220 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Age and Sex Structure of Mortality of the Middle Volga Population in 1985-2010

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    Based on archival and published data, the article analyses the features of the dynamics and structure of mortality of the population of the Middle Volga region in the 1980s–2000s. It was revealed that an increase in quantitative indicators of mortality in this period is associated with a change in the age structure of the population towards ageing, while the growth in the number of deaths in the region exceeded the all-Russian dynamics. The reduction of infant and child mortality in the region was accompanied by an intensive increase in the number of deaths of young and middle-aged people, an increase in male excess mortality and a decrease in average life expectancy.В статье на основе архивных и опубликованных данных проанализированы особенности динамики и возрастно-половой структуры смертности населения Среднего Поволжья в 1980–2000-е гг. Автором установлено, что увеличение количественных показателей смертности в рассматриваемый период связано с изменением возрастной структуры населения в сторону постарения, а интенсивность роста числа летальных исходов в регионе превышала общероссийскую динамику. Сокращение младенческой и детской смертности в регионе сопровождалось интенсивным ростом числа смертей в молодых и средних возрастах, ростом мужской сверхсмертности и снижением средней ожидаемой продолжительности жизни

    Theory and Applications of X-ray Standing Waves in Real Crystals

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    Theoretical aspects of x-ray standing wave method for investigation of the real structure of crystals are considered in this review paper. Starting from the general approach of the secondary radiation yield from deformed crystals this theory is applied to different concreat cases. Various models of deformed crystals like: bicrystal model, multilayer model, crystals with extended deformation field are considered in detailes. Peculiarities of x-ray standing wave behavior in different scattering geometries (Bragg, Laue) are analysed in detailes. New possibilities to solve the phase problem with x-ray standing wave method are discussed in the review. General theoretical approaches are illustrated with a big number of experimental results.Comment: 101 pages, 43 figures, 3 table

    Optimization of protective lung ventilation in thoracic surgery

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    Background: Today protective ventilation is the predominant ventilation methodology. It includes the use of low tidal volume, inspiratory pressure limitation, and the application of positive end-expiratory pressure. However, several retrospective studies have shown that tidal volume, inspiratory pressure, and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) are not associated with patients’ treatment outcomes, but could be associated only when they influence driving pressure.Objective: Optimization of the strategy of protective one-lung ventilation under the control of driving pressure, to reduce early postoperative respiratory complications in patients operated for lung cancer.Material and methods: A prospective controlled study was conducted on 110 patients undergoing extended anatomical lung resections with subsequent comparison of clinical results depending on the level of driving pressure during one-lung ventilation. Postoperative pulmonary complications based on the Melbourne scale that appeared within 3 days after surgery became the endpoint.Results: A correlation was established between the level of driving pressure and the level of PaO2 in the intraoperative period – high inverse (r = – 0.901). The greatest value in the development of postoperative respiratory failure is driving pressure, exceeding 15 cm of water (Odds ratio = 18.25). In the first 3 days, postoperative pulmonary complications, determined by the Melbourne group scale, occurred in 9 (8.2%) patients in whom the driving pressure exceeded 15 cm of water, and in 3 patients (2.7%) with a driving pressure level less than 15 cm of water (p = 0.016).Conclusion: Driving pressure excess with values of more than 15 cm of water significantly increases the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications. Fixed PEEP will be inappropriate both high and low, and individualized PEEP titrated by CStat may reduce driving pressure and become the next step in protective one-lung ventilation

    Optimization of postoperative hypotension correction in thoracic surgery

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    Introduction. Arterial hypotension is the reasonable cause for intravenous injections of crystalloid solutions. However, as far as this statement is fair in the patients that underwent extensive scheduled thoracic operations at that moment is not defined.Aim. To reduce the number of complications in patients following thoracic operations by definition of optimum strategy for correction of postoperative hypotension.Methods. The retrospective analysis of 154 patients who were divided into 2 groups was conducted. In 58 patients, for correction of arterial blood pressure we used noradrenaline, in other cases (96 patients) noradrenaline in combination with infusion therapy was administered. The comparative analysis of the perioperative volemic status, levels of hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, a lactate, glucose, paO2 , paCO2 , ScvO2 , SaO2 , pvCO2 -paCO2 , duration of noradrenaline application and also a range of the postoperative complications was carried out.Results and conclusions. It is revealed that correction of hypotension with crystalloid solutions in thoracic patients results at and conclusions increased risk of pneumonia development. At the same time, infusion therapy in the early postoperative period in thoracic patients did not reduce the risk of intense kidney failure development. Severity of postoperative complications according to Clavien-Dindo classification was higher in patients who had infusion therapy. At the same time, duration of vasopressor support showed no change


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    В статье рассмотрены перспективы и проблемы развития ветроэнергетики. Представлены различные виды ветроустановок и электрогенераторов. Выявлены достоинства и недостатки установок с электрогенераторами.This article discusses the prospects and problems of wind energy development. Various types of wind turbines and electric generators are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of wind turbines with electric generators are revealed

    Postoperative delirium in elderly patients after thoracic surgery

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    Background. Postoperative delirium is one of the most severe and common complications of thoracic surgery in elderly patients.Objective. To establish a simple and accurate method for predicting the development of postoperative delirium in patients after thoracic surgery.Material and Methods. We performed an observational cohort study of 303 patients who underwent lobectomy for oncological diseases. The nature of anesthesia and surgical intervention, features of the volume status and hemodynamic changes during the perioperative period were analyzed, laboratory indicators of this period were evaluated.Results. Of 303 patients, 43 (14.2%) developed postoperative delirium. Non-modifiable factors for the development of postoperative delirium included age, history of cerebrovascular accident, alcohol misuse disorder, chronic heart failure, more severe physical status according to the ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) Physical Status Classification System. Modifiable factors are the following: the duration of one-lung ventilation, episodes of perioperative hypotension and hypoxemia, the use of opioids, the intensity of the pain syndrome in the postoperative period, and reduced oxygen transport function of the blood. A number of laboratory parameters (blood albumin, blood glucose, leukocytosis), reflecting the degree of surgical stress, may also be useful in postoperative delirium predicting.Conclusion. A prognostic coefficient was compiled with a concordance of 99.9 and Somers' D 0.998. It is equal to the sum of the products: (–3.5367) multiplied by pain intensity on a 10 cm Visual Analogue Scale an hour after surgery; 2.2037 multiplied by the blood albumin level the morning after surgery;    (–4.8151) multiplied by the blood glucose level the morning after surgery

    Silver(I) coordination compounds with polydentate pyrimidine ligands: thermochromism of luminescence

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    The main goal of this work is to study how the substituent in position 2 of the pyrimidine ring affects both luminescent properties and structures of silver(I) complexes. A series of coordination compounds, [AgL1NO3], [AgL1X]n, [Ag2(L2)2X2] (X = I, Br, Cl–), [AgL1(PPh3)Y] (Y = CF3SO3, BF4, NO3), [AgL3NO3·CH3CN]n, have been synthesized and structurally characterized. According to the X-ray single data, the complexes [AgL1NO3], [AgL1(PPh3)Y] adopt mononuclear structures; the complexes [Ag2(L2)2X2] are binuclear; [AgL1X]n and [AgL3NO3·CH3CN]n are polymeric compounds.The research was supported by the President of the Russian Federation Grant for young scientists МК-1219.2020.3; by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation, grant № 18–43–540016 r_a