1,380 research outputs found

    Spin up and phase fluctuations in the timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294

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    We performed a timing analysis of the 2003 outburst of the accreting X-ray millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294 observed by RXTE. Using recently refined orbital parameters we report for the first time a precise estimate of the spin frequency and of the spin frequency derivative. The phase delays of the pulse profile show a strong erratic behavior superposed to what appears as a global spin-up trend. The erratic behavior of the pulse phases is strongly related to rapid variations of the light curve, making it very difficult to fit these phase delays with a simple law. As in previous cases, we have therefore analyzed separately the phase delays of the first harmonic and of the second harmonic of the spin frequency, finding that the phases of the second harmonic are far less affected by the erratic behavior. In the hypothesis that the second harmonic pulse phase delays are a good tracer of the spin frequency evolution we give for the first time a estimation of the spin frequency derivative in this source. The source shows a clear spin-up of ν˙=2.5(7)×10−14\dot \nu = 2.5(7) \times 10^{-14} Hz sec−1^{-1} (1 σ\sigma confidence level). The largest source of uncertainty in the value of the spin-up rate is given by the uncertainties on the source position in the sky. We discuss this systematics on the spin frequency and its derivative.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Measuring the spin up of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1751-305

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    We perform a timing analysis on RXTE data of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1751-305 observed during the April 2002 outburst. After having corrected for Doppler effects on the pulse phases due to the orbital motion of the source, we performed a timing analysis on the phase delays, which gives, for the first time for this source, an estimate of the average spin frequency derivative = (3.7 +/- 1.0)E-13 Hz/s. We discuss the torque resulting from the spin-up of the neutron star deriving a dynamical estimate of the mass accretion rate and comparing it with the one obtained from X-ray flux. Constraints on the distance to the source are discussed, leading to a lower limit of \sim 6.7 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Masses and decay constants of Bc(∗)B_c^{(*)} mesons with Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions

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    We present a preliminary lattice determination of the masses and decay constants of the pseudoscalar and vector mesons BcB_c and Bc∗B_c^*. Our analysis is based on the gauge configurations produced by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration with Nf=2+1+1N_f = 2 + 1 + 1 flavors of dynamical quarks. We simulated at three different values of the lattice spacing and with pion masses as small as 210 MeV. Heavy-quark masses are simulated directly on the lattice up to ∼3\sim 3 times the physical charm mass. The physical b-quark mass is reached using the ETMC ratio method. Our preliminary results are: MBc=6341 (60)M_{B_c} = 6341\,(60) MeV, fBc=396 (12)f_{B_c} = 396\,(12) MeV, MBc∗/MBc=1.0037 (39)M_{B_c^*} / M_{B_c} = 1.0037\,(39) and fBc∗/fBc=0.987 (7)f_{B_c^*} / f_{B_c} = 0.987\,(7).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; contribution to the proceedings of the XXXVI Int'l Workshop on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2018), July 22-28, 2018, East Lansing, Michigan State University (Michigan, USA

    Timing of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338

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    We present a precise timing analysis of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338 during its 2003 outburst, observed by RXTE. A full orbital solution is given for the first time; Doppler effects induced by the motion of the source in the binary system were corrected, leading to a refined estimate of the orbital period, P_orb=15388.7229(2)s, and of the projected semimajor axis, a sini/c= 390.633(9) lt-ms. We could then investigate the spin behaviour of the accreting compact object during the outburst. We report here a refined value of the spin frequency (nu=314.35610879(1) Hz) and the first estimate of the spin frequency derivative of this source while accreting (nu^dot=(-6.7 +/- 0.7) 10^(-14) Hz/s). This spin down behaviour arises when both the fundamental frequency and the second harmonic are taken into consideration. We discuss this in the context of the interaction between the disc and the quickly rotating magnetosphere, at accretion rates sufficiently low to allow a threading of the accretion disc in regions where the Keplerian velocity is slower than the magnetosphere velocity. We also present indications of a jitter of the pulse phases around the mean trend, which we argue results from movements of the accreting hotspots in response to variations of the accretion rate.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Discovery of periodic dips in the light curve of GX 13+1: the X-ray orbital ephemeris of the source

