5,770 research outputs found

    Making use of geometrical invariants in black hole collisions

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    We consider curvature invariants in the context of black hole collision simulations. In particular, we propose a simple and elegant combination of the Weyl invariants I and J, the {\sl speciality index} S{\cal S}. In the context of black hole perturbations S\cal S provides a measure of the size of the distortions from an ideal Kerr black hole spacetime. Explicit calculations in well-known examples of axisymmetric black hole collisions demonstrate that this quantity may serve as a useful tool for predicting in which cases perturbative dynamics provide an accurate estimate of the radiation waveform and energy. This makes S{\cal S} particularly suited to studying the transition from nonlinear to linear dynamics and for invariant interpretation of numerical results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, Revte

    A perturbative solution for gravitational waves in quadratic gravity

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    We find a gravitational wave solution to the linearized version of quadratic gravity by adding successive perturbations to the Einstein's linearized field equations. We show that only the Ricci squared quadratic invariant contributes to give a different solution of those found in Einstein's general relativity. The perturbative solution is written as a power series in the β\beta parameter, the coefficient of the Ricci squared term in the quadratic gravitational action. We also show that, for monochromatic waves of a given angular frequency ω\omega, the perturbative solution can be summed out to give an exact solution to linearized version of quadratic gravity, for 0<ω<c/β1/20<\omega<c/\mid\beta\mid^{1/2}. This result may lead to implications to the predictions for gravitational wave backgrounds of cosmological origin.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in CQ

    The close limit from a null point of view: the advanced solution

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    We present a characteristic algorithm for computing the perturbation of a Schwarzschild spacetime by means of solving the Teukolsky equation. We implement the algorithm as a characteristic evolution code and apply it to compute the advanced solution to a black hole collision in the close approximation. The code successfully tracks the initial burst and quasinormal decay of a black hole perturbation through 10 orders of magnitude and tracks the final power law decay through an additional 6 orders of magnitude. Determination of the advanced solution, in which ingoing radiation is absorbed by the black hole but no outgoing radiation is emitted, is the first stage of a two stage approach to determining the retarded solution, which provides the close approximation waveform with the physically appropriate boundary condition of no ingoing radiation.Comment: Revised version, published in Phys. Rev. D, 34 pages, 13 figures, RevTe

    Black hole puncture initial data with realistic gravitational wave content

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    We present improved post-Newtonian-inspired initial data for non-spinning black-hole binaries, suitable for numerical evolution with punctures. We revisit the work of Tichy et al. [W. Tichy, B. Bruegmann, M. Campanelli, and P. Diener, Phys. Rev. D 67, 064008 (2003)], explicitly calculating the remaining integral terms. These terms improve accuracy in the far zone and, for the first time, include realistic gravitational waves in the initial data. We investigate the behavior of these data both at the center of mass and in the far zone, demonstrating agreement of the transverse-traceless parts of the new metric with quadrupole-approximation waveforms. These data can be used for numerical evolutions, enabling a direct connection between the merger waveforms and the post-Newtonian inspiral waveforms.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; replaced with published versio

    Plunge waveforms from inspiralling binary black holes

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    We study the coalescence of non-spinning binary black holes from near the innermost stable circular orbit down to the final single rotating black hole. We use a technique that combines the full numerical approach to solve Einstein equations, applied in the truly non-linear regime, and linearized perturbation theory around the final distorted single black hole at later times. We compute the plunge waveforms which present a non negligible signal lasting for t100Mt\sim 100M showing early non-linear ringing, and we obtain estimates for the total gravitational energy and angular momentum radiated.Comment: Corrected typos in the radiated ang momentum and frequenc

    The Yamabe invariant for axially symmetric two Kerr black holes initial data

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    An explicit 3-dimensional Riemannian metric is constructed which can be interpreted as the (conformal) sum of two Kerr black holes with aligned angular momentum. When the separation distance between them is large we prove that this metric has positive Ricci scalar and hence positive Yamabe invariant. This metric can be used to construct axially symmetric initial data for two Kerr black holes with large angular momentum.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Area Invariance of Apparent Horizons under Arbitrary Boosts

