380 research outputs found

    A New Prescription for Pain Management in Humans: Does Exercise Dose Matter?

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    The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Miami: Perspectives of Stakeholders and Frontline Providers

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    Background: Miami, Florida persists as an epicenter of HIV/AIDS nationally and has been more delayed than other areas with high HIV burden in implementing public health measures that mitigate transmission risk. These issues among other social and structural-level determinants have complicated progress in addressing HIV/AIDS in Miami. Purpose: The stagnated progress in improving HIV outcomes in Miami necessitated a more comprehensive understanding of the experiences and insights of stakeholders within the system. We used a stakeholder analysis approach to understand the complexity of driving factors and key challenges facing this HIV epidemic. Methods: A stakeholder analysis was conducted through 11 focus groups (64 participants) with front line workers working in non-profit, community-based agencies in Miami. The interview guide was designed to elicit a broad discussion on the social and intermediary determinants of HIV/AIDS, as well as the context surrounding barriers to treatment. Data were analyzed using qualitative software for thematic analysis. Results: Participants highlighted particular populations vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and insufficiently engaged in treatment, including immigrants and people who use drugs. Stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS as well as sexual orientation, mental health, and drug use was a noted persisting barrier. Participants expressed needs for more targeted outreach and education for both prevention and treatment. Numerous systemic gaps were identified as barriers to treatment engagement and retention. Other comorbidities and socioeconomic challenges, including criminal justice histories, housing instability and low educational attainment, also hamper HIV/AIDS management. Discussion: Through these discussions with stakeholders representing a diversity of voices, findings can inform comprehensive and coordinated strategies for curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Miami. The development of prevention and treatment interventions should consider cultural contexts of health behaviors, multi-level stigma related to HIV/AIDS and other comorbid and socioeconomic challenges, and increased implementation of harm reduction programs such as PrEP delivery and syringe exchange programs

    Harm reduction for the treatment of patients with severe injection-related infections: description of the Jackson SIRI Team

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    Introduction: Hospitalizations for severe injection-related infections (SIRI), such as endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) are increasingly common. People who inject drugs (PWID) experiencing SIRIs often receive inadequate substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and lack of access to harm reduction services. This translates into lengthy hospitalizations with high rates of patient-directed discharge, readmissions, and post-hospitalization mortality. The purpose of this study was to describe the development of an integrated “SIRI Team” and its initial barriers and facilitators to success. Materials and methods: The Jackson SIRI Team was developed to improve both hospital and patient-level outcomes for individuals hospitalized with SIRIs at Jackson Memorial Hospital, a 1550-bed public hospital in Miami, Florida, United States. The SIRI Team provides integrated infectious disease and SUD treatment across the healthcare system starting from the inpatient setting and continuing for 90-days post-hospital discharge. The team uses a harm reduction approach, provides care coordination, focuses on access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), and utilizes a variety of infection and addiction treatment modalities to suit each individual patient. Results: Over the initial 8-months of the SIRI Team, 21 patients were treated with 20 surviving until discharge. Infections included osteomyelitis, endocarditis, bacteraemia/fungemia, SSTIs, and septic arthritis. All patients had OUD and 95% used stimulants. All patients were discharged on MOUD and 95% completed their prescribed antibiotic course. At 90-days post-discharge, 25% had been readmitted and 70% reported taking MOUD. Conclusions: A model of integrated infectious disease and SUD care for the treatment of SIRIs has the potential to improve infection and addiction outcomes. Providing attentive, patient-centered care, using a harm reduction approach can facilitate engagement of this marginalized population with the healthcare system.KEY MESSAGES Integrated infectious disease and addiction treatment is a novel approach to treating severe injection-related infections. Harm reduction should be applied to treating patients with severe injection-related infections with a goal of facilitating antibiotic completion, remission from substance use disorder, and reducing hospital readmissions

    Surplus Photosynthetic Antennae Complexes Underlie Diagnostics of Iron Limitation in a Cyanobacterium

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence from phytoplankton provides a tool to assess iron limitation in the oceans, but the physiological mechanism underlying the fluorescence response is not understood. We examined fluorescence properties of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 and a ΔisiA knock-out mutant of the same species grown under three culture conditions which simulate nutrient conditions found in the open ocean: (1) nitrate and iron replete, (2) limiting-iron and high-nitrate, representative of natural high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll regions, and (3) iron and nitrogen co-limiting. We show that low variable fluorescence, a key diagnostic of iron limitation, results from synthesis of antennae complexes far in excess of what can be accommodated by the iron-restricted pool of photosynthetic reaction centers. Under iron and nitrogen co-limiting conditions, there are no excess antennae complexes and variable fluorescence is high. These results help to explain the well-established fluorescence characteristics of phytoplankton in high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll ocean regions, while also accounting for the lack of these properties in low-iron, low-nitrogen regions. Importantly, our results complete the link between unique molecular consequences of iron stress in phytoplankton and global detection of iron stress in natural populations from space