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    The bright low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) GX 13+1 is one of the most peculiar Galactic binary systems. A periodicity of 24.27 d with a formal statistical error of 0.03 d was observed in its power spectrum density obtained with RXTE All Sky Monitor (ASM) data spanning 14 years. Starting from a recent study, indicating GX 13+1 as a possible dipping source candidate, we systematically searched for periodic dips in the X-ray light curves of GX 13+1 from 1996 up to 2013 using RXTE/ASM, and MAXI data to determine for the first time the X-ray orbital ephemeris of GX 13+1. We searched for a periodic signal in the ASM and MAXI light curves, finding a common periodicity of 24.53 d. We folded the 1.3-5 keV and 5-12.1 keV ASM light curves and the 2-4 and 4-10 keV MAXI light curves at the period of 24.53 d finding a periodic dip. To refine the value of the period we used the timing technique dividing the ASM light curve in eight intervals and the MAXI light curve in two intervals, obtaining four and two dip arrival times from the ASM and MAXI light curves, respectively. We improved the X-ray position of GX 13+1 using a recent Chandra observation. The new X-ray position is discrepant by \sim 7\arcsec from the previous one, while it is compatible with the infrared and radio counterpart positions. We detected an X-ray dip, that is totally covered by the Chandra observation, in the light curve of GX 13+1 and showed, a-posteriori, that it is a periodic dip. We obtained seven dip arrival times from ASM, MAXI, and Chandra light curves. We calculated the delays of the detected dip arrival times with respect to the expected times for a 24.52 d periodicity. Fitting the delays with a linear function we find that the orbital period and the epoch of reference of GX 13+1 are 24.5274(2) days and 50,086.79(3) MJD, respectively.(Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, including 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A re-analysis of the NuSTAR and XMM-Newton broad-band spectrum of Ser~X-1

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    Context: Ser X-1 is a well studied LMXB which clearly shows a broad iron line. Recently, Miller et al. (2103) have presented broad-band, high quality NuSTAR data of SerX-1.Using relativistically smeared self-consistent reflection models, they find a value of R_in close to 1.0 R_ISCO (corresponding to 6 R_g), and a low inclination angle, less than 10 deg. Aims: The aim of this paper is to probe to what extent the choice of reflection and continuum models (and uncertainties therein) can affect the conclusions about the disk parameters inferred from the reflection component. To this aim we re-analyze all the available public NuSTAR and XMM-Newton. Ser X-1 is a well studied source, its spectrum has been observed by several instruments, and is therefore one of the best sources for this study. Methods: We use slightly different continuum and reflection models with respect to those adopted in literature for this source. In particular we fit the iron line and other reflection features with self-consistent reflection models as reflionx (with a power-law illuminating continuum modified with a high energy cutoff to mimic the shape of the incident Comptonization spectrum) and rfxconv. With these models we fit NuSTAR and XMM-Newton spectra yielding consistent spectral results. Results: Our results are in line with those already found by Miller et al. (2013) but less extreme. In particular, we find the inner disk radius at about 13 R_g and an inclination angle with respect to the line of sight of about 27 deg. We conclude that, while the choice of the reflection model has little impact on the disk parameters, as soon as a self-consistent model is used, the choice of the continuum model can be important in the precise determination of the disk parameters from the reflection component. Hence broad-band X-ray spectra are highly preferable to constrain the continuum and disk parameters.Comment: 13 pages including 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Chandra X-ray spectroscopy of a clear dip in GX 13+1

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    The source GX 13+1 is a persistent, bright Galactic X-ray binary hosting an accreting neutron star. It shows highly ionized absorption features, with a blueshift of ∼\sim 400 km s−1^{-1} and an outflow-mass rate similar to the accretion rate. Many other X-ray sources exhibit warm absorption features, and they all show periodic dipping behavior at the same time. Recently, a dipping periodicity has also been determined for GX 13+1 using long-term X-ray folded light-curves, leading to a clear identification of one of such periodic dips in an archival Chandra observation. We give the first spectral characterization of the periodic dip of GX 13+1 found in this archival Chandra observation performed in 2010. We used Chandra/HETGS data (1.0-10 keV band) and contemporaneous RXTE/PCA data (3.5-25 keV) to analyze the broadband X-ray spectrum. We adopted different spectral models to describe the continuum emission and used the XSTAR-derived warm absorber component to constrain the highly ionized absorption features. The 1.0-25 keV continuum emission is consistent with a model of soft accretion-disk emission and an optically thick, harder Comptonized component. The dip event, lasting ∼\sim 450 s, is spectrally resolved with an increase in the column density of the neutral absorber, while we do not find significant variations in the column density and ionization parameter of the warm absorber with respect to the out-of-dip spectrum. We argue that the very low dipping duty-cycle with respect to other sources of the same class can be ascribed to its long orbital period and the mostly neutral bulge, that is relatively small compared with the dimensions of the outer disk radius.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Evidence of a non-conservative mass transfer for XTE J0929-314

