17,243 research outputs found

    Square root kalman filter with contaminated observations

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    The algorithm of square root Kalman filtering for the case of contaminated observations is described in the paper. This algorithm is suitable for the parallel computer implementation allowing to treat dynamic linear systems with large number of state variables in a robust recursive way

    Photoemission spectra of massless Dirac fermions on the verge of exciton condensation

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful probe of electron correlations in two-dimensional layered materials. In this Letter we demonstrate that ARPES can be used to probe the onset of exciton condensation in spatially-separated systems of electrons and holes created by gating techniques in either double-layer graphene or topological-insulator thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Center-commissioned external review of International Water Management Institute: Consolidated report, 19-29 May 2003

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    Agricultural research / Research institutes / Research policy / Research priorities / Planning / Monitoring / Evaluation / Financial resources / Gender

    Square root kalman filter with contaminated observations.

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    The algorithm of square root Kalman filtering for the case of contaminated observations is described in the paper. This algorithm is suitable for the parallel computer implementation allowing to treat dynamic linear systems with large number of state variables in a robust recursive way.Square root Kalman filter; Robust; Parallel algorithm;

    Andreev tunneling into a one-dimensional Josephson junction array

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    In this letter we consider Andreev tunneling between a normal metal and a one dimensional Josephson junction array with finite-range Coulomb energy. The IVI-V characteristics strongly deviate from the classical linear Andreev current. We show that the non linear conductance possesses interesting scaling behavior when the chain undergoes a T=0 superconductor-insulator transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii type. When the chain has quasi-long range order, the low lying excitation are gapless and the IVI-V curves are power-law (the linear relation is recovered when charging energy can be disregarded). When the chain is in the insulating phase the Andreev current is blocked at a threshold which is proportional to the inverse correlation length in the chain (much lower than the Coulomb gap) and which vanishes at the transition point.Comment: 8 pages LATEX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Linear Assignment Maps for Correlated System-Environment States

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    An assignment map is a mathematical operator that describes initial system-environment states for open quantum systems. We reexamine the notion of assignments, introduced by Pechukas, and show the conditions assignments can account for correlations between the system and the environment, concluding that assignment maps can be made linear at the expense of positivity or consistency is more reasonable. We study the role of other conditions, such as consistency and positivity of the map, and show the effects of relaxing these. Finally, we establish a connection between the violation of positivity of linear assignments and the no-broadcasting theorem.Comment: 6 pages, 1 tabl

    Teacher Stability and Turnover in Los Angeles: The Influence of Teacher and School Characteristics

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    Analyzes how teacher and school characteristics - including demographics, quality and qualification, specialty, school type (public, magnet, charter) and size, academic climate, and teacher-student racial match - influence teacher turnover

    Electron-electron interactions in decoupled graphene layers

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    Multi-layer graphene on the carbon face of silicon carbide is an intriguing electronic system which typically consists of a stack of ten or more layers. Rotational stacking faults in this system dramatically reduce inter-layer coherence. In this article we report on the influence of inter-layer interactions, which remain strong even when coherence is negligible, on the Fermi liquid properties of charged graphene layers. We find that inter-layer interactions increase the magnitudes of correlation energies and decrease quasiparticle velocities, even when remote-layer carrier densities are small, and that they lessen the influence of exchange and correlation on the distribution of carriers across layers.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Quantum relative positioning in Hilbert space

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    A new class of state transformations that are quantum mechanically prohibited is introduced. These can be seen as the generalization of the universal-NOT transformation which, for all pure inputs state of a given Hilbert space produces pure outputs whose projection on the original state is fixed to a value smaller than one. The case of not pure output states is also addressed. We give an application of these transformations in the context of separability criteria.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; new material added: in particular we present an application of quantum movers in the context of separability criteria. Typos corrected. Phys. Rev. A, accepted for publicatio