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    It is a well known analytic result in general relativity that the 2-dimensional area of the apparent horizon of a black hole remains invariant regardless of the motion of the observer, and in fact is independent of the t=constant t=constant slice, which can be quite arbitrary in general relativity. Nonetheless the explicit computation of horizon area is often substantially more difficult in some frames (complicated by the coordinate form of the metric), than in other frames. Here we give an explicit demonstration for very restricted metric forms of (Schwarzschild and Kerr) vacuum black holes. In the Kerr-Schild coordinate expression for these spacetimes they have an explicit Lorentz-invariant form. We consider {\it boosted} versions with the black hole moving through the coordinate system. Since these are stationary black hole spacetimes, the apparent horizons are two dimensional cross sections of their event horizons, so we compute the areas of apparent horizons in the boosted space with (boosted) t=constant t = constant , and obtain the same result as in the unboosted case. Note that while the invariance of area is generic, we deal only with black holes in the Kerr-Schild form, and consider only one particularly simple change of slicing which amounts to a boost. Even with these restrictions we find that the results illuminate the physics of the horizon as a null surface and provide a useful pedagogical tool. As far as we can determine, this is the first explicit calculation of this type demonstrating the area invariance of horizons. Further, these calculations are directly relevant to transformations that arise in computational representation of moving black holes. We present an application of this result to initial data for boosted black holes.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Added a new section and 2 plots along with a coautho

    Second order gauge invariant gravitational perturbations of a Kerr black hole

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    We investigate higher than the first order gravitational perturbations in the Newman-Penrose formalism. Equations for the Weyl scalar ψ4,\psi_4, representing outgoing gravitational radiation, can be uncoupled into a single wave equation to any perturbative order. For second order perturbations about a Kerr black hole, we prove the existence of a first and second order gauge (coordinates) and tetrad invariant waveform, ψI\psi_I, by explicit construction. This waveform is formed by the second order piece of ψ4\psi_4 plus a term, quadratic in first order perturbations, chosen to make ψI\psi_I totally invariant and to have the appropriate behavior in an asymptotically flat gauge. ψI\psi_I fulfills a single wave equation of the form TψI=S,{\cal T}\psi_I=S, where T{\cal T} is the same wave operator as for first order perturbations and SS is a source term build up out of (known to this level) first order perturbations. We discuss the issues of imposition of initial data to this equation, computation of the energy and momentum radiated and wave extraction for direct comparison with full numerical approaches to solve Einstein equations.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX. Some misprints corrected and changes to improve presentation. Version to appear in PR

    Formation of a rotating hole from a close limit head-on collision

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    Realistic black hole collisions result in a rapidly rotating Kerr hole, but simulations to date have focused on nonrotating final holes. Using a new solution of the Einstein initial value equations we present here waveforms and radiation for an axisymmetric Kerr-hole-forming collision starting from small initial separation (the ``close limit'' approximation) of two identical rotating holes. Several new features are present in the results: (i) In the limit of small separation, the waveform is linear (not quadratic) in the separation. (ii) The waveforms show damped oscillations mixing quasinormal ringing of different multipoles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Cosmology of a Scalar Field Coupled to Matter and an Isotropy-Violating Maxwell Field

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    Motivated by the couplings of the dilaton in four-dimensional effective actions, we investigate the cosmological consequences of a scalar field coupled both to matter and a Maxwell-type vector field. The vector field has a background isotropy-violating component. New anisotropic scaling solutions which can be responsible for the matter and dark energy dominated epochs are identified and explored. For a large parameter region the universe expands almost isotropically. Using that the CMB quadrupole is extremely sensitive to shear, we constrain the ratio of the matter coupling to the vector coupling to be less than 10^(-5). Moreover, we identify a large parameter region, corresponding to a strong vector coupling regime, yielding exciting and viable cosmologies close to the LCDM limit.Comment: Refs. added, some clarifications. Published in JHEP10(2012)06