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    Context. In 1998 the first accreting millisecond pulsar, SAX J1808.4-3658, was discovered and to date 18 systems showing coherent, high frequency (> 100 Hz) pulsations in low mass X-ray binaries are known. Since their discovery, this class of sources has shown interesting and sometimes puzzling behaviours. In particular, apart from a few exceptions, they are all transient with very long X-ray quiescent periods implying a quite low averaged mass accretion rate onto the neutron star. Among these sources, XTE J0929-314 has been detected in outburst just once in about 15 years of continuous monitoring of the X-ray sky. Aims. We aim to demonstrate that a conservative mass transfer in this system will result in an X-ray luminosity that is higher than the observed, long-term averaged X-ray luminosity. Methods. Under the hypothesis of a conservative mass transfer driven by gravitational radiation, as expected for this system given the short orbital period of about 43.6 min and the low mass of the companion implied by the mass function derived from timing techniques, we calculate the expected mass transfer rate in this system and predict the long-term averaged X-ray luminosity. This is compared with the averaged, over 15 years, X-ray flux observed from the system, and a lower limit of the distance to the source is inferred. Results. This distance is shown to be > 7.4 kpc in the direction of the Galactic anticentre, implying a large height, > 1.8 kpc, of the source with respect to the Galactic plane, placing the source in an empty region of the Galaxy. We suggest that the inferred value of the distance is unlikely. (abridged)Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    X-ray spectroscopy of the ADC source X1822-371 with Chandra and XMM-Newton

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    The eclipsing low-mass X-ray binary X1822-371 is the prototype of the accretion disc corona (ADC) sources. We analyse two Chandra observations and one XMM-Newton observation to study the discrete features and their variation as a function of the orbital phase, deriving constraints on the temperature, density, and location of the plasma responsible for emission lines. The HETGS and XMM/Epic-pn observed X1822-371 for 140 and 50 ks, respectively. We extracted an averaged spectrum and five spectra from five selected orbital-phase intervals that are 0.04-0.25, 0.25-0.50, 0.50-0.75, 0.75-0.95, and, finally, 0.95-1.04; the orbital phase zero corresponds to the eclipse time. All spectra cover the energy band between 0.35 and 12 keV. We confirm the presence of local neutral matter that partially covers the X-ray emitting region; the equivalent hydrogen column is 5×10225 \times 10^{22} cm−2 ^{-2} and the covered fraction is about 60-65%. We identify emission lines from highly ionised elements, and a prominent fluorescence iron line associated with a blending of FeI-FeXV resonant transitions. The transitions of He-like ions show that the intercombination dominates over the forbidden and resonance lines. The line fluxes are the highest during the orbital phases between 0.04 and 0.75. We discuss the presence of an extended, optically thin corona with optical depth of about 0.01 that scatters the X-ray photons from the innermost region into the line of sight. The photoionised plasma producing most of the observed lines is placed in the bulge at the outer radius of the disc distant from the central source of 6×10106 \times 10^{10} cm. The OVII and the fluorescence iron line are probably produced in the photoionised surface of the disc at inner radii. (Abridged)Comment: 18 pages including 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A possible solution of the puzzling variation of the orbital period of MXB 1659-298

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    MXB 1659-298 is a transient neutron star Low-Mass X-ray binary system that shows eclipses with a periodicity of 7.1 hr. The source went to outburst in August 2015 after 14 years of quiescence. We investigate the orbital properties of this source with a baseline of 40 years obtained combining the eight eclipse arrival times present in literature with 51 eclipse arrival times collected during the last two outbursts. A quadratic ephemeris does not fit the delays associated with the eclipse arrival times and the addition of a sinusoidal term with a period of 2.31±0.022.31 \pm 0.02 yr is required. We infer a binary orbital period of P=7.1161099(3)P=7.1161099(3) hr and an orbital period derivative of P˙=−8.5(1.2)×10−12\dot{P}=-8.5(1.2) \times 10^{-12} s s−1^{-1}. We show that the large orbital period derivative can be explained with a highly non conservative mass transfer scenario in which more than 98\% of the mass provided by the companion star leaves the binary system. We predict an orbital period derivative value of P˙=−6(3)×10−12\dot{P}=-6(3) \times 10^{-12} s s−1^{-1} and constrain the companion star mass between ∼\sim0.3 and 0.9±0.3 0.9 \pm 0.3 M⊙_{\odot}. Assuming that the companion star is in thermal equilibrium the periodic modulation can be due to either a gravitational quadrupole coupling due to variations of the oblateness of the companion star or with the presence of a third body of mass M3>21_3 >21 Jovian masses.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by MNRA
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