1,251 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Sibisa Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Kota Medan: Studi Kasus Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Medan

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi aplikasi sibisa dan deskripsi kinerja aparatur pemerintah kota Medan serta Pengaruh  Aplikasi Sibisa Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Kota Medan. Aplikasi sibisa merupakan sebuah  inovasi aplikasi berbasis web yang dikembangkan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Medan untuk pelayaan publik. Kemunculan aplikasi sibisa merupakan hasil dari gabungan modal sumber daya manusia (contohnya angkatan kerja terdidik), modal infrastruktur (contohnya fasilitas komunikasi yang berteknologi tinggi), modal sosial (contohnya jaringan komunitas yang terbuka). Pemerintah yang kuat dan dapat dipercaya disertai dengan orang-orang yang kreatif dan berpikiran terbuka akan meningkatkan produktivitas lokal. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan kinerja atau performance adalah hasil kerja oleh pegawai di pemerintah kota Medan dilihat dari aspek moral dan etika dan kerja sama dengan tidak  melanggar hukum untuk mencapai tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh organisasi. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis korelasi, regresi linier sederhana dengan sumber data primer dari pegawai di kantor Dukcapil Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai konstanta sebesar 27,035 sedangkan aplikasi sibisa sebagi variabel X memiliki nilai 1,387 sedangkan koefisien regresi variabel aplikasi sibisa (X) memperlihatkan setiap penambahan 1% nilai aplikasi sibisa maka, kinerja aparatur pemerintatah kota Medan bertambah sebesar 0,708 Kesimpulan akhir mengenai pengaruh aplikasi sibisan terhadap kinerja aparatur pemerintah kota Medan, diperoleh hasil korelasi yang positif dan baik. Sedangkan untuk hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh hasil signifikan antara aplikasi sibisa terhadap kinerja aparatur pemerintah kota Medan. Maka terdapat pengaruh aplikasi sibisa terhadap kinerja aparatur pemerintah kota Medan y = 27,035 + 1,387x

    A Comparison Of The Market Orientation Of Chinese And US Firms

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    A lack of empirical research exists on marketing orientation in China.  In order to begin to address this research gap, a study was conducted assessing managers’ perceptions of the market orientation of Chinese firms and its impact on business performance. Multiple measures of market orientation and business performance were assessed and analysis was conducted across different types of organizations and in different industries.  This analysis shows that Chinese firms have a strong market orientation. They recognize the importance of being kept informed about environmental trends, competitor activities and the evolving needs of their customers.  They disseminate information among their staff and respond to opportunities to provide better products and quality services to their customers.   Although the relationship between market orientation and business performance may be complex, this study provides some empirical evidence that better performance will be achieved by the market-oriented organization.

    Jesucristo proclamado Señor en la Iglesia: Pablo y las primeras profesiones de fe

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    El estudio examina algunos textos presentes en las cartas de San Pablo (1 Co 15,3-5; Rm 1,3b-4; Flp 2,5b-11) que la crítica bíblica considera pre-paulinos. En ellos se confiesa abiertamente a Jesucristo como Dios, como Señor. Esta confesión de fe en la divinidad de Jesús no es resultado de una evolución cultural. Aparece de manera abrupta en los orígenes del cristianismo. El artículo estudia cómo, tomando como punto de partida las acciones de Jesús, los primeros cristianos y San Pablo lo proclamaron y lo predicaron como Señor y Mesías según las Escrituras autoritativas de Israel.The study examines some texts that are present in the epistles of St Paul (1 Cor 15,3-5; Rom 1,3b-4; Phil 2,5b-11) that Biblical critics consider pre-Pauline. In them, Christ is proclaimed openly as God, as the Lord. This confession of faith in the divinity of Christ is not the result of cultural developments. It appears abruptly at the very origins of Christianity. This article studies how taking as starting point the actions of Jesus, the first Christians and St Paul proclaimed and preached Him as Lord and Messiah according to the authoritative Scriptures of Israel

    Fostering Global Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Latin America Using Government, Public Universities and Private SME Partnerships: The Vibrant International Trade Alliance (VITAL) Model

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    Economic development requires a complex mix of markets, financial resources, and expertise. Business development in Latin America has followed a tradition of natural resource exploitation, representing a classic example of the “old economy” in today’s global marketplace. However, in order to reap significant economic and social advancements it is imperative that this emerging region embrace a value-added approach requiring increasing knowledge resources. Today, the traditional drives of wealth creation—land, labor and capital—tend to be commodities. Ideas are the now the main currency driving development. One area where ideas flourish is entrepreneurship embedded in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). It is here where great promise for introducing innovation and boosting competitiveness lies. This paper, based on these notions, presents a development model that integrate—1) expertise from government agencies charged with enhancing international trade and investment (AITIs), 2) public institutions of higher education (PIHEs) charged with educating the next generation of globally competitive business leaders and 3) small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking real growth in the globalized business environment leading to a “win-win” situation for all. More specifically, the authors introduce one such model—VITAL (Vibrant International Trade Alliances), and—1) overview the realities of globalization that have created unprecedented SME opportunities for emerging markets, such as those in Latin America, 2) review the importance of entrepreneurship in moving SMEs to the next level of wealth creation, 3) present an example of the model currently utilized in a globally engaged U.S state (Virginia) that has fostered SME and entrepreneurial enterprises in global markets, 4) explains how the model can apply to Latin American nations and also to partnerships between Latin American nations and their U.S. counterparts, and 5) provides managerial, policy and future research implications related to this “boundary spanning” way of thinking
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