmad Yusuf Roni was Dapil IV, which includes Kecamatan Dawe and Kecamatan Jekulo in Kudus. Mannered known figure in the community and who are loyal to a political party which he joined, Achmad Yusuf Roni is pure cadre from the PDI Perjuangan Kabupaten Kudus. Structurally, Achmad Yusuf Roni was the Secretary of the Branch Council (DPC) PDI Perjuangan Kudus for the period 2010 to 2015. With a relatively young age, which is 31 years old in 2014, Yusuf Achmad get ordinal number 1 (one). The ordinal number of 1 that is identical to prospective members DPRD is expected to be won an election. This study has revealed what are the main factors that determine victory Achmad Yusuf Roni. With the vote total of 5,030 votes, the highest compared to other candidates who also came from the PDI Perjuangan and the same electoral district (Dapil). Victory of Achmad Yusuf Roni affected by his popularity in the middle of the voters and the role of Musthofa. Musthofa is the Chairman of PDI Perjuangan Kudus, and Regent of Kudus. With the support of Mustafa, the party's political machine was geared to help Achmad Yusuf Roni in this contestation. In accordance with the purpose of PDI Perjuangan Kudus, Achmad Yusuf Roni managed to get one seat in parliament Kudus. Although the vote gained much from the original target planned. Overall PDI-P was able to obtain 9 seats out of 45 seats in DPRD Kudus
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