6 research outputs found

    Hubungan Derajat Klinis dengan Kadar Feritin Penyandang Thalassemia Î’ di RSUD Arifin Achmad

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    Thalassemia is a genetic disorder which there is interference with the synthesis of hemoglobin that causes a decreased of synthesis of α or β chain, If the abnormalities are β chain called β thalassemia. People with thalassemia need transfusion of red blood in rest of their life to maintain sufficient hemoglobin level, but the result in increased level of iron overload in body which can cause complication. This study aims to see the description and the correlation between clinical severity with ferritin level of β thalassemia at Arifin Achmad Hospital in Riau province. The method used is analytic with cross sectional approach. Disease severity assessed by Thailand score whereas ferritin level through laboratory test. Of 59 people with thalassemia there are as many as 49 people (83.1%) with moderate disease severity and 10 people (16.9%) with severe disease severity, whereas ferritin levels 2500 ng/ml as many as 39 people (66.1%). After analysis, there is no correlation between disease severity with ferritin level (p>0.05). The conclusion of this study, the highest data are thalassemia with moderate disease severity and ferritin level >2500 ng/ml, also there is no correlation between disease severity with ferritin level

    Fishermans\u27 Perception About The Material And Implementation Program Of Fishery Investigation In Dompas Village Bukit Batu Sub-district Bengkalis District Riau Province

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    This research had been conducted on 10-20 of august in 2015 at Dompas village, Bukit Batu sub-district, Bengkalis district, Riau Province. The methode which was used in this research is qualitative methode. This kind of methode was chosen because the way how to get the data or information directly from the area by emphasizing more on the aspect of face to face and listening directly to the informations or explanations. Fishermans\u27 perception on the material of the investigation program given had an influence on the real application in the area where the fisherman applied the recommendation of investigation team about the convension of terubuk fish. This program could also said that it did not take serious impact on fishermans\u27 revenue. The program conducted should be consistent in implementing. It means that the plan of program should be continously done. It is in order to make the fishermans able to understand well what they will be done for the future. Then, the team should frequently do such a coordination or reviewing in order to know how far the developmnet has been achieved after the fishery investigation in Dompas village, Bukti Batu sub-district, Bengkalis district, Riau Province