    Countermeasures for Preventing and Treating Opioid Overdose

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    The only medication available currently to prevent and treat opioid overdose (naloxone) was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nearly 50 years ago. Because of its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, naloxone has limited utility under some conditions and would not be effective to counteract mass casualties involving large-scale deployment of weaponized synthetic opioids. To address shortcomings of current medical countermeasures for opioid toxicity, a trans-agency scientific meeting was convened by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health (NIAID/NIH) on August 6 and 7, 2019, to explore emerging alternative approaches for treating opioid overdose in the event of weaponization of synthetic opioids. The meeting was initiated by the Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP), was organized by NIAID, and was a collaboration with the National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH (NIDA/NIH), the FDA, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). This paper provides an overview of several presentations at that meeting that discussed emerging new approaches for treating opioid overdose, including the following: (1) intranasal nalmefene, a competitive, reversible opioid receptor antagonist with a longer duration of action than naloxone; (2) methocinnamox, a novel opioid receptor antagonist; (3) covalent naloxone nanoparticles; (4) serotonin (5-HT)1A receptor agonists; (5) fentanyl-binding cyclodextrin scaffolds; (6) detoxifying biomimetic “nanosponge” decoy receptors; and (7) antibody-based strategies. These approaches could also be applied to treat opioid use disorder.</p

    Short-term variability in euphotic zone biogeochemistry and primary productivity at Station ALOHA : a case study of summer 2012

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (2015): 1145–1164, doi:10.1002/2015GB005141.Time-series observations are critical to understand the structure, function, and dynamics of marine ecosystems. The Hawaii Ocean Time-series program has maintained near-monthly sampling at Station ALOHA (22°45′N, 158°00′W) in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) since 1988 and has identified ecosystem variability over seasonal to interannual timescales. To further extend the temporal resolution of these near-monthly time-series observations, an extensive field campaign was conducted during July–September 2012 at Station ALOHA with near-daily sampling of upper water-column biogeochemistry, phytoplankton abundance, and activity. The resulting data set provided biogeochemical measurements at high temporal resolution and documents two important events at Station ALOHA: (1) a prolonged period of low productivity when net community production in the mixed layer shifted to a net heterotrophic state and (2) detection of a distinct sea-surface salinity minimum feature which was prominent in the upper water column (0–50 m) for a period of approximately 30 days. The shipboard observations during July–September 2012 were supplemented with in situ measurements provided by Seagliders, profiling floats, and remote satellite observations that together revealed the extent of the low productivity and the sea-surface salinity minimum feature in the NPSG.NOAA Climate Observation Division; National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) Grant Numbers: EF0424599, OCE-1153656, OCE-1260164; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbiology Investigator2016-02-1

    Effect of manipulation of primary tumour vascularity on metastasis in an adenocarcinoma model

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    One explanation for the clinical association between tumour vascularity and probability of metastasis is that increased primary tumour vascularity enhances haematogenous dissemination by offering greater opportunity for tumour cell invasion into the circulation (intravasation). We devised an experimental tumour metastasis model that allowed manipulation of primary tumour vascularity with differential exposure of the primary and metastatic tumour site to angiogenic agents. We used this model to assess the effects of local and systemic increases in the level of the angiogenic agent basic fibroblast growth factor on metastasis. BDIX rats with implanted hind limb K12/TR adenocarcinoma tumours received either intratumoural or systemic, basic fibroblast growth factor or saline infusion. Both intratumoural and systemic basic fibroblast growth factor infusion resulted in significant increases in tumour vascularity, blood flow and growth, but not lung metastasis, compared with saline-infused controls. Raised basic fibroblast growth factor levels and increase in primary tumour vascularity did not increase metastasis. The clinical association between tumour vascularity and metastasis is most likely to arise from a metastatic tumour genotype that links increased tumour vascularity with greater metastatic potential

    Improving hypertension management through pharmacist prescribing; the rural alberta clinical trial in optimizing hypertension (Rural RxACTION): trial design and methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients with hypertension continue to have less than optimal blood pressure control, with nearly one in five Canadian adults having hypertension. Pharmacist prescribing is gaining favor as a potential clinically efficacious and cost-effective means to improve both access and quality of care. With Alberta being the first province in Canada to have independent prescribing by pharmacists, it offers a unique opportunity to evaluate outcomes in patients who are prescribed antihypertensive therapy by pharmacists.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is a randomized controlled trial of enhanced pharmacist care, with the unit of randomization being the patient. Participants will be randomized to enhanced pharmacist care (patient identification, assessment, education, close follow-up, and prescribing/titration of antihypertensive medications) or usual care. Participants are patients in rural Alberta with undiagnosed/uncontrolled blood pressure, as defined by the Canadian Hypertension Education Program. The primary outcome is the change in systolic blood pressure between baseline and 24 weeks in the enhanced-care versus usual-care arms. There are also three substudies running in conjunction with the project examining different remuneration models, investigating patient knowledge, and assessing health-resource utilization amongst patients in each group.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>To date, one-third of the required sample size has been recruited. There are 15 communities and 17 pharmacists actively screening, recruiting, and following patients. This study will provide high-level evidence regarding pharmacist prescribing.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00878566">NCT00878566</a>.</p