4 research outputs found

    Conceptual models of the quality control process

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    This paper discusses issues of conceptual modelling of the product quality control process. Special attention is paid to the quality inspection. This process can be considered as a kind of product sorting the aim of which is to identify the product quality category. It is supposed that the sorting can be done according to prescriptive norms and standards. The paper considers the specific features of knowledge described by those norms and standards, discusses how to represent this knowledge by a logic program, and proposes a knowledge‐based architecture of the software system that acts as a part of the quality system and implements the product quality inspection process. Kokybės kontrolės procesų konceptualūs modeliai Santrauka Straipsnyje aptariamas produktu kokybes kontroles procesu konceptualus modeliavimas. Ypatingas demesys atkreipiamas i kokybes kontrole. Šis procesas gali būti nagrinejamas kaip produktu rūšiavimo variantas, kurio tikslas ‐ nustatyti produktu kokybes kategorija. Tariama, kad rūšiavimas gali būti atliekamas pagal aprašomas normas ir standartus. Straipsnyje nagrinejamos specifines žiniu savybes, aprašomos pagal šias normas ir standartus, aptariama, kaip aprašyti žinias logine programa ir pasiūlyti žinojimu paremtos architektūros programines irangos sistema, kuri veikia kaip kokybes sistemos dalis ir igyvendina produktu kokybes kontroles procesa. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Characteristics of organic dairy farm types in seven European countries

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    Characteristics of organic dairy farm types in seven European countries, in Englis

    Characteristics of organic dairy major farm types in seven European countries

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    This study aimed to identify organic dairy major farm types (MFTs) in seven European countries, describe these MFTs in an open research database and assess central characteristics of the MFTs. This was conducted in a three-step procedure including (1) Identification of organic MFTs in seven European countries: Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, based on existing data from dairy databases and consultations with experts within the respective fields of knowledge; (2) Collection of data on farm characteristics, management procedures, production level and herd health from at least 10 farms per MFT and country and (3) Creating an open research database on MFT characteristics, description of essential characteristics of MFTs and assessment of similarities and differences between farms within and across MFTs. The results indicate variations in herd characteristics such as production level, herd size, farm size, housing system, milking system and cow health status between organic dairy farms in these seven European countries. It also indicates variations in management strategies such as feeding, animal health management and recruitment strategies across the organic dairy sector in Europe. These variations seem to be associated with differences between regions and countries in the conditions for organic dairy production, such as topography, land availability and regulations


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