12 research outputs found

    Java Applet Correctness: a Developer-Oriented Approach

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    This paper present experime t o forma alidatio o J a applets I descri e t o tha ha ee de elo e a th Gemplus Resear Labs Thi t o all w t formall pr J classe annotated wit JML a annotatio languag fo J tha pr vide frame ork fo s ecifyin clas i aria t an meth d eh viours Th foundations an th mai feature o th t o ar prese ted Th mos inn ati part o th t o i tha i i tailore t use J programmers without a particula ba kgroun i forma meth ds reduc th difficul y o usin forma te hniques i aim t pr vid user-friendl i terface whi hide t de elo er mos o th forma feature an pr vide a "J s yl view o lemmas

    Understanding and Planning Event-B Refinement through Primitive Rationales

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    Java Applet Correctness: a Developer-Oriented Approach

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    This paper presents experiments on formal validation of Java applets. It describes a tool that has been developed at the Gemplus Research Labs. This tool allows to formally prove Java classes annotated with JML, an annotation language for Java that provides a framework for specifying class invariants and methods behaviours. The foundations and the main features of the tool are presented. The most innovative part of the tool is that it is tailored to be used by Java programmers, without any particular background in formal methods. To reduce the di#culty of using formal techniques, it aims to provide a user-friendly interface which hides to developers most of the formal features and provides a "Java style view" of lemmas

    Adaptable translator of B specifications to embedded C programs

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    Abstract. This paper presents the results of the RNTL BOM project, which aimed to develop an approach to generate efficient code from B formal developments. The target domain is smart card applications, in which memory and code size is an important factor. The results detailed in this paper are a new architecture of the translation process, a way to adapt the B0 language in order to include types of the target language and a set of validated optimizations. An assessment of the proposed approach is given through a case study, relative to the development of a Java Card Virtual Machine environment. Keywords. Code generation, embedded systems, B method, smart cards

    Pratiques spirituelles, rĂ©gimes discursifs et rapports sociaux Ă  l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siĂšcles)

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    Pierre-Antoine Fabre, directeur d’études Le sĂ©minaire a poursuivi cette annĂ©e l’exploration du champ de recherches dont il voudrait contribuer Ă  prĂ©ciser les contours : celui d’une histoire de la spiritualitĂ© moderne. On a cherchĂ© Ă  comprendre les raisons de la particuliĂšre floraison de pratiques et d’écrits reconnus comme « spirituels » dans l’Europe du XVIIe siĂšcle, en inscrivant leur espace dans un double Ă©cart par rapport au discours de la thĂ©ologie, d’une part, que la philosophie comme m..

    Software Component Design with the B Method — A Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

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    International audienceThis paper presents a formal development of an Isabelle/HOL theory for the behavioral aspects of artifacts produced in the design of software components with the B method. We first provide a formaliza-tion of semantic objects such as labelled transition systems and notions of behavior and simulation. We define an interpretation of the B method using such concepts. We also address the issue of component composition in the B method

    Understand, elucidate and rationalize the coordination mode of pyrimidylmethylamines: an intertwined study combining NMR and DFT methods †

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    International audiencea Conception of new pyrimidylmethylamine (pyrma) ligands and their corresponding Pd(II) complexes has been described. Both symmetrical and non-symmetrical ligands were prepared and subjected to complexation. Two different coordination modes, Pd(N,N)– or Pd(C,N,N)–pyrma, have been evidenced depending on the substitution of the pyrimidine ring and the nature or the shape of the additional pendant arm. In a non-symmetrical pyrimidine series, the substituent-induced discrimination of each heterocyclic nitrogen atom provoked regio-controlled coordination to the metal center. The molecular structure of pyrma–Pd(II) complexes in the solution state has been elucidated thanks to combined NMR experiments and DFT calculations. This study highlights the potency of 15 N and 13 C NMR spectroscopy for the elucidation of the regio-selective coordination to the Pd(II) in the pyrma-based complex series. DFT calculations were highly relevant to the identification of crucial factors that govern the regio-selectivity and the complexation modes. Close predicted and experimental chemical shift values put into relief the reliability of coordination modes for the most stable complexes in solution, depicted by DFT approaches

    Formal verification of security properties of smart card embedded source code

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    Abstract. This paper reports on a method to handle the verification of various security properties of imperative source code embedded on smart cards. The idea is to combine two program verification approaches: the functional verification at the source code level and the verification of high level properties on a formal model built from the program and its specification. The method presented uses the Caduceus tool, built on top of the Why tool. Caduceus enables the verification of an annotated C program and provides a validation process that we used to generate a high level formal model of the C source code. This method is illustrated by an example extracted from the verification of a smart card embedded operating system